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Racism in Poland - the future

shygirl888  1 | 10
16 Jul 2010   #151
wHat the hell? Of course i'm from france and people just try to prevent me to not go in warsaw. When i laugh, they say you'll see.

but i wanted to ask in case, to people on place

And why people are talking about Jews?? This is so out :/
sledz  23 | 2247
16 Jul 2010   #152
And why people are talking about Jews?? This is so out :/

Its not the Jews it the Muslims that Poles are silently worrying about?

With the mass exodus of Poles leaving their homeland in search of money, the vacuum is slowly being filled by Muslims, 30 / 40 years from now it will be an Islamic nation.

Poles always run away instead of trying to fix their problems, thats why its down the tubes
shygirl888  1 | 10
17 Jul 2010   #153
Yes but even though they were muslims, it's their business, they probably do this between 4 walls so what are you worrying about.
See it like that: As if in everyday life you'd be worried about what your neighbor bought in the supermarket
That's really too paranoïd; All you'll have is hate if you have the desire to forbid ppl to do what they've always did. That's what i noticed. Look at France. All the rebellions. It's the energy they felt from the french citizen (who have been brainwashed)

And even if it's linked, If you talk about jews and muslims we talk about anti semitism and islamophobie and not racism (i won't do a definition of this). OUT OF TOPIC

[excuse my english]
PWEI  3 | 612
22 Sep 2011   #154
Merged: Report on racism in Poland
doesn't make for happy reading.

One bit in the summary made me wonder: "The racist crime rate in 2009 increased in comparison to previous years. In particular, black people are vulnerable to verbal and physical attacks. AntiSemite slogans and posters still remain a problem." Is that increase caused by an increase in racism in Poland or is simply that there are more minorities in Poland and so there are more of them for crime to be committed against?
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
22 Sep 2011   #155
will people be racist to me for being English in Poland?
teflcat  5 | 1024
22 Sep 2011   #156
Only if you tell them what you think about Poles in the UK.
PWEI  3 | 612
22 Sep 2011   #157
will people be racist to me for being English in Poland?

It's possible (I do know people who have been attacked for being English) but unlikely. Of course, if you're other than white English, the chances go up significantly.
cheesymac  4 | 60
22 Sep 2011   #158
polish are pussies.. there prize fighter in KSW is a chechen... LOL
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
22 Sep 2011   #159
^Who honed his craft in Poland with Polish trainers and Polish training partners. You don't get anywhere in this sport without having tough training partners. Think of this as something you just learned without having to experience it. You're welcome
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
22 Sep 2011   #160
other than white English,

I'm of English ethnicity, not WHITE English, that's a ridiculous term concocted by the government. I'm just English not White that is an American concept of race. In Poland you have ethnic Poles and ethnic Belorussians,you used to have ethnic Jews, no such thing as White Polish.
gumishu  16 | 6182
22 Sep 2011   #161
being non-white can have its consequences in Poland - that is not promoting racial prejudices - that is just stating there are racial prejudices and racial hate among some Poles
22 Sep 2011   #162
Polish Jews and Belarussians are white. And then who cares if they are.....
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
22 Sep 2011   #163
being non-white can have its consequences in Poland

No you don't get me, I am English.Yes that means I'm white, but I don't like the term White English, It's an absurd term, I was making a point that no one in Poland is called white Polish, if an Pakistani man was born in Poland, he would still be an Pakistani. Yet in England I am reduced to being referred to by the government and lefty media as 'white working class' No I'm English not White I just happen to be White. I think you will find that the English are not yellow or purple, we are the same colour as you Poles.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
22 Sep 2011   #164
Racism?...Jews?...Jews aren't a race...I posted the Merriam-Webster definition of racism once, but I guess many are not acquainted with dictionaries...

Perhaps it is Blacks you talk about?...Poland will not see any significant influx of Blacks because the language is too difficult, and the culture too different...

Anyhow, here are your beloved Jews: Perhaps they learned this behavior from the 'nazi' Poles who so persecuted them...


Questions About Your Mother

If you saw criminal thugs hitting and dragging your mother as seen in the picture below, what would you do? What would you do if your government defended such criminals, even ordered them to steal everything from your family and mistreat your mother like that during Christmas? What would you suggest should be done to protect this woman from the thugs?

The picture is from yesterday in the Al-Walajeh village north-west of the occupied Palestinian city of Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. Al-Walajeh is a peaceful beautiful village that is slated for ethnic cleansing (for the second time) under the full protection of the USA and the EU.
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
22 Sep 2011   #165
Anyhow, here are your beloved Jews: Perhaps they learned this behavior from the 'nazi' Poles who so persecuted them...

I am not a Jew, I don't know what you have against them? I'm an English lad who was brought up Church of England .

And if you look at the Polish pre war census you will see they are defined as an ethnicity, same applies to the Soviet Union/Russia where they are still counted as an ethnic group.
look at Pasternak's ethnicity in the right hand corner.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
22 Sep 2011   #166
I am not a Jew, I don't know what you have against them? I'm an English lad who was brought up Church of England .

