PolAmKrakow 2 | 928
30 Mar 2024 #61
And there is the difference in thinking. What you call sensible, is not always what women want, and it is becoming less and less of what young men want. What is wrong with young men wanting more traditional roles in the family, or a more traditional woman? I have been all over the world and Europe, women in general are much more family oriented here than North America. Is it sensible to have a child, and go back to work after three months to make 10K zloty in a management position when a nanny or good child care is going to take half that money? I dont think so, especially not when it comes to the childs development and bonding with its mother. It makes more sense for the father to take on a second job.
Poland has great maternity policy, but in the US and Canada no such policy exists. Children are not raised by their mothers, they go off to daycare centers, so mom can go back to work. I find it strange that a mother would rather work than raise her child or stay home with them for more than a few weeks. Polands women are very well educated, but not all of them want careers, many would love to be able to be stay at home mothers. With 800+ and the maternity policy here, women really dont have to choose between family and work. In North America its a very different place.
And there is the difference in thinking. What you call sensible, is not always what women want, and it is becoming less and less of what young men want. What is wrong with young men wanting more traditional roles in the family, or a more traditional woman? I have been all over the world and Europe, women in general are much more family oriented here than North America. Is it sensible to have a child, and go back to work after three months to make 10K zloty in a management position when a nanny or good child care is going to take half that money? I dont think so, especially not when it comes to the childs development and bonding with its mother. It makes more sense for the father to take on a second job.
Poland has great maternity policy, but in the US and Canada no such policy exists. Children are not raised by their mothers, they go off to daycare centers, so mom can go back to work. I find it strange that a mother would rather work than raise her child or stay home with them for more than a few weeks. Polands women are very well educated, but not all of them want careers, many would love to be able to be stay at home mothers. With 800+ and the maternity policy here, women really dont have to choose between family and work. In North America its a very different place.