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If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland?

southern  73 | 7059
12 Nov 2011   #31
Zimmy will come with his machine gun.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
12 Nov 2011   #32
ZIMMY! Quick!

Zimmy will come with his machine gun.

My battalion of female Amazon warriors would quickly put a lie to the naive notion that women are peaceful creatures. Even my personal assistant Magda refuses to ovulate.

As to the false notion that women would not start wars (first propagated by feminists in the '60's), just off the top of my head (but not the bottom of my feet), here is a partial list of women who have done just that.

The female saint and duchiss of Poland Hedwig led an expedition to Ruthenia to re-establish Polish rule there.
Catherine the Great sent armies to fight several countries (including Poland).
Maria Theresa of Austria annexed large parts of Poland during the partitions.
Queen Tamara of Georgia who fought several wars usually against the Turks.
Golda Meir was no wall flower either.
Empress Matilda (England) and her forces defeated and captured King Stephen at the Battle of Lincoln which gave her the throne.
Kahina, (Jewish) Led the Berbers against Muslim Arabs.
Ana de Sousa Nzinga Mbande led her tribe in Africa & fought against the Portuguese.
Wu Zetian (China) became a ruler after ruthlessly killing off anyone who stood in her way.
The amazing ruler Sammuramat of Assyria not only led armies but even fought in battle.
Can anyone deny Queen Victoria's extreme British expansionist foreign policies?

The percentage of female rulers who started wars and/or fought for dubious reasons is comparable to the percentage of male rulers who have. The quantitative differences are reflected in the fact that there have been many more male rulers.

Although not known for starting wars, a personal favorite is Countess Elizabeth Bąthory who was known to partake in many dubious 'life-giving' blood bath rituals. Fortunately, the cosmetics industry never picked up on this elixir.
chichimera  1 | 185
12 Nov 2011   #33
woman in politics is a man in disguise.

100% agree

Even the so called gender equality and feminism are really male in nature - it's not appreciation or understanding of what femininity really represents, but rather a desire to strangle and destroy femininity by making women to think and act like men, being equal to men by being the same as them

A world govern by women would be something completely different in structure than the man's world. Governments and hierarchy are traits of the man's world
OP calcedonia  4 | 67
12 Nov 2011   #34
Zimmy how many exemple can you give more 100,1000 more? If I start to write all men ,do you think forum is enough for all this information? if you want give 10.000 exemple more still %5 women. you cant go more.
med  - | 4
12 Nov 2011   #35
wow this girl is quite dogmatic. Why is she so concerned about whether or not these women show their religious affinity or not just by wearing the headscarf. Everyone wears what they see fit and what they like, why don't we start saying "I don't want to know what's your favorite color, so don't wear this tshirt that has your favorite color". or, why is she too showing her admiration to Che Guevara by wearing his tshirt?

Nobody pointed a gun at you and told you to wear the headscarf, you don't like it, don't wear it. Don't force others to not wear it.

EDIT: I was refering to the girl in this video.
Btw, I never heard of this incident that you mentioned, but seems like early 90s were full of religious scumheads in the entire muslim world, same thing happened in Algeria buy the FIS (the Islamist party) and here in Tunisia by Ennahda (who now won the elections lol)
tovarisch  - | 9
12 Nov 2011   #36
The only bad religion is extremism

Most people in Poland will not have problems with you being atheistic, as long as you don't rub it in everyone's face, because nobody likes that. In fact, Poland is a lot more atheistic compared to countries such as USA or United Kingdom. As in every country in the world, there will be some people who are bothered by that, and that is completely normal, because you cannot expect every person in the world to tolerate you, unfortunately
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161
13 Nov 2011   #37
Sonny, ancient Slavs wouldn't call their children names of their deities out of respect for said deities. Go and play you ignorant goon !

what about catholics who use names like Jésus and Zeus, or even Maria for that matter...?


first son's name will, of course, be Swietowit (after Świętowit), first daughter Ziwia (after Żiwia), 2nd son will be Piorun, 2nd daughter Marzanna...

