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In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc

MediaWatch  10 | 942
1 Mar 2015   #61

That's a bunch of baloney jon.

Anti-Polish hate jokes are a product of Nazi German Propaganda subhuman intelligence hate jokes against Polish people which the Nazi Germans told Polish people when they were murdering them. The sign at the Nazi German death camp "ARBEIT MACHT FREI" which means "Work will make you free" was meant as a Nazi German subhuman intelligence joke/"Polish joke" against the FIRST 200,000 victims of Auschwitz who were Polish CHRISTIANS and NOT Jews.

See Youtube video "Polish Jokes Origin is Nazi German Propaganda Part 2C"

Show me some links where Poland/Polish people were using jokes against other people like the Nazi Germans were using Anti-Polish hate jokes against Polish people while they were murdering them?
jon357  72 | 23426
1 Mar 2015   #62
Obviously you're entitled to your opinion, however it just isn't true. Those joke have been around for a long time and Poles tell them about others too. I don't suppose you'd appreciate that, not having been to PL, however we do hear them often.

But hey, stick to your

subhuman intelligence hate jokes against Polish people which the Nazi Germans told Polish people when they were murdering them.

however weird and creepy that sounds.

And no, there are no 'links' about telling jokes to murder victims - in fact the internet didn't exist in those days. I can pop to the Kolporter and mail you a current joke book though...
MediaWatch  10 | 942
1 Mar 2015   #63

Yeah right jon. Whatever you say.

I have read your messages for years...and all you ever do is fabricate and exaggerate stuff that makes Poles look bad.

Frankly...whatever negative things you have to say about Poles.....One would have to believe the opposite would be true knowing your Anti-Polish agenda and constant attacks and criticisms of Poles.. Yeah Poles are such bad people....that's why a Non-Pole/Jewish guy like you likes living in Poland.

Oh Please......
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
1 Mar 2015   #64
MediaWatch you sound unhinged.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
1 Mar 2015   #65

Actually the people who are most unhinged are a certain element of Hollywood and the US media who IMPORTED NAZI GERMAN subhuman intelligence hate jokes about Polish people into the US in the 1960's/70's...and then RENAMED them as "Polish Jokes" to demean and degrade Poland/Polish if they were the enemy of America.

See youtube video: "Polish Jokes origin is Nazi German Propaganda Part 2D"

If you and "jon357" are people on the Polishforums who REALLY care about Polish people...and don't like seeing Polish people being unfairly attacked by Nazi German propaganda subhuman intelligence hate jokes/"Polish jokes" should not be attacking should attack the Poland-Haters who push these Anti-Polish hate joke slurs.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
1 Mar 2015   #66
certain element of Hollywood and the US media

why do you not just come out and say it?
Roger5  1 | 1432
1 Mar 2015   #67
the Poland-Haters who push these Anti-Polish hate joke slurs

When was the last time anyone heard an anti-Polish joke (I mean a Pole-hating joke) in a bar, or on TV or film?

why do you not just come out and say it?

Can't think why he doesn't just say Jews. He isn't usually so coy.
jon357  72 | 23426
1 Mar 2015   #68
Quite. Roz's summary, "sound unhinged" does fit very well - especially after that post about the Nazis.

Interesting how someone who has never been to Poland should describe others as having an anti-Polish agenda. Pure paranoia and very unhealthy too. And what's with the Jewish thing?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
1 Mar 2015   #69
When was the last time anyone heard an anti-Polish joke (I mean a Pole-hating joke) in a bar, or on TV or film?

good question Roger - in my case, never.
Some British comedians have mentioned Polish people in their routines but never in a nasty way. It is usually about how hard working they are, eg AlMurray the pub landlord.

although of course the 'dumb Polack' joke is more of an American thing I suppose.
Here we have/had the 'Irish' joke some of which were downright offensive.
jon357  72 | 23426
1 Mar 2015   #70
although of course the 'dumb Polack' joke is more of an American thing I suppose.
Here we have/had the 'Irish' joke some of which were downright offensive.

