@Dolno, now you're finally talking sense, and good sense at that! Spot on, pal:-) Education is the key in so many areas. In ignorance isn't actually bliss, but a false paradise!
@Ironside, With your nasty anti-Jewish vitriol, not so sure you understand the Christian spirit either, except nominally aka Say a few Hail Mary's and call it a (Sun-)dayLOL You, like many other Christians remind me more of "Sunday Christian", a hypocrite three-hundred-sixty FOUR days out of the year, except for Christmas (which celebrates Jesus' birth, who was a Jew!).
"Firstly" "The title" IS deliberate "accusation" and more of that sort... It could have been any title. but never from a Jew who is expected to accuse all Slavs, if only you Polacks knew your history. Poland remained backward because of these foreigners sucking you life blood for 500 years.
.. Hasbarat Trolls = don't need this forum, they have their own, tight, networks. Preparing you dumb Ps for influx. Same story in other places = "Portugal is now a safe place for Jews". Get it? Or do you want to get it? You will!
.A Hasbarat Troll = maybe, there's business in dummyland? Stupid Polack girls, blonde, blue eyed for prostitution and slavery in Israel, [Slav = slave - Jewish. Get it?]
Jews lie; the title is an "accusation", otherwise why have it? Have Jews allowed a Christian Cross in Auschwitz, yet? A give away 'accusation', this one.
Are your trolling too, perchance? You merely reiterate the nonsense of "Jewish parasites" feeding off the unwitting gentile. That's so much malarky, I'm scarcely going to defend it:-)
So you are not Polish , We as Poles are moving forwards, we understand our history both good and bad, the educated of Poland can see past Nazi propaganda these days .
It appears that it is open season for dark forces to berate, behead rape and murder Jews and Catholics , It is time for us to stand together and say enough of this
Those who ignore the past, will be condemned to repeat it, Ironside! Santayana was quite right in his simple and oft-quoted statement. Those who ignore the truth will sooner rather than later be forced by circumstances to fess up to it:-) You choose not to admit the truth until it confronts you. Well, it's already confronted you....in Oświęcim, Belżec, Majdanek, Treblinka, and Sobibór. How much more evidence do you need?
Six-million or more murdered was hardly an act of "love" now, was it?
The long of it is that only when Pope John Paul aka Karol Wojtyła publically "apologized" for more than a millennium of Catholic anti-Semitism
Religions does compete with one another, first Christians were persecuted by Jews, the same happened wherever Jews were majority and one could find quite a few example even these days... Anyway, the Church has been moving on from such things step by step, JP2's "apologies" were just one of many similar things... normally one would expect "we forgive you and apologize too" kind of reaction. But it's been, "look they admitted that ! Record it, print it, repeat it a million times, let's impose "quilt" upon them, feckin goys !!!!111". Pathetic.
So you first come up with xenophobic crap and then go cry to mods ? How pathetic. Just one more example that you have much more to do with your muslim "brothers" then with us.
Who's crying? I'm just imploring for more mature discussion of which I hope you and your partner in crime are both infinitely capable!
Now that's the pot calling the kettle black:-) I'm hardly the one to use teenage vulgarity when correctly-written English would suffice! What's the matter, Grzegorz? Aren't you capable or do you prefer vulgarity.
The point I was making the the obvious point that the Catholic Church fomented anti-Semitism, in Poland as elsewhere throughout Europe. If you choose to "spit out" the unpleasant, anti-Semitic part of Catholicism, go right ahead. It doesn't mean I have to bury my head in the sand as well:-)
You're clearly trolling Lyzko. I'm not going to ask you again to explain a certain contradiction that belie your opinion about CC. You have no answer that's clear.
As you have no question which requires such an answer, I scarcely see the point in continuing in the present vein.
You STILL haven't addressed the problem of church-sanctioned anti-Jewish hostility throughout the centuries! Are you honestly going to have intelligent people believe that it was/is the JEWS' fault???
I'm as Jewish as the next Jew or do I have to "prove" I've been circumcised or leave a sperm sample too?
Maybe I doubt you're a Polish Catholic, how about that? Maybe you're a renegade Jew and you're just faking!! ANd maybe you really know perfect English.
it's time to take off the rose-colored glasses there, sweetie pie and take a look at the real world around you!
I think that behind your 'politeness' you are patronizing twat.
O yes...cry, cry everyone hates Jews we are victims.........O everyone i so sorry for you .... you have clearly too much time in your hand that you study bible so much.
Not surprised you haven't answered my private Polish-language posts to you; you might be forced to make sense in your own languageLOL
Look at history and you'll see that no group chooses to be victims; sometimes though, it just happens sadly to work out that way.
While I've never lived for long in Poland, (enjoyable as my stay was!), I'd surely be conscious of my Jewishness every minute of my time there.
Imagine for instance, an African-American returning South, to say, Mississippi, Georgia, or Alabama and trying to integrate again; they'd be conscious of their skin color all the time, don't tell me!!!
These few lines were written by a 8 years old Jewish girl to her childhood friend and smuggled out of the Brzesko prison: "Johnny, please take care of my little kittens and the puppies for I will likely never return".
She was later murdered alongside her mother during the Tarnow ghetto massacre in 1942 and may rest in one of the unmarked common graves within the historic Jewish cemetery there.
This is my personal, no obligation and no reference bound initiative to create a fundraising incentive. All benefits will be donated to the Committee for the Protection of the Jewish Heritage in Tarnow, Poland. I shall be also happy to discuss other ways of mutual involvement.
Shewach Weiss has died. He was an Israeli political scientist and politician, born in Borysław, Poland.
From 2001 to 2003, he worked as an Israeli ambassador in Poland. On 4 January 2004, for his contribution to the cooperation between Poland and Israel, President of Poland Aleksander Kwaśniewski awarded him with the Grand Cross (1st class) of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland.
More and more foreigners want to live in Poland. Israeli citizens are leading the way
In 2024, over 23,000 foreigners filed applications to confirm Polish citizenship. The dominant group are Israeli citizens.
The largest number of applications, over 8 thousand, came from Israel. The next places were taken by Argentina and Great Britain. But that's not all. - From South America we have applications from practically every country, apart from Brazil and Argentina, these include Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, and a relatively large number from the small Guatemala. Next we have Mexico, of course the USA and Canada.
I wonder why Israelis dream of becoming Poles/Polesses. Is it somehow connected with their Nazi government who is engaged in genocide on Palestinians and decent Israelis can`t tolerate it ???
Home / Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent