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What is Poland going to be like in the 2050s?

5 Apr 2020   #1
In your opinion, what is Poland going to look like in another 30 years time, in 2050s, compared to today, what will be the pluses and minuses from your point of view?
pawian  226 | 27528
5 Apr 2020   #2
Simple. People will use flying cars, that`s for sure.

  • maxresdefault.jpg
jon357  72 | 23513
5 Apr 2020   #3
Probably not like this:

  • Webp.netresizeimage.png
mafketis  38 | 11197
5 Apr 2020   #4
I hope not, that's hideous....
jon357  72 | 23513
5 Apr 2020   #5
Seriously, far fewer people will be eating meat. The 1980/90s-born boomers will be around 60; it remains to be seen whether that will be 'young' 60s or 'old' 60s. Hopefully there will be fewer private cars. There will be housing issues; some 1960/70/80s housing blocks will be literally falling down by then. Thd effects of man-made global warming will also affect agriculture and lead to increased population movement from the south of Europe and beyond.
pawian  226 | 27528
5 Apr 2020   #6
Probably not like this:

Of course like this, jon!

Warsaw Palace already looks like a rocket:

  • 04palac_kultury_i_na.jpg
jon357  72 | 23513
5 Apr 2020   #7
a rocket:

There are people who wish it would do this! Have you come across a group called Nowa Warszawa? Probably a PR thing by construction companies or other interested parties. They'd like Warsaw to look like Dubai. I prefer it looking like Warsaw, however the march of progress likes taller and taller buildings.
pawian  226 | 27528
5 Apr 2020   #8
They'd like Warsaw to look like Dubai.

When you choose a good spot, the photo you take resembles the beginnings of Dubai a little. :):)

  • Today

  • 2030
Spike31  3 | 1485
5 Apr 2020   #9
That's a great question.

By that time I presume the EU will be gone.

By 2050 Polish economy will be on par with France when it comes to GDP per capita but we will not have internal problems with both: islam on one side and cultural marxism on the other side.

Ukraine will be partially absorbed by Russia and young Ukrainian population would be absorbed by Polish economy which is happening already.

Large infrastructural projects, which are under construction, such as gas pipelines, highways and high speed railways connecting 3 Seas region (V4 + Balkans) would be completed cementing econo-political cooperation in Central Europe.

The biggest challenge is to reverse the demographic situation. The rest is easily solvable.
pawian  226 | 27528
5 Apr 2020   #10
The biggest challenge is to reverse the demographic situation.

Exactly. But it requires a lot of education. We need to teach young conservative males to treat women with proper respect. Then, respected females will bear 3,4 kids each and the Polish race will thrive.

Fortunately, I am aware of the seriousness of the situation and am doing my part of education in my job - I enlighten my male students how to respect their female peers and not only.

Slowly, slowly, we will teach them all.
Don`t thank me, it is my duty which I do with pleasure.
jon357  72 | 23513
6 Apr 2020   #11
Given that Russia (along with Canada) is one of the few places to have an advantage in the world of man-made climate change, they may well set their sights on Poland again. The EU will become more insular; perhaps that is to Poland's advantage. The steady decline of America will also affect markets worldwide, some in a positive way, others not.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Apr 2020   #12
in the world of man-made climate change,

What part of the total climate change is the man-made contribution? Feel free to use fraction or percent. I understand both.
jon357  72 | 23513
6 Apr 2020   #13
But it requires a lot of education

Will face to face teaching still be as popular then?
pawian  226 | 27528
6 Apr 2020   #14
Exactly,. you put it out of my mouth. Of course it won`t.
That is why I am already working on designing my holographic image which I am going to use one day when such technology is widespread.

I am wondering which one to choose coz there are a lot of options. I need an attractive one to draw my students` attention.
kaprys  3 | 2076
6 Apr 2020   #15
I don't know what Poland will be like in a year not to mention 30 years :)

Who would have thought of the present day situation a year ago?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
6 Apr 2020   #16
If its like currently it is I think early 2000s,compared with South africa,except whites walking around.
jon357  72 | 23513
6 Apr 2020   #17
Who would have thought of the present day situation a year ago?

