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Poles are not racist

23 Oct 2007 #181
you've just confirmed everything I've been going on about, you are all racist!

I think you might be exaggerating. In an extreme sense. None of the Poles I have met have gave any indication that they

believe black and asian people are an inferior race

In fact I see them getting along with black and asian people as though they are.. friends.

FISZ 24 | 2116
23 Oct 2007 #182
Sorry Fisz

No problem

But, On a side're making yourself look like a fool. All you're doing is repeating the same thing over and over...... and over and over you know, the bit about being guests and showing the respect for Asians and Blacks....we get the point that you don't like PL people (except fine PL women) :)
23 Oct 2007 #183
No pink jewel your comrades have the chip on their shoulder not me. If your people were not as racist as they are, and you know the majority of poles are racist, we would not be having this discussion now.

Do you think I like walking around with so much resentment? No, I don't. But when I see guests in MY COUNTRY coming over here and being racist to my black and asian friends it makes me f****** angry.
FISZ 24 | 2116
23 Oct 2007 #184
believe black and asian people are an inferior race

Drama...I think it's YOU with these paranoid thoughts.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503
23 Oct 2007 #185
Do you have any stats from reputable source to support that claim?

do we need stats to tell us that poland has some beautiful women or can we use our personal experience to answer this...?

can we conclude that because the likelihood of finding stats supporting this is approximate to the likelihood of finding stats telling us that polish people are rasist, that polish women are in fact ugly?
23 Oct 2007 #186
Have you been let out for the day? You come on here ranting and raving about Poles attitudes etc but have you looked at your own? Name-calling is something kids do, which makes me wonder about this claim of "33". Hmm, you may be Peter Pan of course...

Do something useful for "my England" tonight - get lost.
23 Oct 2007 #187

Your highness?

It is an honour, His Royal Highness here on PF. Bye bye Lizzie
23 Oct 2007 #188
But when I see guests in MY COUNTRY coming over here and being racist to my black and asian friends it makes me f****** angry.

And when I see some lunatic hiding behind a user name, coming on a website in order to stir trouble and talk a lot of rubbish about my Polish friends, that makes me angry. I'd refer you again to your dictionary regarding the word "racist" and think about what you're saying about Polish folk!
23 Oct 2007 #189
Fisz, thanks for your message, I might be repeating myself, its only because i keep getting asked the same questions again and again, why do i feel like this? And the answer, well you already know.

And to be honest with you I have several polish friends, but they were born here and there attitude is typically english, they don't have this hatred, this chip on their shoulder, and they are pretty ashamed of how the new generation behaves.

But Fisz I take your point, in that they have taken mine, I will now desist. At the end of the day its harder to hate than it is to be friends.
Zgubiony 15 | 1276
23 Oct 2007 #190

You have to relax with the constant name calling.
z_darius 14 | 3960
23 Oct 2007 #191
I'm not writing an essay Darius you complete pleb, I am talking from my experience!

You never met me, so you don't whether I'm stupid or smart. I haven't written anything racist. As a matter of fact racism is not acceptable to me. I merely asked you to provide some sources for some of the claims you made, such as:

- all Poles are racist
- Poland was conquered by Greeks and Turks

You were incapable to provide answers to any of the above, so you decided to resort to foul language. I still don;t understand how that makes me and idiot, or whatever else your "tolerant" personality makes you write about me.
23 Oct 2007 #192
ok Zgubiony i will, im sorry im just a little wound up

Darius I think Bubbwoo answers your question here

do we need stats to tell us that poland has some beautiful women or can we use our personal experience to answer this...?

can we conclude that because the likelihood of finding stats supporting this is approximate to the likelihood of finding stats telling us that polish people are rasist, that polish women are in fact ugly?
z_darius 14 | 3960
23 Oct 2007 #193
this is approximate to the likelihood of finding stats telling us that polish people are rasist, that polish women are in fact ugly?

Actually, we can't use this parallel, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Racism rarely is.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503
23 Oct 2007 #194
you missed the point dude - even after dandeanuk spelt it out for you
z_darius 14 | 3960
23 Oct 2007 #195
can we conclude that because the likelihood of finding stats supporting this is approximate to the likelihood of finding stats telling us that polish people are rasist, that polish women are in fact ugly?

