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Polish people and TV Series - so good and hilariously spot on :)

FlaglessPole  4 | 649
15 Jun 2015   #1
Out of the current crop of TV Serial headliners, Mad Men has made the least impact in Poland. Few follow it and I think I know why. The smoking, the vertigo-inducing ties, the tacky décor, the smoking, the incessant boozing during office hours, the pre-feminism sexism, but most of all the smoking - this is Poland 2015. Mad Men isn't that enjoyable for you because you aren't as far removed from it as, let's say, Game of Thrones, which is Poland circa 1921.

read on:,35058,18024890,TV_Theories__House_of_Poland__Mad_Slavs.html#TRrelSST
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2015   #2
The smoking, the vertigo-inducing ties, the tacky décor, the smoking

Except the clothing and decor are so much better - a wonderful show.
OP FlaglessPole  4 | 649
15 Jun 2015   #3
oh yeah man totally into it

here is the proper link:,35058,18024890,TV_Theories__House_of_Poland__Mad_Slavs.html#TRrelSST

Please avoid posting links because they become inactive in time.
27 Feb 2016   #4
Merged: What was the name of the old Soap Opera in Poland?

Hey guys!

I've been thinking (and looking) for a short while for an old Soap that used to air in Poland? I forget what it was about, but I remember that the intro had an 80s Jazz Trumpet feel to it! (Similar to Wham! Careless Whisperer)

It's very vague what I am giving (what I remember) but it's all I got!

Thanks for your help in advance! :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
27 Feb 2016   #5
old Soap that used to air in Poland

When ? What was it about ?
27 Feb 2016   #6
I remember watching it around 2005/06 (making me 6 years old...)

I cannot remember what it was about - My best guess was something about a rich family.

Maybe this will help - I tried to hum what the intro song was.
Pardon my poor attempt! :P
Looker  - | 1129
27 Feb 2016   #7
First I thought that it's a Polish soap opera, but after hearing your humming I can only say that it's "The Bold and the Beautiful" (Moda na sukces)

Indeed very popular in Poland at that time.
2 Aug 2019   #8
Are there any popular late night talk shows in Poland like the Late Show with David Letterman or something similar? The most popular Bulgarian talk show just got cancelled after 19 years on air, so I got curious...
mafketis  38 | 11267
2 Aug 2019   #9
There've been a couple but the format never really caught on...

The two hosts that come to mind are Wojciech Jagielski (and his 'evening with a vampire') and Kuba Wojewódzki who first became famous as the mean judge on the Polish version of Pop Idol (I forget what his show is/was called)
3 Aug 2019   #10
Oh ok, but where do popular foreigner singers or actors go to be interviewed when they come to Poland for a visit for whatever reason?
cms neuf  2 | 1957
3 Aug 2019   #11
For that kind of thing then nomrally the morning shows - Dzien Dobry TVN or PnS. But they don't normally sit on a sofa, more like a recorded interview in some studio.

In the late nights there was also Szymon Majewski a few years back - a mix of pranks and interviews a bit like Stefan Raab in Germany.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Oct 2021   #12
Main theme fromStake Higher than Life made in 1960s. Hans Kloss is a Polish agent in German Abwehr ranks and greatly contributes to winning the war by the allies. :):) Blockbuster series till today.

Household War from 1960s - a series for and about teens and generation gap.

pawian  226 | 27817
4 Oct 2021   #13
One of my fav theme music of all - amazing.

The Black Clouds from 1970s, a historical adventure and swashbuckling series about pre-partition Poland of 18th century.

I read comments from other countries where the series was available. They are enthusiastic.

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
4 Oct 2021   #14
Household War from 1960s - a series for and about teens and generation gap.

I think it was a series for everyone and not only for teens. In a way, a series perfectly preserving the charm of the 1960s.

Does anyone remember the excellent series "Na kłopoty ... Bednarski" which was set in the Freie Stadt Danzig shortly before the outbreak of the WW II?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Oct 2021   #15
One of my favorites as well, really like the filming in it (angles, costumes and the personal rivalry between the judge and the colonel)

Problem with Polish movies is that people too few are translated in to other languages then English. I could easily translate all PRL movies to Norwegian if I only knew how. (As to when the proper text would show at the right moment)

I would enthusiastically worked for it to become a reality, as it's a hidden gem for most of north-western europe
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Oct 2021   #16
not only for teens

Yes, correct. I forgot about 1960s atmosphere.