I have a looooong detailed list of the names, in the order I will be using them lol... I plan on having many, many kids. >:D .. I will even throw in the name Jaga (after my favourite, Baba Jaga) ^__^... of course, they will all have English or Polish middle names, which they can use during their school times, and amongst friends and such.
OP calcedonia  4 | 67
13 Nov 2011   #38
mad you are wrong, they can wear headscarf in everywhere in Turkey ,western Turkish and Agnostic Turkish even they dont like but never say anything all streets they can walk but eastern Turkey women go with miniskirt or girls go hair like that girl,tatoo and piercing or che guevara tshirt and in street people let them walk? All islamic they come europa and they say we have right what we wear and they walk with headscarf and if you go islamic country with miniskirt or without headscarf they let you walk in street? But problem is Turkey religion is not christian ,in Turkey islam but some people try to leave modern, some say no you cant change religion what goverment or western want. No if you talking about headscarf freedom you dont feel if will be no freedom for no headscarf covered people, you dont feel this fear and you talking about freedom very easy. That girl was right maybe how many times people bother her in street you dont know this, headscarf is normal but hippi look no right?
Natasa  1 | 572
13 Nov 2011   #39
Calcedonia, your posts are even less readable than mine, they demand, as much as mine special reading skills, some sort of superlexia - counter dyslexia :)

Try with dots, big letters, shorter sentences.

Concise, precise, relevant ;)
Ironside  50 | 12969
13 Nov 2011   #40
of course, they will all have English or Polish middle names, which they can use during their school times, and amongst friends and such.

Of course but thats cheating.

what about catholics who use names like Jésus and Zeus, or even Maria for that matter...?

Jesus ? No in Poland no!
Maria is not God.
med  - | 4
13 Nov 2011   #41
That girl was right maybe how many times people bother her in street you dont know this, headscarf is normal but hippi look no right?

Okay I understand (at least I think I do) but this is normal imo. Man, Tunisia is such a tiny country, and if you go with the same clothes to two different cities that are 20km away from each other, you'll get different reactions i'm telling you. Same thing when it comes to the mentality of people living in the capital/coast and the rest of the country. Let alone a country as big as Turkey which has one part in Europe. How don't you expect such "clash"? This is normal. It's not related to religion, it's related to culture, education, socio-economic class, mentality and how people were raised and all these factors that shape one's opinion.

Anyways, just my two cents here. and btw, Istanbul is such a lovely place that i'll definitely visit again as soon as possible.
OP calcedonia  4 | 67
13 Nov 2011   #42
med; you cant compare tunusia and turkey, tunusia arabic country and over there hot ,they can wear like arabic costume but in Turkey not about culture, whos cultures? I seen in street front of restaurant people wear old historic polish costumes,and if its cultures now people must wear and walk in the street? First sorry for my english Im sure terrible but I try to write anyway I hope you can understand,and in Turkey this headscarf absolutely politic, not culture .We dont have culture like that, 75 years ago destroyed that culture.Islamic country they let people walk in street without headscarf? NO, and who wear headscarf in Turkey them mentality same like other countries headscarf rules.
Oldyoungloon  - | 16
13 Nov 2011   #43
Im 100% feminist, If women controld the world never be war,I

ZIMMY! Quick!

nope but there would be mandatory mental torture for one week per month.
med  - | 4
15 Nov 2011   #44
med; you cant compare tunusia and turkey, tunusia arabic country and over there hot ,they can wear like arabic costume but in Turkey not about culture, whos cultures? I seen in street front of restaurant people wear old historic polish costumes,and if its cultures now people must wear and walk in the street? First sorry for my english Im sure terrible but I try to write anyway I hope you can understand,and in Turkey this headscarf absolutely politic, not culture .We dont have culture like that, 75 years ago destroyed that culture.Islamic country they let people walk in street without headscarf? NO, and who wear headscarf in Turkey them mentality same like other countries headscarf rules.

Well, I'm not sure if Tunisia deserves to be labeled as an Arabic country or not, we have mixes of Arabs, Persians, Europeans, Moors and Turks (like me) roots here, thus there is a diversity in culture. You can see it in language, food, customs, dresses etc.

I understand that it is not (solely) about culture but about politics, same here in Tunisia, or at least, we're going in that path (unfortunately).
Olaf  6 | 955
16 Nov 2011   #45
I see very interesting thoughts here so I am replying profusely to most of them:

But as I am a merciful Christian, I will do it to you under narcosis.

That's so not Christian of you;).