It's entirely an American thing as far as I can see - I've certainly never heard one in the UK. Some of the Irish jokes that were well enough known are also told in Poland about other groups.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
1 Mar 2015   #71
Roger5, jon357, rozumiemnic

Oh yes its just "pure paranoia" to think that there are POWERFUL TV networks that still CONTINUE to bash and degrade Polish people with the Nazi German stereotype that Polish people have "inferior intelligence". HEY I THOUGHT THESE American TV networks hated Nazi-German propaganda??? OH YES they HATE Nazi German propaganda against their favorite ethnic groups like Jewish people.....but they seem to LOVE LOVE LOVE Nazi German propaganda against Polish people!! Gee I WONDER WHY????

Yes yes yes....JUST LOOK at how these FINE people at CBS-TV.....who brought us the fine TV show "All in the Family" where the Polish-Hater Norman Lear went crazy pumping into the minds of the FORTY MILLION AMERICANS who watched his idiot show "All in the Family" TONS and TONS of Anti-Polish slurs of how Polish people are "DUMB POLACKS" and "MEATHEAD DUMB POLACKS"....are NOW GIVING US...the vicious Anti-Polish show "2 Broke Girls"....where the anti-Polish producers of the show PORTRAY the Polish character as being an IDIOT with INFERIOR INTELLIGENCE!!

See youtube video: "2 Broke Girls Jokes about Poland"

See Youtube video: Sophie on Polish Cat Beliefs (where other character says "Poland sounds like a Freak Show")

CBS-TV's "2 Broke Girls degrade Polish people"

CBS-TV's History of Anti-Polish Hate Jokes
CBS-TV's history of Anti-Polish HATRED AND BIGOTRY against Polish people
jon357  72 | 23426
1 Mar 2015   #72
What's with the capitals? Online that's the equivalent of shouting. And by the way, the particular German political regime that you tastelessly mention (telling people jokes while they're being killed indeed!) ended 70 years ago.

Those examples of TV shows don't actually talk much about Poland or its inhabitants (and you do seem to mention Poland a lot and frankly give a very bad impression despite never having been to PL). I wonder if you'd be interested in visiting so you can hear (assuming you can understand Polish) the types of jokes that Poles tell about other nationalities including, yes, the Germans.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
1 Mar 2015   #73

Assuming what you say is true....which I doubt since you always have an Anti-Polish agenda

Are Poles telling jokes to people and then killing them?....which is how the Origin of "Polish Jokes" started by the Nazi Germans [Which for some reason Hollywood and an element of the American TV for some reason LOVED] was manifested against Polish Christians.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
1 Mar 2015   #74
oh ffs Jon does not have an 'anti Polish agenda' he lives there.
While you have never even visited it seems.
It is time to move on from 'the Nazis' and 'the Jooz' you know.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
1 Mar 2015   #75
When did I ever mention "the Jooz"???

Gee rozumiemnic....I wonder why when I am talking about Anti-Polish Bigotry and Hatred in a certain element of Hollywood and the TV bring up "the Jooz"!! Gee now why would that be??? LOL
jon357  72 | 23426
1 Mar 2015   #76
Actually MW, it was you who first raised that group of people (the butt of many a joke in Poland even today). Interesting that you don't deny that you've never visited Poland, despite posting so aggressively about the place and people. I invite you to come, and yes, you may well hear ethnic jokes - I'll happily translate them into English for you.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
1 Mar 2015   #77

Well since you and your Jewish/Pro-Jewish friends here are bringing up "Jews"

Are their ethnic joke books about Jews in the Nazi subhuman intelligence hate jokes about Polish people/"Polish joke" book that your fellow Jewish American Larry Wilde wrote about Polish people? He first published it 4 decades ago...and now he just republished it again recently.

Evidently.....Larry Wilde is a big fan of the Nazi subhuman intelligence hate jokes the Nazi Germans told about Polish people. Of course ol Larry Wilde RENAMED the Nazi German subhuman intelligence hate jokes about Polish people as "Polish Jokes".

