his backward thinking on other people in the vain belief his beloved Serbian empire can rise again. He is a relic of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
It’s you that’s backward thinking that vain belief that you can still reshape the world to your will, your empire is crumbling around you, you just don’t see it yet. Soon it will be a relic of a distant past while Serbs will rise again. LOL
His Polish-Serbian link are denied by the DNA evidence and the geographic distance.
Your vain attempt to link DNA to patriotism is pathetic, history has proven time and time again that some of the greatest patriots no matter what land they fought for came from mixed ethnicities; the love for their country or adapted country or whatever the case might be came from the family they grew up in. It is they who instilled in them the virtues and ideals they hold dear and love of the land they fought for, DNA had nothing to do with it.
What’s up with the neo-Nazi crap? Neo-Nazis are people like you who go to someone else’s land trying to reshape their society according to your vision of what it should look like, in some vain belief that you are somehow better than the natives, they are just not capable to run their own house. That’s the belief in Untermensch in its purest form to which you subscribe. In the last two decades proved it through your deeds, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. Lebensraum is another example of the ideology you obey without question and cheer on, only these days it’s more about the resources of that land rather than the land itself, damn savages are just not capable of putting it to good use, let’s send the army and our corporate giants will know what to do with it.