The allegation of racism is a serious one. Racism is a criminal offense, at least here in Canada. Your law and ours are similar. The accuser carries burden of proof. You can prove that particular individuals are racist, but to prove that the entire nation is... well... roll up the sleeves, you got a lot of work to do. Before you have a compelling body of evidence (other than 5 or six Poles you met), you are just a story teller.
23 Oct 2007 #196
OKOK this has been a heated by very heart felt discussion, and I know I have offended several of you, and I'm sorry, that was never my intention. I was just trying to understand that's all. And my conclusion is maybe you do not realise how endemic this attitude is in your culture. Did any of you see Ross Kemp on gangs when he was with the football thugs in Poland? Their racist attitude was shocking and to think the Polish youth is bringing that here does not fill me with joy.
z_darius 14 | 3960
23 Oct 2007 #197
you missed the point dude - even after dandeanuk spelt it out for you

I admit I missed a few of his points. Do you mean the ones where he offends me without good reason to do so?
The fella throws in ideas and statements without any proof. He even rewrites history. How's that for a reliable source of info?

Are some Poles racist?
Hell, sure some are. I know a few myself.
All all Poles racist?
I dunno. There is over 50 million of them around the world. I didn't have a chance to meet them all. Did you?
23 Oct 2007 #198
darius darius darius, its more than 5 or 6 mate trust me, do you not know your own people
23 Oct 2007 #199
the Polish youth is bringing that here

oh we don't need 'the polish youth' to have that here. Just yesterday I was talking to some fool about his membership with the KKK. He's Scottish. Every nation has it's fools.
23 Oct 2007 #200
Exactly but some nations have more fools than others
z_darius 14 | 3960
23 Oct 2007 #201
Are these links about Polish residents in the UK? me=Zone-English-News/NWELayout _universities%3F
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503
23 Oct 2007 #202

its not my intention to patronise or call you a twat but the liklehood of finding stats proving most people get angry after being slapped around the face with a wet kipper does not disprove the fact that most people would be pretty p*ssed off

asking for stats to prove such a thing is... pretty silly, regardless of how important stats 'from a credible source' seem to be before some people are able to accept things

im am not saying that poles are rasist, i am saying that its pretty silly to ask for stats in order to prove they are not
23 Oct 2007 #203
BubbaWoo thanks I'd given up any hope of getting that point across, if he doesn't understand now after you've expressed the point to eloquently, I don't think he ever will.

Darius! There isn't an international league table depicting what countries have the highest concentration of racists, and to what ethnic groups they are racist to. I wish there was but sadly mate there isn't, if it bothers you so much maybe you should instigate one!

Oh yeah I'm not a story teller I'm telling you stuff based on my life experience, after all thats all i have to base an opinion on!
z_darius 14 | 3960
23 Oct 2007 #204
im am not saying that poles are rasist, i am saying that its pretty silly to ask for stats in order to prove they are not

If you say "Poles are racists" then it's silly to say so without having some proof, as you are generalizing an entire nation, so yes, stats would be nice to see.

If you say "some Poles are racist" they you are right, and all the proof we need is your statement based on personal experience.
23 Oct 2007 #205
how about the majority of poles are racist then? do you concur?
23 Oct 2007 #206
I'm telling you stuff based on my life experience, after all thats all i have to base an opinion on!

Exactly! So to come on here and make sweeping statements like you did is what has got everyone so annoyed.
z_darius 14 | 3960
23 Oct 2007 #207
how about the majority of poles are racist then? do you concur?

The word "majority" is quantitative (50% + 1), so no, accepting this without actual numbers would not be an option for purposes other than general bickering.
Lady in red
23 Oct 2007 #208
how about the majority of poles are racist then? do you concur?

That's not true and is just your view based on some experience you may or may not have encountered.

It's a ridiculous statement and you have to bear in mind that even Asians and Africans can be racist as well. Why do posters suddenly seem to be the experts on various matters because they have had some limited experience or exposure and suddenly, because of this they deem themselves as the experts on that given situation.
23 Oct 2007 #209
If the majority of Polish were like you here on this forum, then everything would be cool, but are you the rule or the exception to the rule.

Pinkjewel I'm not hiding behind a made up name the user name is my actual name minus the UK, I have no reason to hide!
Lady in red
23 Oct 2007 #210
accepting this without actual numbers would not be an option for purposes other than general bickering.

Agreed :)

If the majority of Polish were like you here on this forum, then everything would be cool, but are you the rule or the exception to the rule.

But you cannot state what the majority of Polish people are like based on your own views. Which are based on 'your view' which is a very small percentage, even that would not register on any scale :(

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