Lets face facts dude, you cannot comprehend that its you who can be wrong as God's existence cannot be proved but it cannot be proved that God doesn't exist either.
You are dumb because you are unable to understand and comprehend that simple fact.

You just wrote that the chance is 50-50 or similar. I have no problem with that whatsoever. Personally, just looking around the world I think that everything points out that the chance is close to 0. You on the other hand you can believe it's 100% sure that god exists - and I have no problem with that either. I also have no problem with Harry Potter fans, I just have less to talk about with them because I like to talk about facts and certain things. It helps credibility and the reason for discussing. Religion is interesting (for me at least), that's all. But to observe and study - not to follow/believe. I would loose all perspectives if I choose to follow, and why would I do that?

I'm shocked with your answers.

I take it as a compliment. Thank you.

You claim that they're worse educated

Mostly, yes. Very often. Where is the strongest support and blind following of the RCC? Villages I think.

believe in fairy tales

And how do you call such stories? Immaculate conception, Noe's ark with all the animals, Adam & Lilith (that was actually cool!), then his second wife Eve giving start to mankind, Christ's resurection, Lazarus's resurection (for me it's a zombie thing, but hey, maybe I don't have enough faith for that), original sin, Half Blood Prince - oh, sorry wrong story, other "miracles", ten commandaments and all other things like that. It's just as believable as Voldemort's powers and shite like that.

How could you?

By the powers of mind and use of the Internet.

some spiritual faith or want to have a tradition they can relate with

Spiritualism has nothing to do with religion, it can be separate. And there are much nicer traditions too... your choice. On which I - and Johnny, or everyone can comment on. You commented on my posts too. I am not angry, even on Ironside, who lost his temper easily on me.

Isn't stereotyping a trait of uneducated and bigoted people?

I'd partially agree here, but I wasn't stereotyping - rather saying about stathistical majority. There are many exceptions too, which my views do not (or might not) not involve.

As for fairy-tales, those "fairy-tales" are sometimes needed for a psychological reasons. Imagine you talk with a terminaly ill person, would you have no heart and tell that person that there is no God and he is waiting for his ultimate end? Would you do that? If you did I'd say you're cruel person.

I already did that. If you respect this person, you say what you think, which in my case was: Grandma, I don't think there is anything more to life at all, as nothing suggests that. You are old enough to stop living in lies and false imaginations and there is never too late to start thinking instead of feeding youself with false promises and religious concerns. I hope there is no afterlife or I will be really dissapointed. We should take care of this life and not something we cannot be hoping for.

Believe it or not, she understood most of it and accepted my views. What she thought for herself is her own business, but maybe I opened her eyes, or induced some amount of critical thinking...

Personally I know two married couples composed of a Catholic and an atheist, so it seems there is no problem with accepting others' views even within marriage, so tell me why you can not accept it?

Accept what? Mixed religion couples? I never commented on them. Not my business. I have that situation in my family actually and I still think it was not my issue.

Some people need a hope

But hope is something different than false promises and fake imaginary friends.

It's just unclassy and wicket.

Now I feel abused and insulted.

I think it's a feature of an intelligent person to understand sociological phenomenoms and not to draw easy conclusions.

No, I do understand it and even more, it fascinates me. However, it does not refrain me from commenting on how it looks objectively, when you keep your feet on the ground firmly.

No, it's a toll of politics mainly and religion unfortunately isn't and never been free from politics. But it's not an idea which is wrong, it's just people who made wrong use of it.

Then why the heck even use it if "people are misinterpreting it" or "misusing in politics" etc.

Treat it less literal more metaphorical.

Yes, I heard that many times. Jonah living in a whale, and Noe's all species on ark are metaphors but scenes of murder, sodomy or incest are not (or they are inconvenient so let's also treat them metaphorically?). Can you rely with your life on a book that's mostly to be treated metaphorically as you say, but no one knows which parts are to be treated like this?

Religious people not always believe in all that.

Either they are Roman Catholics or not. You cannot be accepting half that you like and the other not fully. The RCC does not allow that. And people who do that (majority I suppose) don't have an understanding and sufficient knowledge of their own (supposedly) religion. How riddiculous. The more Christians read the Bible the more of them resign or at least start having serious doubts. But most of them haven't even read it, or other sources and yet they are blindly following - those I like to ridicule (on which you complain), as there is nothing in these respects I can admire or accept. If they treat religion as so important to them then why they know so little about their own religion, let alone others, to be able to compare, know what's better or worse - in all words: to have a BROADER view.

