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Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent

Lyzko  44 | 9713
19 Jul 2016   #211
Apparently once again, we've a sever failure to communicate, the fault of which lies either with your English (more than likely), or merely the fact that I'm attempting to discuss matters rationally:-)
Ironside  50 | 12930
19 Jul 2016   #212
I'm attempting to discuss matters rationally:-)

So you say but I'm waiting and waiting.
Unjustified generalization is all that you say and then some sly remarks. If you put Poland into the same category as Germany - that is not rational. If you talk about guilt in the context of Poland - that is not rational.

Apparently once again, we've a sever failure to communicate, the fault of which lies either with your English

Don't be a dick.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
19 Jul 2016   #213
You know the US vulgar slang, but scarcely the higher level of English required in order to debate with a native English speaker!

I stand by the facts, not opinions.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
25 Jul 2016   #214
a minority of wrong-thinking people in Poland or elsewhere who really blame the victim entirely for what happened instead of perhaps looking for the root causes of modern anti-Semitism aka THE CHURCH!!!

Nasty xenophobe, "the church" is centuries ahead of what your "ultra-orthodox" lunatics keep carry on. Dude, get a life, you weren't even born when these things were happening.
Crow  154 | 9509
25 Jul 2016   #215
Same way i am against germanizarion, anglicization or arabization, i am against jewishization of modern-day Poland. As for business and peaceful coexistence, i am all for it
Lyzko  44 | 9713
25 Jul 2016   #216
Neither were you, Grzegorz, which is what makes your comments so meaningless!! You obviously are aware as well that the Catholic Church purposely fomented anti-Semitism through its propagation of the lie that the JEWS, rather than the Romans, crucified Christ:-)

Anything else you'd care to know, smarty?
10iwonka10  - | 359
25 Jul 2016   #217
What propagation by church ? - In film and book 'quo vadis Domine'- it clearly shows that Romans did it.....and it is propagated by church.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
25 Jul 2016   #218

The Catholic Church had been spreading lies for centuries concerning the Jews as "Christ killers"! This was of course the primary, if not the very foundation, of anti-Semitism worldwide, at least among Christians:-) It was ironically one of your own, that veritable patron saint of a pope, the late Karol Wojtyła, who finally (and long overdue, I might add!) exonerated the Jews by saying that the Jews did not murder Christ.

When unknowing people innocently inquire "Why was there anti-Semitism?" The answer lies therein. That the Jews were later demonized as harbingers of evil, conspirators bent on world domination ad nauseum, all stems from that mistaken notion that the Jews killed Christ.

The Church then, in cooperation with local aristocracy, made life unbearable for the Jews, preventing them from owning property, joining the army, professional guilds etc..., thus ostracizing them from the society which was forced to take them in in the first place. Herein lies the tragic irony of the Jews throughout history.
10iwonka10  - | 359
25 Jul 2016   #219
I have never really followed it from your point of view but I think it is history now....I don't remember from my lifespan ever hearing anything anti Jewish in Catholic church. Maybe Jews similar Polish like to feel sorry for themselves. I think it causes bitterness and so much negativity.

I don't know maybe I live in UK which is not very religious and rather cynical country so i got more cynical now....If someone tried to tell here about Jews killing Christ they would laugh and say that Christ is some imaginary figure which never existed. ha, ha sad but at least not much antisemitism here.

Just changing subject but similar thing just as example.I know it is on smaller scale.
I recently read some article about Catholic church in East Anglia /Norfolk in UK (area where i live). It was permanently ( with some breaks when King/Queen was Catholic) prosecuted for centuries. Lots people were killed, many moved to France. And now - some catholic churches are back but lots are taken over by Church of England which is nearly 'dead' and changed to coffee shops. When you think about it...but as for today both religion exists in peace next to each other.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
25 Jul 2016   #220
Ahemm, do you honestly believe the good gentile folk of Europe awoke one fine morning and decided to become (often vicious and bloodthirsty) anti-Semites just for the kick of it, burning Jews at the stake, burning them out of their homes (as in 13th cent. Lincolnshire in England) and trying to excise them from Christian society??!

Maybe y'all DID go to church on Sunday and sit through the sermons, readings and lessons, but perhaps you were ASLEEP through it all:-)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Jul 2016   #221
".I don't remember from my lifespan ever hearing anything anti Jewish in Catholic church."

