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Thread dedicated to Polish and other Slavic children

TheOther  6 | 3596
5 Aug 2014   #31
I find it very questionable to confront young children like the ones in the video with violent crap from WW2, to be honest. Why don't they wait until the kids are old enough to understand what it's all about?
gumishu  15 | 6226
5 Aug 2014   #32
there is too much cult being built around the Warsaw Uprising now - we know now that the decision for the uprising was a grave mistake
TheOther  6 | 3596
6 Aug 2014   #33
there is too much cult being built around the Warsaw Uprising now

But why is that? The whole video looks like a communist screenplay.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
6 Aug 2014   #34
Tribute to Polish children, the victims of the Nazi Germany's Lebensborn Project, WWII.

Mother Slavia, keeps sea of tears for all Her children
TheOther  6 | 3596
6 Aug 2014   #35
You seem to be stuck in the 1940's. Unhealthy obsession with death and destruction you have there, my friend.

Tribute to Polish children, the victims of the Nazi Germany's Lebensborn Project, WWII.


"At the Nuremberg Trials, no evidence was found of direct involvement by the 'Lebensborn' organization in the kidnapping of Polish children."
23 Dec 2014   #36
You seem to be stuck in the 1940's. Unhealthy obsession with death and destruction you have there, my friend.

2 TheOther
May be because some people in Ukraine are also stuck in the 1940's. Just in another way:
OP Crow  154 | 9463
23 Dec 2014   #37
It really humiliates every decent Slavic man and woman, how Germanic ideological constructions poisoning minds of young Slavs in Ukraine

Fascists Creating Child Soldiers in Ukraine | Ukraine War 2014
JollyRomek  6 | 457
23 Dec 2014   #38
It really humiliates every decent Slavic man and woman, how Germanic ideological constructions poisoning minds of young Slavs in Ukraine

Crow, you are nothing but a bigoted internet warrior. I lived in Ukraine for 3 years. I live in Donetsk for 3 years. I am German and I can tell you one thing. I have seen half my friends leaving Donetsk because they have no interest in the DNR. I have seen the other half stay because they have nowhere else to go. Some have been recruited by the DNR boys because that's the only grivnas they can get at the moment. The rest are relying on money send from their friends in western Europe or western Ukraine or Kyiv. The DNR does give a **** about them, just like the Transnistrian government does not care for it's citizens or can not care for it's citizens.

Do you want a true report from what's going on in your DNR? Are you ready for it? Have you ever been to Donetsk to even slightly be able to understand the situation?

I beg you, say yes and I will copy / paste every single message I have from my friends who remained in Donetsk. If you feel that you need to cancel your account on this forum in shame, I will understand.

Stop writing about things you clearly have no clue about unless you are ready and willing to man up when someone tells you otherwise.
Roger5  1 | 1432
24 Dec 2014   #39
If you feel that you need to cancel your account on this forum in shame, I will understand.

That would be too much to expect from this hatemonger. His lack of insight is well known, and his wild dreams of a Slavik commonwealth bear absolutely no relation to reality. I just wish he'd come to Poland and talk to ordinary people about his obsessions.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
24 Dec 2014   #40
Crow, you are nothing but a bigoted internet warrior.

Thank you.

I lived in Ukraine for 3 years. I live in Donetsk for 3 years.

are you one of those who is paid by hostile non-Slavic elements?

I am German and I can tell you one thing.

alright, tell me how you feel, being sane and educated man, aware that in some point of history your Slavic ancestors were germanized, what today makes you German? is it nice to be German? i myself sometimes contemplate on switching but, somehow still didn`t switch.

If you feel that you need to cancel your account on this forum in shame, I will understand.

i warning you. i`m not capable to feel the shame, neither the regret.

/that is exactly what one female told me/

Stop writing about things you clearly have no clue about unless you are ready and willing to man up when someone tells you otherwise.

i know a lot of. still, i seek

His lack of insight is well known, and his wild dreams of a Slavik commonwealth bear absolutely no relation to reality.


I just wish he'd come to Poland and talk to ordinary people about his obsessions.

as the matter of fact i am, these days, in correspondence with some Poles. People prepare protest `Kosovo is Serbia, Support from Poland 2015` and call me to come as guest.

Slavic Christian Center children's program in Tacoma WA 2003

Sunday Kids Christmas(Rozhdestvo) Slavic Church service 2012 ASHEVILLE
JollyRomek  6 | 457
24 Dec 2014   #41
Crow, am I paid by "hostile non-Slavic elements?" ?

No, I moved to Donetsk because I support Shakhtar and I fell in love with Donetsk, Donbass and Ukraine in general. I made the decision to move to Ukraine when my team played Dynamo Kyiv on a Sunday at 4pm and my flight out of Kyiv was at 2.30pm to go back home so I missed the game. That's when I decided to start working as a freelance translator over the internet and just live in Donetsk so I don't have to miss games anymore, be closer to my club and just simply live in Ukraine.

You still haven't answered my question yet but I guess you do not want any real opinions about the great DNR and what people think about your Slavic commonwealth ideas to be published. Not that you may have to admit to be wrong in front of an audience........
OP Crow  154 | 9463
30 Apr 2015   #42
Polish talent girl singing

The Voice of Poland IV - Ania Deko - "Małe rzeczy" - Przesłuchania w Ciemno

Slovak talent girl singing

Lucia Molnárová - Nešlap, nelámej

True sounds of ancients

Yurya - Belarusian Folk Song - sang and performed by Belarus teenagers

We Slavs aren`t nation. No, we are people. Nations are something young. We Slavs are ancient people of ancient civilization, with deep culture. By God granted with great physical and spiritual beauty.