Me, I have nothing against Jews per se, just am disgusted with Israel, for many reasons.

I get a little upset when I see 'Poles' whining on the PF about 'Polish racism' and 'anti-semitism'...The Jewish government in Israel just confirms every stereotype about themselves...And yes, they are an ethnicity, from Eastern Europe and Russia...And they are 'ethnically cleansing' the Palestinians, under the pretext that they are descended from Biblical Israelites.
gumishu  16 | 6182
22 Sep 2011   #167
I was making a point that no one in Poland is called white Polish,

well- actually I have met quite a good couple black people in England who you can't possibly call anything else but English (or British if you insisted) - because there are black English people (do I need to list some famous English sportsmen who are black) then you have also the white English (pretty simple and basic logic) - there is no popular term White Polish because of one important thing - there is no community of black Polish people to speak of - there are Polish people of mixed black and white origin but their numbers are so low they don't form any visible minority (you can't say that two or three coloured celebrities in Poland form a minority) -

the question is actually if you believe Lennox Lewis, Rio Ferdinand, Lewis Hamilton and millions of Britons who have some sort of black heritage are English - if not who are they then - consider also that there are millions of people in Britain who are not only black but hardly can be called English or Britons - neither were there born nor feel a strong connection to Britain - so yes there is a point in calling people black English people (to discern from other black people in Britain) - if there is a point of calling some people black English people there is also a point of calling some people white English people (if all English people were white save for some negligible minority like in Poland there would have been no point of using a term 'English, white')
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
22 Sep 2011   #168

The English are an ethnic group

The Dutch for instance have no problem saying ethnic Dutch ( who have a similar similar demographic in terms of modern immigrant communities to us), why is it so politicly incorrect to say ethnic English? I am not merely white , I am ethnic English, simple as.

Dutch census:
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
22 Sep 2011   #169
Poland will not see any significant influx of Blacks because the language is too difficult, and the culture too different...

Africans originally spoke African languages, yet they managed to learn to speak French and English. Would learning Polish really be so much more difficult?

Polish culture isn't that significantly different to western European culture - comparing, for example, Spanish culture to Japanese culture would be a completely different matter.

the question is actually if you believe

I think it depends on whether you believe that blacks can be considered "indigenous" to the UK or not. That's another thread altogether, though. I can't be bothered going into it myself, because I already know which way it will go. Especially as some will predictably say that there's "no such thing as indigenous English/British/White Europeans" etc (implying that only non-whites can be "indigenous peoples"); while at the same time, mentioning that those Polynesian immigrants, the Maori, are most definitely "indigenous to New Zealand". See why I don't want to get involved? lol ;)
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
22 Sep 2011   #170
Me, I have nothing against Jews per se, just am disgusted with Israel, for many reasons.

I couldn't care less about Israel, the western media are obsessed with them. There are far worse conflicts in the world Yemen, Congo, Darfur, Somalia, Sri lanka, Kurdistan that nobody seems to give two hoots about. The Turks (who are members of Nato) are bombing the cr*p out of the Kurds and the world turns a blind eye and they have the audacity to criticize the Israelis.

What Russia does In Chechnia or Dagestan is just as bad yet gets a fraction of the coverage.
gumishu  16 | 6182
22 Sep 2011   #171
it's not about saying the English are not ethnicity - it is saying that if you insist only white people of British origin are English (actually what about the Irish who are now completely assimilated (Liverpool, Glasgow) and have been for a couple generations) the problem arises: what do you call people like the mentioned above Lenox Lewis, Lewis Hamilto, Rio Ferdinand, Ashley Cole (and so on and on and on) - are they not English? does it matter if they are not 100 per cent indigenous?? -

there are a couple of reknown people in Poland who are of mixed racial background yet they were at least raised in POland (I don't know if also born in Poland - but does it really matter) - their first language is Polish - some even don't know any other language to any sensible extent - are these people not Polish? - sure they are Polish - and noone in his right mind will argue about that - we don't talk about 'white Polish' people is just because there is so few black Polish people - if you say a Pole you imagine a white person simple as that (ok some English morons might actually disagree because their sense of whiteness seems not to be actually based on persons complexion) - it does not work in England (not all whites in Britain/England are English/British (Poles/some Irish(latecormers)/French chefs/Portuguese immigrants etc) and not all blacks are not English) - I thought it was all so simple

btw there is the WASP term in American English - if you really insist on highlighting your ethnic/racial background you can perhaps call yourself Anglo-Saxon or White Anglo-Saxon - you wouldn't call a person of mixed race Anglo-Saxon would you? - case solved??

- btw it seems strange that English people are afraid to state a simple fact they are white (those who indeed are)
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
22 Sep 2011   #172
Especially as some will predictably say that there's "no such thing as indigenous English/British/White Europeans" etc (implying that only non-whites can be "indigenous peoples")

It is really cool and progressive to help encourage and fund native cultures even here in Britain such as the Welsh or Cornish, yet being proud of native English culture makes you a racist.

