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Help me find this Polish band and song....

OmarUK  1 | 1
30 Jul 2008   #1
Cannot remember the name of track or band....saw the video a few months back....but cannot find it anywhere....
The title is of three letters which meant something like "do you like sex"
As far as i remember the band name had some connection with sex also...(I'm not sex obbsessed!!!)
The video...featured some girls and the a warehouse sort of building....
song lyrics including something about internet, mobile phones and SMS...
I know it's vague, but somebody will know....
Your responses and help will be greatly appreciated!

Gurke  - | 1
1 Jan 2009   #2
Merged: Polish song about a street, a house, a girl

Hey everyone

I met a Polish boy on New Year's Evening that tried to teach me a Polish song and I would like to find the mp3 or at least the text, but I do not really remember it (as I do not speak Polish at all :o)

The translation was:

I search a street, I search a house (dom), I search for the girl I love
I found the street, the house, the girl that I love

I think this is the first paragraphe of the song. The melody is really simple.

If anyone has a hint for me for how I can find this song, please write me!

Greetz from Switzerland, HAPPY NEW YEAR! :o)
Jethro  - | 28
1 Jan 2009   #3
Szla dzieweczki do laseczka
do zielonego, ha,ha,ha
do zielonego, ha,ha,ha
do zielonego, ha,ha,ha

Napotkala mysliweczka
bardzo szwarnego,ha,ha
bardzo szwarnego,ha ha
bardzo szwarnego,ha,ha
Gdzie jest ta ulica
Gdzie jest ten dom
Gdzie jest ta dziewczyna
Co koham ja

O moj milymysliweczku
bardzo ci rada, ha,ha
bardzo ci rada,ha,ha
bardzo ci rada,ha,ha

Dalabym ci chleba z maslem,
alem go zjadlem, ha,ha
alem go zjadlem, ha,ha
alem go zjadlem, ha ha

I included the your tube clip.. Enjoy

A rough translation.
There was this young girl who took a walk in the green forest.
While walking in the forest, she came upon a very handsome hunter.
Somehow they seperated, and the hunter asked.
Where is that street.
Where is that house.
Where is that girl that I love so much

I found that street
I found that house
I found the girl that I love so much

OH< my handsome hunter
I will give you my love
I will give you my love
I will give you my love

I would give you some bread with butter
But I already ate it
But I already ate it
But I already ate it.

Chorus over again. (Silly but cute)
musicwriter  5 | 87
11 Jan 2010   #4
After hearing the audio from Utube, I went to my piano just to see what key the song was sung in. Key of A major.
Trevor  6 | 66
1 Jul 2010   #5
Merged: An old song, something about a farmer in Poland, anyone know it?

My grandma always sang this song to me to me. She is would say it in polish, and then tell me in english. I only remember saying "ranu"(polish) and everyday of the week. She said it was something about a farmer and every morning he went into the field to plant the seed, chop the hay, sell it etc. etc. and then on the last day, he cried because he had no more hay. Does anyone know this song in polish???

Dziękuję Bardzo,
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591
1 Jul 2010   #6
Can anyone help Trevor identify this song?
frd  7 | 1379
1 Jul 2010   #7
I did some googling earlier, couldn't find any hints :/ And the only "countryside" themed song from my childhood was "Rolnik sam w dolinie" ;) which was more of a child's game then a real song..
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 Jul 2010   #8
I think Craig David did a song about the days of the week but I don't think it was translated to Polish. I've asked my wife and she doesn't know either.
shush  1 | 209
1 Jul 2010   #9
I tried to find it as well but could not either. We need more text to be able to track it down... at least one sentence or few more words in Polish coz if it is an old song so perhaps it wont have the modern Polish words in it...
frd  7 | 1379
1 Jul 2010   #10
Can anyone help Trevor identify this song?

I did some googling earlier, couldn't find any hints :/ And the only "countryside" themed song from my childhood was "Rolnik sam w dolinie" ;) which was more of a child's game then a real song..


sounds like "rano" - morning, or "Panu" - lord, probably the first one, but if it was a religious song then it could have been "Panu"...

This one another version of "Rolnik sam w dolinie":

Rolnik sam w dolinie, rolnik sam w dolinie - hejże, hejże, hejże ha!
Rolnik sam w dolinie.
Rolnik orze pole, rolnik orze pole - hejże, hejże, hejże ha!
Rolnik orze pole.
Rolnik sieje zboże, rolnik sieje zboże - hejże, hejże, hejże ha!
Rolnik sieje zboże.
Rolnik kosi zboże, rolnik kosi zboże - hejże, hejże, hejże ha!
Rolnik kosi zboże.
Rolnik młóci zboże, rolnik młóci zboże - hejże, hejże, hejże ha!
Rolnik młóci zboże.
Rolnik miele mąkę, rolnik miele mąkę - hejże, hejże, hejże ha!
Rolnik miele mąkę.
Rolnik piecze chlebek, rolnik piecze chlebek - hejże, hejże, hejże ha!
Rolnik piecze chlebek.

but no crying in this one ; o
Polonius3  980 | 12275
1 Jul 2010   #11
A popular old folk (drinkign) song:

W poniedziałek rano kosił ojciec siano,
Kosił ojciec, kosił ja,//
Kosiliśmy obydwa//

It goes through all the days of the week and only the verb changes.