Does anyone remember the excellent series "Na kłopoty ... Bednarski"

Funny you mentioned it - I rewatched all episodes a few weeks ago.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
5 Oct 2021   #17
I rewatched all episodes

I think the cover song to that film is simply brilliant!

... Bednarski to detektyw nasz,
nie będzie Niemiec pluł mu w twarz.

Bednarski na kłopoty ma zawsze środek złoty,
więc co się martwisz, Bednarskiego znasz.

jon357  72 | 23654
5 Oct 2021   #19

My favourite was from the 1980s and was filmed very near where I used to live. And we really did call the caretaker 'Anioł'.

pawian  226 | 27817
5 Oct 2021   #20
I think the cover song to that film is simply brilliant!

I have always had a problem with this theme song - it is too mocking for such a subject as a Polish detective working in Nazi-controlled prewar-Gdańsk. Besides, some episodes contain really scary scenes, like a rotting corpse falling down on the main protagonist. That song is largely incongruous with the content of the series.

mafketis  38 | 11267
6 Oct 2021   #21
Household War from 1960s - a series for and about teens and generation gap

I've often wondered about how to best translate that name, in Polish it's kind of a play on words with 'civil war' which wouldn't be a good title in #nglish... maybe "The war at home" or "Domestic War(fare)"....
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2021   #22
I've often wondered about how to best translate that name,


Maybe the British terms "Family Feud" or "The Home Front" would do.

There are some fairly bizarre translations of film names.
mafketis  38 | 11267
6 Oct 2021   #23
"Family Feud"

In the US those occur between different families (and is the US title of the game show format called Familiada in Poland (and Family Fortunes in the UK?!)

For me, home front might a war going on somewhere else

I also think "By fire and sword" sounds better than 'with' and 'by' is used in most English bible versions of Isaiah 66:16 which is presumably the source of the title (is it?)

"By fire and sword he will punish all the people of the world whom he finds guilty - and many will be put to death"

And Quack for Znachor is just terrible...."The Healer" would have been much better...

There are some fairly bizarre translations of film names.

I've read that weird Polish translations of movies/tv series from other countries are often due to the fact that the first translations have to be done from the titles by people who are given almost no information on the movie in question...

Worst English title though goes to the idiots who came up with "Money Heist" (from the Spanish where 'House of Paper' or 'Paper house' would work just as well as the original Casa de Papel....)
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2021   #24
In the US those occur between different families

In ours, they tend to involve mass fist fights at weddings and funerals.

home front

AFAIK, it's a mostly British term about how a war affects civilians at home (rationing, war work, bl;ackouts), away from the fighting.

I also think "By fire and sword" sounds better than 'with'

It does.
mafketis  38 | 11267
6 Oct 2021   #25
about how a war affects civilians at home

Also the US meaning, mostly (almost always?) refers to WWII... the last 'official' war...
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2021   #26

In the UK it's WWI and WWII, though obviously more people alive in the last few decades remember/ed one than the other. The term has come into the general language though about things we do at home.
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Oct 2021   #27
I rewatched all episodes a few weeks ago.

Did you like Świat według Kiepskich? I know some people thought it crude and others thought it hilarious. I liked it.

Interesting that it was a Polish comedy based on a US comedy that in turn was based on a UK one. Each were very different.
mafketis  38 | 11267
11 Oct 2021   #28
a Polish comedy based on a US comedy that in turn was based on a UK one

Which? All in the family which was based on Til death do us part? Or something else? Not sure I see it...
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Oct 2021   #29
All in the family which was based on Til death do us part?

And there was one based on Steptoe and Son.

The one I'm thinking of had in the US version a guy called Al Bundy.
mafketis  38 | 11267
11 Oct 2021   #30
The Polish title was based on the Polish title of Married... with children but this is the first I've ever heard that it was based on a British show... what was that?

And I don't think it has anything to do with MwC, if anything (with its frequent forays into surrealism) I'd say it's a bit like the Simpsons (materially struggling often dysfunctional family trying and failing to get ahead in comical ways).

Home / Life / Polish people and TV Series - so good and hilariously spot on :)
BoldItalic [quote]
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