I heard about some surveys which exposed that most Catholics in Poland don't believe in hell.

So they know nothing about their creed! They should also believe in Satan, angels, archangels, hell, miracles, etc. You have no choice to pick parts you like in Catholicism! Who and whet do you fear if there is no hell and Satan???

They believe that God is so merciful that he forgives everyone.

That's creating their own religion. Catholicism does not leave room for your own interpretations. Either you follow or you're not Catholic.
Havok  10 | 902
17 Nov 2011   #46
Thank you Amathyst, realy women understand better,Im 100% feminist,

You’re such a mangina dude.

Anyway, The right to worship freely was a basic right given to all Polish people centuries ago. Nothing has changed in this regard since then. Poland has a long tradition of religious freedom.
pawian  225 | 27344
20 Jul 2022   #47
I wonder how they act, because I heard about they dont like not believers

No problem whatsoever.
Alien  25 | 6369
21 Jul 2022   #48
No problem whatsoever, at worst they will burn you at the stake.
pawian  225 | 27344
21 Jul 2022   #49
burn you at the stake.

Only witches undergo this procedure.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
21 Jul 2022   #50
You are acting as if the Spanish Inquisition and scale was quite present in Poland. Yet burnings at the stake wasn't that widespread in Poland. (Certainly not now either)

But yeah, people like you seem to willingly choose eternal, carnal fires. Which boggles the mind

Heretics were also burned during the reformation, Protestants burned catholics too.

You can read up on English king during reformation and about one of his close legal aides. Refusing to acknowledge the king of England as head of the English church.
Lenka  5 | 3537
21 Jul 2022   #51
people like you seem to willingly choose eternal, carnal fires. Which boggles the mind

We just don't want to risk choosing the wrong god, so many to choose from.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
21 Jul 2022   #52
Wrong again Love, educate yourself, there are many gods but only one God.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
21 Jul 2022   #53
There is only one right God, any other "choice" always leads to damnation.

Everything else is a distraction to test us as humankind of our faith in God.

When somebody shows that they think other options exist or are possible. It's an issue with faith, not that one vies religion as a supermarket
Lenka  5 | 3537
21 Jul 2022   #54
There is only one right God, any other "choice" always leads to damnation.

The thing is believer of every religion believes he has the right one. Your option is as risky as not believing is.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
21 Jul 2022   #55
so many to choose from.

That has been their pat answer here that they use to brainwash their Marxist propaganda with.
We have torn it apart and shredded it several times here in depth in the past.
Two months later they come back with it again.
They know the truth, (Satan's big lie), they just want to drag as many people as they can down to the Lake of Fire with them.

every religion believes he has the right one.

Well Hon, 90% plus are either Christian or Muslim (Islam) and we both believe in the same God.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
21 Jul 2022   #56
It's not, after careful and thorough studying and comparing, other religions are mirroring this world.

Christianity having divine origin, and impossible to live by without state of grace, proof enough for me
pawian  225 | 27344
21 Jul 2022   #57
There is only one right God

Said each side of religious wars in which millions were massacred. :):):)

Christian or Muslim

How about Jews? And Asians who practise buddhism???
Kashub1410  6 | 580
21 Jul 2022   #58
Said each side of religious wars in which millions were massacred. :):):)

If you compare all the wars in the world through time, religious once were the least occurring. And that's in the thousands, not millions. It didn't live that many people in the past

Most wars are done and performed by secular statesman, not by clergy.

Your misinforming the public
pawian  225 | 27344
21 Jul 2022   #59
And that's in the thousands, not millions.

Really? I have different data. :):):) You need to peruse a few historical books. Crusades alone cost mankind about 2 million casualties.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
21 Jul 2022   #60
And which data are those? Kremlin propaganda factory?

We are comparing it to many more casuelties you know

Either way, everyone seeking God are welcome in to Poland. After all, one of the reasons for freedom in Poland is to be able to practice freedom granted by God without persecution.

Something a lot of forces would like to twist and change

Home / Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland?
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