Its amazing how so many Jews who love to attack Polish people with inferior intelligence hate jokes....NEVER make any inferior intelligence hate jokes about the Germans....when Jews have told us that the Germans supposedly killed 6 million Jews. Jews like Norman Lear, Larry Wilde. the Jews at NBC-TV, ABC-TV (like the producers of the Anti-Polish Drew Carry show Mr. Helford, etc) act like the Germans never killed any Jews....or these Jews think that the Germans were not stupid for supporting a Jew-Hating maniac like Hitler. All of these Anti-Polish Jews who went crazy attacking Polish people with subhuman intelligence hate jokes....EVIDENTLY felt the Germans were never stupid for supporting a Jew-Hating maniac like Hitler. So tell Jews think the Germans were stupid for supporting a Jew-hating maniac like Hitler??? Evidently not....because even the vicious Polish-hater Norman Lear NEVER made any jokes in his idiot show "All in the Family" about Germans being stupid.

Why do you Jews think the Germans were not stupid for killing 6 million Jews? Why do Jews who bash Polish people act as if Germans were "Not so bad against Jews"???
Polonius3  980 | 12275
1 Mar 2015   #78
A tiny sampling of real Polish jokes:

What does PRL (Polish abbreviation for Polish People' Republic) stand for? - Prywatne Ranczo Leonida (Brezhnev's Private Ranch) And DDR (German abbreviation of German Democratic Republic or East Germany)? Dodatek do Rancza (An addition to the ranch.)

When asked by a foreign visitor what is Poland's trade with the Soviet Union like, a Pole replied: "We send their our meat, coal and textiles and they send us be repaired."

A Polish fisherman catches a goldfish which promises to fulfill three wishes if he sets it free. The Poles says: "I'd like all the Chinese to come up to the Polish border and then go home. And I'd like them to do the same two more times." The perplexed goldfish replies: "I will fulfill your wish, but please tell me why such an unusual request?" The fisherman replies: "Because that way they will have gone through the Soviet Union six times!"

Since things were a bit less severe in Poland than in other Soviet bloc countries it was often said that "Poland is the jolliest barracks in the socialist camp."

After visiting communist Poland some PolAm tourists concluded that "Poland is a 100% Marxist country: 5% Karl and 95% Groucho!"
Under communist occupation toilet graffiti included: "Tu produkuje się ser dla ZSRR" (Here cheese is produced for the USSR) and "Tu fabryka miodu dla przyjaciół ze Wschodu (This factory produces honey for our friends from the East).

Regarding slipshod labor and low wages Poles explained: "We pretend we're working and they pretend they're paying us."
TV news report: This just in. Sunday's election has been called off. On Saturday somebody lost the results.
Communist Party secretary: "Comrade Nowak, we didn't see you at the last meeting." - "If I had known it was the last, I would've been there."

At a Communist Party meeting Comrade Kowalski asks: "Have we already achieved socialism or will things get even worse?" At the next meeting Comrade Woźniak raises his hand and asks: "Does anyone know what ever happened to Comrade Kowalski?"

Anti-communist jokes circulated profusely during martial law imposed by Jaruzelski in late 1981 to crush Solidarność.. One said: Poland is changing its name to Ubekistan (a play on UB, the Stalin-era secret police). It's capital will be called Jaruzelem (from dictator Jaruzelski's name); its currency will be 30 pieces of silver, and its goal will be to create a "new man" called Homo Zomo (ZOMO was Jaruzelski's riot police).

During martial law a man goes to confession and tells the priest: "Father, I have just killed a ZOMO." The priest replies: "Son, first your sins. You can tell me about your achievements afterwards!"

Why are Jaruzelski's lips so red? - Because Brezhnev suffers from hemorrhoids.
Why was Wałęsa released from detention on November 14, 1982? - Because Brezhnev had said "Over my dead body!" (The Soviet dictator died on November 10.)
jon357  72 | 23426
1 Mar 2015   #79
Well since you and your Jewish/Pro-Jewish friends here are bringing up "Jews"

Actually, you brought up the issue, and very far from being the first time.

Are their ethnic joke books about Jews in Poland.

There was a fairly well-publicised legal case about it recently. I assume you keep up with current affairs and read Polish language media since you're so interested in Poland.


13 mentions of that word in one post. Must be a record.