A we wtorek rano, suszył ojciec siano...

A we środę rano, zgrabił...

A we czwartek rano, zwoził...

A we piątek rano, sprzedał...

A w sobotę rano, przepił...

A w niedzielę rano, płakał
shush  1 | 209
1 Jul 2010   #12
I think if it was sang by his grandma it would be something like Chłop sieje zboże etc
It seems more like an old song to me but dunno really, nothing comes to my mind.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
1 Jul 2010   #13
Here you go, that's the one he's looking for.

W poniedziałek rano, kosił ojciec siano.
Kosił ojciec, kosił ja, kosiliśmy obydwa.
A we wtorek rano,suszył ojciec siano.
Suszył ojciec, suszył ja,suszyliśmy obydwa.
A we środę rano,grabił ojciec siano.
Grabił ojciec, grabił ja grabiliśmy obydwa.
A we czwartek rano kopił ojciec siano.
Kopił ojciec, kopił ja kopiliśmy obydwa.
A zaś w piątek rano zwoził ojciec siano.
Zwoził ojciec, zwoził ja, zwoziliśmy obydwa.
A w sobotę rano sprzedał ojciec siano.
Sprzedał ojciec, sprzedał ja, sprzedaliśmy obydwa.

Ojciec i syn - Link
frd  7 | 1379
1 Jul 2010   #14
W poniedziałek rano kosił ojciec siano,
Kosił ojciec, kosił ja,//
Kosiliśmy obydwa//

Damn completely forgotten about this one, I think one of my grandmas did sing me this song too :)
shush  1 | 209
1 Jul 2010   #15
I dont know this one but he was talking about seed :S
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
1 Jul 2010   #16
Trust me, that’s the one, he was talking about seed because he’s confused that’s all.
Trevor  6 | 66
2 Jul 2010   #17
W poniedziałek rano, kosił ojciec siano.

OMG! THATS IT!!!!! That you sooo much!!!!!!!!!!1

There are so many versions online! and they are all different. i went through good translater and some dont make any sense. help????

There are so many versions online! and they are all different. Here is the one I've found that sounds most like the one from my grandma.

W Poniedziałek rano, kosił ojciec siano,
kosił ojciec, kosił ja, kosilísmy obydwa.
kosił ojciec, kosił ja, kosilísmy obydwa.

A we Wtorek rano, grabił ojciec siano,
grabił ojciec, grabił ja, grabilísmy obydwa.
grabił ojciec, grabił ja grabilísmy obydwa.

A we Sroda rano suszył ojciec siano,
suszył ojciec, suszył ja, suszylísmy obydwa.
suszył ojciec, suszył ja suszylísmy obydwa.

A we Czwartek rano, przewracalim siano,
robił ojciec, robił ja, robilísmy obydwa.
robił ojciec, robił ja, robilísmy obydwa.

A na Pi a tek rano, składał ojciec siano,
składał ojciec, składał ja, składalísmy obydwa.
składał ojciec, składał ja, składalísmy obydwa.

A w Sobota rano, zwoził ojciec siano,
zwoził ojciec, zwoził ja, zwozilísmy obydwa.
zwoził ojciec, zwoził ja, zwozilísmy obydwa.

A Niedzielę z rana, już nie było siana,
Płakał ojciec, płakał ja,płakaliśmy obydwa.
Płakał ojciec, płakał ja,płakaliśmy obydwa.

what do you guys think? does it translate well?? i think this is the one i was sang!

- Trevor
tygrys  2 | 290
2 Jul 2010   #18
W poniedziałek rano, kosił ojciec siano.
Sprzedał ojciec, sprzedał ja, sprzedaliśmy obydwa.

On Monday morning, my father cut the hay.
He cut, I cut, we both cut it.
And Tuesday morning, my dad dried the hay.
And Wednesday morning, he raked the hay.
And Thursday morning he stacked it in a pile.
And Friday morning he brought in the hay.
And Saturday morning he sold the hay.
Trevor  6 | 66
2 Jul 2010   #19
Thank you for the translation. Could you translate mine?
clifborder4fm  20 | 35
10 Jul 2010   #20
Thread attached on merging:
Song Identification?

So there wasn't a catagory on where to put this post but I heard a song a while ago in Polish that I fell in love with and have been searching for years for the name of it and I was just wondering if maybe somehow someone here could help.

It was a guitar song kind of similar to czerwone gitary music but a little different. Anyway all I remember is the chorus which builds up with the singer singing fast and then he finishes with "chłopcy chłopcy"

Super long shot I know but it was be amazing if someone could help

babciasgirl  - | 1
3 Sep 2011   #21
Merged: Searching for Polish folk song/lullaby - song about a queen, king, etc. made of sweets

Hi there -

My grandparents were born in Poland and were both captured by the Soviets in World War II. They immigrated here with my mother and my aunt in 1957. They spoke Polish, but we were never taught Polish at home, except for a few words and songs.