Serbian talent girl singing

Marija Marceta - Ljubav mi srce mori (Love is torturing my heart)

Polish talent girl singing

The Voice of Poland III - Olga Jankowska - "Tego chciałam"

Thank you God for in your unimaginable wisdom and great mercy You made me to be Slavic born.

Young Russian girls singing Ave Maria

А.Титова, В.Котова, В.Оганисян - Ave Maria (Голос дети)

Ajsa Kapetanovic from Serbia - Zlatnik - (Golden coin)

Polish people demonstrate their Slavic solidarity

days of Polish diaspora in Serbia, sponsored by Polish embassy in Belgrade

Lena Stamenković - Lenina pesma - Serbia - 2015 Junior Eurovision Song Contest

on my knees i beg owner of the web site and admin to repair all links in this thread. This is especial thread. For Slavic children

Now, Cossack children >

Katyusha - Kuban Cossacks Choir (Children's Choir)

Кавказские частушки (Caucasian ditties) - Children's Choir School Kuban Cossack Choir

Ah, the little Cossacks - Children Kuban Cossack Choir
23 Nov 2015   #43
Nice vids crow, all the links are working for me.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
23 Nov 2015   #44
good. But i thought of workable youtube links. Not to copy paste links but just to press on clip. Of course, if its ok by the law

Let go song of the Slavic child, in these times when Slavs are problem, their stubborn decision to preserve their way of life, for they didn`t gave up from themselves and their civilization, because they think that hospitality isn`t same as self destruction.

comenius - houses of traditions - polish child song - dwóm tańczyć się zachciało
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Nov 2015   #45
Now, Cossack children >

People of Poland, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Cossacks seen rather unfavourably here?
23 Nov 2015   #46
Crow "Betrayal of the Cossacks" as a Pole this sounds familiar to me, so my answer is no, Cossacks are not unfavorable to me.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
24 Nov 2015   #47
All Slavic children reminds us of simple truth, that Slavic civilization exist.

Dance group `Sevdah Vranje` - Igre iz srpskog Crnoreèja (Poljska, Wegorzewo) - Serbian children performed mix of their traditional dance in Poland


Donatan Cleo feat. Enej - Brać [Official Video]

Arkona sing about Serbia as of wounded mother- old core of Slavic (Sarmatian) civilization

Аркона (Arkona) - Сербия (Serbia)

and Poles are also aware where is old core

PIERSI - Bałkanica (Official Video) [HD]

India Oxenberg, youngest Princess of Serbian House of Karađorđević. Her grandmother is Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia.



well, people this is MUST SEE

Diana Recites Poetry on Ukraine's Got Talent (Part 1)

Admine brate pane, please don`t harm this youtube link. Leave it as i post it. Hvala

This is about Serbian Lepa Brena when she was little girl. Her concert in Bulgaria back in 1990. Spot Bulgarian hysteria on the sight of Serbian blondes. This Serbian infl;uence on the region is what frightening western Europe and Turkey.

Sarmatian finest.

Today i understand deeper necessity for destruction of Yugoslavia and why that had to be washed in blood. Yugoslavia was symbol. Symbol of great Slavic energy and deep spirituality. That symbol had to be crashed so that spin doctors of western Europe in deal with Saudi Arabia and Turkey prove their arguments and impose their schemes on us. So, they gave us destruction, manipulations and fabricated lies.

But, children shall live in freedom. Again. Like a phoenix bird we shall rise. Once more dragon would be summoned!

Slavic spirit! Spirit of winners!

The Voice of Poland - Dorota Osińska - "Calling You"

Maria.'Euphoria' (Eurovision song contest). The Voice Kids Russia.

Serbian girls and children Choir singing about Jesus
OP Crow  154 | 9463
31 Jul 2017   #48

Piersi - Bałkanica / Przystanek Woodstock

Slavic children, Slavic beauty

Miss Canada and often winner in Canada`s beauty contests of Serbian origin



Tamara Jemuović


What is good for Serbians, its good for Poles, too. Why? Because we are one people, separated with false borders.

Serbia's royals welcome baby boy into family


little Prince Stefan Karadjordjevic
OP Crow  154 | 9463
6 Nov 2020   #49
Polish children sing in Serbian children summer camp Letenka

Welcome Holy Spirit - Sisters from Poland - Letenka Camp Serbia >>>

Serbia's royals welcome baby boy into family

little Prince Stefan Karadjordjevic

BDW, forgot to mention. In case with above image. Serbian Prince Filip married Danica, a girl from the ordinary Serbian peoples background and for that he is very loved by Serbs.
9 Nov 2020   #50
Such an amazing thread, although I am not Polish nor Slavic myself. It is sad just how Millennials are slow to start families.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
20 Feb 2021   #51
Anti-war song by Serbian singer Djordje Balasevic, performance by Serbian children >


Just let there be no war


Children in Serbia and Poland after the WW1 1920 in Color

OP Crow  154 | 9463
16 Mar 2021   #52
God, protect Slavic child, defend.


"The Voice Kids Poland" - Nela Zawadzka - "Meluzyna"


Елица Камбурова - Камино


Kateřina Kolčavová - Believer (Imagine Dragons) - The VOICE Czecho Slovakia 2019


Katarina Radulović - Tako mi svega


Lina Kuduzović - The Power Of Love (Celine Dion) - Final [HD] Slovenia's Got Talent
OP Crow  154 | 9463
10 Apr 2022   #53
Serbian anti-war song preformed by child

Darija Vračević - Samo da rata ne bude /Just let there be no war/



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