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Is it worth returning to Poland in old age?

OP Alien  23 | 5572
31 Oct 2022   #91
You could continue to walk along the corridors as a ghost lehrer.😱
pawian  219 | 24885
31 Oct 2022   #92
walk along the corridors as a ghost lehrer

Of course I will coz I got embedded into school environment and will visit it often in after life until I am reborn into the next body.
OP Alien  23 | 5572
22 Feb 2024   #93
after life until I am reborn into the next body.

This time as an orangutan?
pawian  219 | 24885
22 Feb 2024   #94
Whichever monkey/ape will be OK, I am not a racist.
Novichok  4 | 7859
22 Feb 2024   #95
Is it worth returning to Poland in old age?
Only if you are a childless loser and treated your new country as just a better version of Motel 6.
pawian  219 | 24885
22 Feb 2024   #96
childless loser and treated your new country as just a better version of Motel 6.

But you visited Poland in 2017 to check out the possibilities of moving here for good. Were you a childless loser then????
OP Alien  23 | 5572
22 Feb 2024   #97
Only if you are a childless loser

It is more likely that your children will send you to a nursing home in Poland because it is cheaper and maybe safer there.
pawian  219 | 24885
22 Feb 2024   #98
It is more likely that your children will send you to a nursing home in Poland


PS. Sorry for this stupid laughter at serious matters.
Novichok  4 | 7859
22 Feb 2024   #99
It is more likely that your children will send you to a nursing home

I have Plan B if I sensed that...suicide by a Corvette...
pawian  219 | 24885
22 Feb 2024   #100
suicide by a Corvette...

Exactly! Like Thelma and Louise!!!

  • maxresdefault.jpg
OP Alien  23 | 5572
22 Feb 2024   #101
...suicide by a Corvette...

I feel sorry for........this Corvette.
OP Alien  23 | 5572
19 Oct 2024   #102
Johnny, Novi, don't hesitate, if after the elections America "goes to the dogs" then come back to Poland. Poland will welcome you with open arms.
Lenka  5 | 3489
19 Oct 2024   #103
Alien, please don't say that. Poland suffered enough in it's history.
johnny reb  46 | 7667
2 days ago   #104
Awe come on Lenka.
I would be a great asset to some loving Polish caretaker like you.
I already know that you are a good cook.
I am very low maintenance and would respect and be very generous to a loving Polish caretaker.
Something happened to me that I thought would never happen to me and that is not long ago I looked in the mirror and saw a worn out old man with wrinkles and a drooping face.
I no longer even take time to comb my hair or shave on most days.
I am a pathetic mess and would feel very blessed to have someone to pamper me in my old age.
P.M. me if you are interested in taking poor old johnny reb in for some extra modest income.
Does your Mom know how to play cribbage ?
The only thing that stops me from coming to Poland is those nasty jealous ex-pat Brits that are unsaved souls.
pawian  219 | 24885
2 days ago   #105
Poland will welcome you with open arms.

That`s the stupidest thing you have ever said in this forum. We have enough azholes of native origin here.
OP Alien  23 | 5572
2 days ago   #106
That`s the stupidest thing

Where is your Polish hospitality? Furthermore, as good Christians, we forgive sins when the sinner expresses remorse. 💒
pawian  219 | 24885
2 days ago   #107

I suspend it when dealing with maniacal rightists, murderous nationalists and stupified homo sovieticuses.


Those two Am maniacs will never admit they regret anything. But if I live longer, I will say prayers for their souls anyway so that they don`t turn into maniacal demons in afterlife.
OP Alien  23 | 5572
1 day ago   #108
maniacal demons in afterlife.
Johnny Demon or Novighost, that sounds pretty good.
Miloslaw  21 | 5050
1 day ago   #109
The answer to the original question is No.

With Russia behaving the way it is at the moment, this would not be a good time to move to Poland.

I must admit that I did think about it a few years ago, but with my recently extended family I could not move now.
Even without the threat from Russia.
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 day ago   #110
with my recently extended family I could not move now.

... and so, another Pole is forever lost to Poland.
Miloslaw  21 | 5050
1 day ago   #111
and so, another Pole is forever lost to Poland.

No.I never lived there.More Russian propaganda....... you guys really know how to lie......
Novichok  4 | 7859
1 day ago   #112
Is it worth returning to Poland in old age?
It depends from where.

NK - yes. The US - NO!
OP Alien  23 | 5572
20 hrs ago   #113
NK - yes.

I don't know what NK is.....but if this is North Korea then there's no coming back from there.

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