Why do you Jews

your fellow Jewish American


As I say, I invite you to come and see for yourself, assuming you can get a visa.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
1 Mar 2015   #80
A few more Polish jokes, this time targeting the K-words (Germans):

You know you've crossed into Poland because of the narrow, rutted and potholed roads. You know you've crossed into Germany because the cows are more attractive than the women.

Prostitutes working in Germany have to be imported from neighboring countries, because. German ones would have to pay their customers.
The Germans have invented a new type of extra-large microwave oven. It seats 10.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
1 Mar 2015   #81
Two Germans are having a debate about Poles and the stereotypes associated with them:

You know, those Poles are not such thieves as they depict them to be. I stand here, two hours have gone by, Poles all around me, and I still have my gold watch that my grandfather gave me on my hand. Says the first German

Indeed, How nice. Says the other
It even has the original inscription: "Z okazji urodzin. Warszawa 1939". (For your birthday. Warsaw 1939)
Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Mar 2015   #82
When God was creating different nations, he gave the Poles a land rich in natural resources with a beautiful seacoast, majestic mountains, forests full of game, lakes and rivers teeming with fish, vast fields of golden grain, beautiful flaxen-haired maidens and handsome, hard-working youths for them to marry. "Is it fair that the Poles are getting so much of a good thing?" a little angel asked. And God replied: "Wait till you see who I give them for neighbors!"

Merged: Marital interaction of Polish couples?


WIFE: Good thing you're home. The kitchen tap is leaking. Could you mend it?
HUSBAND: What do you think I am - a plumber.?
WIFE (Next day): Good thing you're home. The back garden needs to be raked.
HUBAND: What do you think I am - a gardener?
WIFE (Next day): Good thing you're home. There's a short circuit in the floor lamp, maybe you could do something about it?
HUSBAND: What do you think I am - an electrician?
WIFE (Next day): The tap and lamp have been mended and the garden has been raked. The neighbour said he'd do anything for me if I baked him a cake or slept with him.

HUSBAND: So what did you bake him?
WIFE: What do you think I am - a pastry chef?!
Bobko  27 | 2160
2 Apr 2023   #83
A Polish man walks into a store and tells the clerk:

- "I would like to buy a pound of kiełbasa."
- "You must be Polish," the clerk replied.

The Polish man, begins to get irritated, and responds,

- "Now why would you say something like that? Say I ordered pasta, would you then say I was Italian?"
- "No," said the clerk.
- "If I ordered matzoh ball soup, would you then say I was Jewish?"
- "No," said the clerk.
- "Why, if I came in here and asked for a crossaint, then you would probably say I was French?"
- "No," said the clerk.
- "Then what makes you think I'm Polish?"
- "Because this is a hardware store."
Alien  25 | 6366
2 Apr 2023   #84
hardware store."

You have forgotten to say that it was a hardware store with a butcher department....🤣😂
pawian  225 | 27327
3 Apr 2023   #85
a butcher department.

Exactly. Polish chainsaw massacres take place in it.
Bobko  27 | 2160
7 Apr 2023   #86
A Russian meme. The captions on the left say: "Russian recreation", "American recreation", "Polish recreation" - respectively.

Is it true that Poles are obsessed with beavers?

  • 9B0C285A2E6742348.jpeg
Alien  25 | 6366
7 Apr 2023   #87
....." Bóbr kurwa"
" O kurwa bober"
" O kurwa Bobko"
and what else?
Bobko  27 | 2160
7 Apr 2023   #88

I found one of the videos. I must admit it is highly entertaining.

It seems, on the example of this young man, that Poles feel mixed emotions towards the beaver. On the one hand, he is showered with crude insults (why!??), but in other instances he is treated in very comradely fashion.

"O kurwa Bobko"

On this chat this definitely one of the most popular forms of entertainment. If only I saw this clip before creating my username... I could have been Bobr.

Bobr vs Pawian.

- "Ale fajny Bobr"
- "AAAAaaaa kurwa gryzie!"

Alien  25 | 6366
7 Apr 2023   #89
one of the videos.

Ha,ha, video in Germany only for adults and I can not open it. What have you found @Bobko.
Lenka  5 | 3537
7 Apr 2023   #90
video in Germany only for adults and I can not open it

Same in UK

Home / Life / In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc
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