Neither have I in my lifetime, here in Poland nor in the UK, for over some 50 years
10iwonka10  - | 359
25 Jul 2016   #222
But I live in XX-XXI century not XIII- life has moved on ......I wonder is it in Jewish culture to bring you up as permanent victims of something?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
25 Jul 2016   #223
While I can't recall chapter and verse, I recollect reading in the New Testament something along the lines of "Anyone, be he heathen or Jew, can still enter the Kingdom of Heaven so long as he takes Christ into his heart."

The implication here is that if one is not a Christian, one is therefore condemned to an afterlife of everlasting damnation amid the hellfires of Satan, ergo, to be a valid/valuable human being, is to be or become a Christian:-)

Dolno, you and Iwonka should try to stay awake during service or you guys'll miss all the important stuff!!

@Iwonka, as long as there are folks out there who yell epithets such as "Dirty Jew!", "Filthy kike!" etc., it's time to take off the rose-colored glasses there, sweetie pie and take a look at the real world around you!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Jul 2016   #224
"life has moved on "

Exactly we have moved on from the past , I don't hate the Russian people although the soviets killed half of my family, I have no hatred for the Jewish people, and since my return to Poland over the last 3 years, I have not once heard anyone say anything anti Jewish.

Albeit I have had to listen to plenty of people on this forum picking on Jews but non of them appear live in modern day Poland.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
25 Jul 2016   #225
You're indeed an incurable optimist, dolno! In ignorance there must be bliss, i.e. what you don't know or care to know, can't hurt you, is that right? Seems friend, you're not only an incurable optimist, but an incurable IGNORAMUS as wellLOL

dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Jul 2016   #226
"Dirty Jew!", "Filthy kike!" etc., Sorry Lyzko Take a look at who posts anti Jewish clap trap here on this forum, yes it's usually your American compatriots.

I have spent plenty of time living and working in the USA, when I lived in Texas all you would hear down the sports bar was anti Jewish anti black claptrap.

"indeed an incurable optimist, dolno! ", not really Lyzko , I live for and work towards a better future.

" but an incurable IGNORAMUS as wellLOL", Was that personal comment really called for,
Lyzko  44 | 9713
25 Jul 2016   #227
Bury your poor little head further in the sand and sooner or later you won't be able to breathe at all:-)

We didn't create this stinking brew called "humanity", but at least come clean as to its foibles, dolnośląsk!

There are none so deaf as those who will not hear and none so blind as those who will not see!

@MODS, just bear in mind apropos my earlier post: CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT!!!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Jul 2016   #228
Tell me Lyzko how long ago was it that you lived in Poland as a jew? (Did you ever live in Poland)

Have you been to Poland recently and experienced hatred towards Jews?

There is more hate towards Jews in other EU countries, the UK for example where the opposition government appears to be taking an anti Jewish stance.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
25 Jul 2016   #229
When last in Poland, round about '95, I received odd glances from people when I began speaking Polish. While naturally, I was doing THEM the favor in this case, there seemed a perceptible chill in the air.

When we went back to the hotel, my buddy Boguś confessed that they were a little floored because they didn't expect an American-born Jew with NO Polish background to speak even basic Polish. He continued that they suspected I was Jewish.

"How did they know"?, I inquired. "Oh, don't worry Marku! They know, believe me!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Jul 2016   #230
Lyzko last visit 95!! that's 21 years ago, Poland was still emerging from being a closed state anyone different would draw attention.

"He continued that they suspected I was Jewish. "
But no one beat you or your friend up..

With your skill in the Polish language you should fit in well if you come and visit now, lots new to see and do since 1995.

I honestly do not believe you being Jewish will bring you any harm here today.

Please take a moment to read the article below, I am not the only " incurable optimist"

Poland is the safest place in Europe for Jews today
Ironside  50 | 12930
25 Jul 2016   #231
Are you trolling Lyzko?
I doubt that you have ever been in Poland. Came to think about it you might not even be Jewish.

I received odd glances from people when I began speaking Polish

They have been wondering why're you making such strange noises. Given your obvious inability to write a simple sentence correctly in that language.

The Catholic Church had been spreading lies for centuries concerning the Jews as "Christ killers"

Look at that. Isn't that strange that Jews haven't surveyed anywhere beside Catholic countries> until the modern times#? You're not very bright are you and you're communist as well, that clear.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
25 Jul 2016   #232
While you're probably right in what you say, I contend that modern-day Poles, much as with contemporary Germans, Austrians, Ukrainians, Balts and others, are merely on "good behavior", having gotten their arses reamed back in WWII. Most older gentile Europeans whom I've met and spoken to at length are in my estimation "de-fanged" anti-Semites, scarcely raving racists, but ever so suspicious of whom they perceive as outsiders!