Very few people. And those of us who prepped by keeping food stocks, having contingency plans etc were seen as odd; now we're not.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Apr 2020   #18
Drummed into me by my father and his experience during the II world war, but all I have prepared I am willing to share with my neighbours.
jon357  72 | 23513
6 Apr 2020   #19
Drummed into me

For me it's a habit anyway, coming from the countryside where you have to stock up due to poor access to shops, and a full larder of preserved things after the summer would tide you through to the next spring. Plus I go away a lot for work and like to leave full cupboards/freezer before a trip for various reasons.

Plus I remember the shortages and powercuts of the 70s as well as the financial instability of the early Thatcher years followed by the Strike. That and working in places where food supply chains can and do break down.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Apr 2020   #20
Plus I remember the shortages and powercuts of the 70s

Caused by commie scum.

financial instability of the early Thatcher years

Lol that was the financial boom she created when she took over from the commies in 1979 .... loads of money, dish dash dosh

Dolno crawled out of the slimey scum hole $hit ghetto , got on his thatcher bike and got his chance god bless the old handbag
Spike31  3 | 1485
6 Apr 2020   #21
resembles the beginnings of Dubai a little

Alternatively it will look like this ;-)

  • Cyberpunk 2077
jon357  72 | 23513
6 Apr 2020   #22
Caused by commie scum.

More by the Heath government and the 1973 oil crisis.

the financial boom she created

Not in the coal mining and steelmaking parts of South Yorkshire she didn't. An uninteresting time to be a kid. Like you though, I pulled myself out of it, and on the whole have had much better times since.

@Spike31 A cyberpunk version of Warsaw is unappealing; a bit like parts of Praga 25 years ago. If the pandemic gets worse though, we may well be looking at steampunk.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Apr 2020   #23
Not in the coal mining and steelmaking

Yeah dead in the water industries lets face it one "coal" huge polluter same problem in Poland now , two "steel" (my dad was a steel worker in the midlands) . dead in the water because of the Asian markets .

The point is industries change and move to where the labour force is cheaper, this will effect Poland into the future, the government and people need to adapt to survive, my father became a welder and a paint sprayer when he was no longer needed in the rolling mills.

Fact is adapt or die.
jon357  72 | 23513
6 Apr 2020   #24
Yeah dead in the water industrie

We have hindsight now. We didn't then, and the poor sods hewing coal didn't have an O Level between them, just their (very dangerous) labour. Interestingly, Sheffield produces more steel now than it ever did before; just without the people who expected jobs for life.

Here, there'll always be agriculture, however a lot of the outsourcing will eventually move eastwards to Poland's disadvantage.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Apr 2020   #25
Sheffield produces more steel now

But of a very high quality, I am proud to say that my family still has a connection to this day.

Poland is moving toward quality industry its the way to go for the future.

But as we have all learned recently its good for Poland to hang onto core functions , food production and critical medical resources etc.
pawian  226 | 27528
6 Apr 2020   #26
Alternatively it will look like this ;-)

This future Poland below is prettier: it is Warsaw, of course. Check how St Alexander`s Church will evolve:

  • unnamed.jpg

  • theedpalace_84f09a1.jpeg
Spike31  3 | 1485
6 Apr 2020   #27
@pawian, I see it as a combination of new style mixed with more traditional style like art deco/modernist Prudential building

  • Prudentiallipiec.jpg
Crow  154 | 9556
6 Apr 2020   #28
Will be one of main countries that makes Central European Confederation. Important political center of it and her cities Krakow, Gdansk, Warsaw, etc, among main financial centers, together with other Capitals and major cities of CEC. If CEC turns to be monarchy, what is quite possible, Winter palace of the monarch will be in Poland and Summer palace in Belgrade.

Technical details aside but, in 2050s Poland will be in CEC.
jon357  72 | 23513
7 Apr 2020   #29

A desert as man-made global warming devastates Southern Europe. The future is in the North.
7 Apr 2020   #30
Poland needs to focus on research. PhDs and medical doctors need to get higher salaries. Outsourcing doesn't really make a country developed. Why not try to beat Hollywood with English language movies or songs instead?

Even here in Bulgaria most people stopped applying at outsourcing jobs once they realized they are not a real career. I was told a PhD scholar earns like $5 per hour, less than a call center agent.

I mean I really want to live in Polska but all options for me are in outsourcing until I learn Polish as an academic job even if in English doesn't pay that well. My other passion - art is also deprecated all over Central Europe like in Eastern.

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