And no the whole England was always a nation of immigrants crap is a modern left wing piece of historical revisionism. The same can be said for example of Poland in that it was originally inhabited by Germanic,Celtic and Baltic peoples and the Slavs only came in the Dark ages and absorbed their predecessors, afterwards in turn being conquered themselves briefly by the Mongols, influxes of Tatars all of which would by the late middle ages have coalesced or been assimilated into a Polish ethnicity But no one will deny a Pole his right to be an ethnic Pole.

The native English are essentially the Anglo Saxons + Allot of Anglized Celts + Anglised , assimilated Danish and Norwegian Vikings + Pre celtic peoples who were simply assimilated by the Celts. By 1066 an English identity was already there. I am not an Anglo- Saxon as my mother is from West Devon and is probably an Anglicised Celt as are meant other people. The Normans did NOT regard themselves as ethnic English and took them about 300-350 years to embrace English identity, but also had a very limited genetic impact as they were no more than a small ruling elite.

I respect the right of to be of the Cornish to be called ethnic Cornish, and yet I chided for being proud of being English.
modafinil  - | 416
22 Sep 2011   #173
It is really cool and progressive to help encourage and fund native cultures even here in Britain such as the Welsh or Cornish, yet being proud of native English culture makes you a racist.

Does it? Give some examples.
Every English person I know is proud of who they are and their heritage.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
22 Sep 2011   #174
Le Roi Athelstan would do well to read Daniel Dafoe's poem "A True Born Englishman" and then try to explain how its verses, first published in 1701, are modern left-wing historical revisionism.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
22 Sep 2011   #175
I am not an Anglo- Saxon as my mother is from West Devon and is probably an Anglicised Celt

Who lived where and how people identified themselves 1500 years ago has precious little to do with anything today.
gumishu  16 | 6182
22 Sep 2011   #176
afterwards in turn being conquered themselves briefly by the Mongols, influxes of Tatars all

Poland was never conquered by the Mongols - get your history straight - it was invaded yes, but the Mongols withdrew pretty soon (they did not really occupy the country) because of some dynastic feuds among themselves

Tatars never conquered Poland or any part of Poland either - they frequently raided - mostly to loot and take slaves
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
22 Sep 2011   #177
Who lived where and how people identified themselves 1500 years ago has precious little to do with anything today.

The native English are essentially the Anglo Saxons + Allot of Anglized Celts + Anglised , assimilated Danish and Norwegian Vikings + Pre celtic peoples who were simply assimilated by the Celts. By 1066 an English identity was already there.The Normans did NOT regard themselves as ethnic English and took them about 300-350 years to embrace English identity, by witch time the Viking decendents of Yorkshire, the celts of Cumbria and Devon had all coallced into a responsibly English ethnicty as opposed to Anglo saxon.

Does it? Give some examples. Every English person I know is proud of who they are and their heritage.

London for instance has completely lost it's native cockney English identity, in England, the 'multiculturalism' we have been fore fed is apparently the only thing we are aloud to be proud of, according Red Ken Livingstone. It is racist to fly a St Georges cross, it is racist to have a parade for st georges day, yet a festival for Ramadan is not only encouraged but funded by the tax payer. I thank god Am not from London, but my grandfather is and it brought a tear to his eye to sea what it has become after visiting, it is not just London but other major cities like Birmingham and Bradford. We bend over backwards to accommodate the needs and whims of people from India,Pakistan,Africa ( put up council signs in their lanaguge,, fund their festivals, even have ethnic minotiy employemnt quotas, they are scared to offend Muslims and bend over backwards to please their every demand even install third world type toilets for them. Yet native english culture is deemed racist.

Here English people get discriminated against for not being 'ethnic' enough.

The welsh have Welsh cultural prohects funded by the tax payer, you see flags flying everywhere in wales, no so in England.

The English are an ethnic group like the Kurds and the Appache Indians and the Serbs and the Poles or any other.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
22 Sep 2011   #178
The native English are essentially the Anglo Saxons

The native English are much more than a group of people who lived centuries ago and spoke a different language. Some of us are even black, others are Jewish; others too have Polish ancestry. But all are part of the nation.

Yet native english culture is deemed racist.

By whom?
22 Sep 2011   #179
Can Germanic people be Polish?
modafinil  - | 416
22 Sep 2011   #180
Here English people get discriminated against for not being 'ethnic' enough.

All your stories are from the whingy self-pitying Express/Daily mail group. Have you anything of your own where their is a denial of your right to pride, as you can only find a few stories that make the newspapers for being bizarre and written for whingers. Only looked at two first one the flag was blocking the rear view from the car there is nothing illegal about displaying the st george cross, second the job was to encourage minorities to take an interest in the local environment where the ethnicity was 97% White English, frankly I'm please that a foreigner would take an interest in our environment and landscape. Thought the Independent may be interesting but was irrelevant.

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