Now that I'm almost 30 and have a baby on the way, I am seeking to recapture my heritage and connect with it. I'd really love to find a particular song that I loved when I was a child - a lullaby that my mother used to sing to me.

I remember the tune, but I never knew the words. I remember asking what it meant, and my mother explaining that it was about a little queen and king, and maybe a princess or prince in a beautiful castle. And then something comes along and eats them all up, but the song says don't cry or feel bad because they were all made of sweets - I remember that it was something like the king was made of sugar, the queen made of cake, and someone else made of marzipan. Of course, these are recollections from over 20 years ago, from a sleepy child. So it may not be exact.

I would love to know the words to this song so I can sing it to my own baby. The melody is beautiful and soothing, a little sad sounding. Does anyone know this song? I've searched for it online, but since I know so little, it's not very fruitful.

Thank you!

f stop  24 | 2493
3 Sep 2011   #22

Był sobie król , był sobie paź i była też krółewna
Żyli wśród mórz, nie znali burz, rzecz najzupełniej pewna.
Żyli wśród mórz, nie znali burz, rzecz najzupełniej pewna.
tallpolishchick  - | 2
5 Nov 2011   #23
Merged: Opie Shupie, Opie Shupie - Looking for Old Polish Folk Song

My grandfather was Polish and he used to sing this song to my dad but we can't find it ANYWHERE online and we'd like to hear it again. :) As far as we're aware it's about a lady climbing into a hay loft. This is what we can remember (and remember we don't speak polish sadly)

Opie Shupie, Opie Shupie,
Opie Shupie, Siano
Yaktemije Tano
Opie Shupe

Please help us if you recognize it. Thanks!
Zazulka  3 | 128
5 Nov 2011   #24
I think the song you are looking for may be LIST DO CARA (A letter to Tsar), Polish army march song.

A konna bateria już nad Styrem stoi,
już nad Styrem stoi, już nad Styrem stoi.
I pisze do Cara, że się go nie boi,
Że się go nie boi, hopaj - siup!

Hopaj - siupaj, hopaj - siupaj,
hopaj - siupaj dana, hopaj - siupaj dana,
dziewczyno kochana.
Wczoraj spałem na podłodze,
Dziś na stogu siana,
Do samego rana, hopaj - siup!

I pisze do Cara czarnym atramentem,
czarnym atramentem, czarnym atramentem.
Że się go nie boi z całym regimentem,
z całym regimentem, hopaj - siup!

nunczka  8 | 457
5 Nov 2011   #25
Here ya go.. American style

Polish Chick;

Your version of the song is wrong.. There is no lady involved.

This is all about a Polish brigade preparing to do battle against the Tsar.
The part about the hay should be. ( Last night I slept on a floor, but today I slept on dry hay, until the next morning)

Here is another American version.
tallpolishchick  - | 2
5 Nov 2011   #26
THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! My dad is still in shock that it's the same song! Had no idea about the lady in a hay loft. Still laughing about that. Thanks again. :)
20 Nov 2011   #27

Saartje van Camp recorded this song on her beuatiful album Walla Kristalla. An album about childrens's songs from everywhere. You are looking for Byt sobie król, a song about a King, a Page (servant to a knight) and a Queen. They live in al land where there is no rain and no thunder. They are very happy. One day, something terrible happens. The King is eaten by a dog, the page by a cat, and the queen by a mouse. But before the children get sad about this, they should know this: the king was made of sugar, the page of gingerbread, and the quean of marzipan.

Kind Regards,
28 Nov 2011   #28
Merged: 'She-ve coin, she-ve coin' - What is this Polish children's song?

The legend in my family is that when I was 3, my parents would set me on a table at a party or gathering, and I would sing a Polish children's song, to the delight of the audience. I sang it regularly on request from Polish-speaking family friends until my teens, but never knew what it meant, or whether the appreciation came from a little girl singing her heart out, or the lyrics of the song.

The way it sounds to me:
She-ve coin, she-ve coin
mala vana sahn-key
poya how, poya how
just for you ko-hahn-key.

I would love to know the name of the song and the actual lyrics, both in Polish and English. I'd like to include it in a book of family stories I'm making for my daughter. Thanks so much to anyone that can help!

gumishu  15 | 6228
28 Nov 2011   #29
The way it sounds to me:

the video contains the melody you just need to wait for a while

it's siwy koń, siwy koń, malowane sanki, pojechał, pojechał do swojej kochanki (or pojadę ja nimi as they sing)

perhaps you can google the whole lyrics when you type 'siwy koń, siwy koń, malowane sanki' + 'tekst piosenki'

siwy koń - grey horse
malowane sanki - painted sleigh
3 Feb 2012   #30
Can somebody help me with the following polish children's song? It starts:

Sloneczko wysoko, Chwala Panu Bogu, Chwala Panu Bogu, Chwala Panu Bogu
Wziela sobie.......

Thank you...!

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