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@RussianAntiPutin What do you mean by comparing pop music with (albeit sentimental and slushy) classical music?
They are very different things.
Not that russist music is relevant here, nor are there especially any Polish myths that need debunking or proving surrounding disco polo, a much loved (especially in the countryside) genre of pop.
An open one with a sweet filling and often decorated. Think szarlotka or an even more elaborate one. Hence women using it to describe other women of a certain appearance.
she looks like or acts like one.
She does! It's her trade mark.
Full marks to her though that at least one of her several husbands was a third of her age.
Most disco polo is silly and repetitive but there are still some pearls. For example, whenever I play this song in the car, my younger kids go enthusiastic.
@jon357 A bit. Not my favourite or least favourite. @pawian It's really easily proven. Just by the existence of any other music other than crappy Western pop music, which I'll admit is worse than discopolo!
(Not to offend anyone). (Non Western pop music is crap as well, just not so much as Western).
One of the Polish myths is that in communist times the Polish food was more natural and healthier. It depends. It might have contained less preservatives but poor hygene was a huge problem - people often got food poisoning, with Salmonella or other bacteria.