complete, non-dysfunctional family
This is the ideal to which we should aspire. But we are fallible humans so all too often it doesn't work out. My criticism is mainly aimed at those -- media, entertainment industry, celebrities, pop culture in general -- who popularise, glamourise and try to normativise dysfucntional arrangements and make them look cool, trendy and upscale to gullible youth. It's as simple as that.
My home is not 'broken'
I was not defining your home - what made you think that? I always prefer discussing issues of society-wide significance than individual people's foibles. Do you read celebrity gossip mags? I avoid them with a passion.
Children from single parent homes are no more or less likely to anything than children from two-parent homes.
Your wishful-thinking-style statement about the kids of single mothers being totally unaffected by their circumtances is one the most ridiculous and outrageous things you have ever posted here, and you've come up with some doozies. In fact, if you were someone influential, that would be a downright depravatory act, because it might be taken as a go-ahead: unwed motherhood does nto adversely affect children in any way. Fortunately, your private opinion is of little consequence to anyone. The following may englighten you, but I doubt it. You are too set in your ways!
Children born to unmarried mothers are more likely to grow up in a single-parent household, experience instable living arrangements, live in poverty, and have socio-emotional problems. As these children reach adolescence, they are more likely to have low educational attainment, engage in sex at a younger age, and have a birth outside of marriage. As young adults, children born outside of marriage are more likely to be idle (neither in school nor employed), have lower occupational status and income, and have more troubled marriages and more divorces than those born to married parents.