I too hope to extend the proverbial olive branch to a stranger, on the other hand, there's an old saying in English: "A leopard doesn't change its spots!" People change their surface behavior, rarely (if ever) their basic character:-)

@Ironside, it is namely YOU who are trolling, sir, not I! How many times have I posted about my wonderful, if all too short, sojourn to Szczecin?? At least ten, counting now. As to the rest of the claptrap you've posted, I wouldn't dignify the half of it with a reply:-)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Jul 2016   #233
" older gentile Europeans whom I've met and spoken to at length are in my estimation "de-fanged" anti-Semites"
Then they won't be around much longer, it's the younger generation you need to look to in Poland, they are the future.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
25 Jul 2016   #234
The "future", as with Millenial types in Scandinavia, Germany and other Northern European countries, tend indeed more towards the exotic, scarcely European-looking New York Jewish intellectuals, but rather, African-Americans, Asians and Hispanics. Adventurous, empowered, educated, and multilingual younger Polish women usually prefer brown-skinned hubbies to procreate "future" brown-skinned babies to catapulty stodgy old-world Europe (finally!!!) into the 21st century:-)

The LAST thing they'd want is to be mired in a Chopin-loving, hand-kissing, fossilized existence of a museum-like and outdated (HORRORS!!!) "European" identityLOL
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
26 Jul 2016   #235
Neither were you, Grzegorz, which is what makes your comments so meaningless!!

No, It wasn't meaningless, because that's you who push forward xenophobic stereotypes. Catholic Church left behind such nonsense long time ago (these days with new Pope they are actually far too liberal) while one could easily find your "ultra orthodox rabbis" still calling Goys livestock, so perhaps clean your own dirty closet first before offending a billion of people.

Adventurous, empowered, educated, and multilingual younger Polish women usually prefer brown-skinned hubbies to procreate "future" brown-skinned babies to catapulty stodgy old-world Europe (finally!!!) into the 21st century:-)

LOL ! Dude, you're just another psycho, who think that forcing multi-cult upon whites is some sort of revenge for Holocaust.
Ironside  50 | 12930
26 Jul 2016   #236
As to the rest of the claptrap you've posted, I wouldn't dignify the half of it with a reply:-)

You have no answer, that is the short and the long of it.
Perpetual victimhood and a sense of being wronged by the world might be interesting a case in study. However it doesn't strike me as an attitude that can form a solid foundation for any rational thought.

Most of what you presume or what you say in here is simply incorrect. Beside sojourns in your world that give us a glimpse of an unhinged mind. There no much else we can do for you.

While you're busy casting Catholic Church as a villain. I think that its appropriate to use certain caveats here.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. (In regard to some teaching on gentiles in Jewish religion)
You should first explain why is that that the Jewish people survived, until modern times,( and thrived) in Catholic countries? Mind you, nowhere else.

And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him.

Lyzko  44 | 9713
26 Jul 2016   #237
The long of it is that only when Pope John Paul aka Karol Wojtyła publically "apologized" for more than a millennium of Catholic anti-Semitism and indeed Church-sponsored hostility towards Jews simply for being Jews (read "different") was there any movement in a direction roughly amounting to conciliation between the two groups.

Jews were all too willing to build bridges, however, conversion to Christianity was and always will be something quite apart; it's fine to be a conciliator, so long as you don't become a doormat upon which others feel it is their G-d-given right to trample freely:-)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Jul 2016   #238
More positive news from Poland , hopefully strengthening Polish Jewish relations, and as always education is the key.

Holocaust survivor duo to perform in Warsaw.
The idea to bring the band to Warsaw comes from the From the Depths Foundation, which protects Jewish heritage in Poland. The foundation plans to set up an educational centre in Warsaw.,Holocaust-survivor-duo-to-perform-in-Warsaw
Ironside  50 | 12930
26 Jul 2016   #239
The long of it is that only when Pope John Paul aka Karol Wojtyła publically "apologized"

You clearly don't understand context and Christian sprit. I'm not a saint like JPII and I know that people like you given a chance would take all for nothing and demand more. From me you can get a finger! Come back when and if you learn something and when and if you'll cast off your ignorant prejudice, you xenophobic gnat. :)
Crow  154 | 9509
26 Jul 2016   #240
All Jews who have Polish blood in its ancestry are Poles!

Home / Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent

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