Can't every Polish member of the forum just put each of the neighbour in order of preference? Yes you may include Sweden if you really want to. (What's a little bit of water between friend/enemies?)
Polish and Czechs
Can't every Polish member of the forum just put each of the neighbour in order of preference
Pan Sławek, Pani Bronia, Pan Piotr. The old man with the dog downstairs is dead last - he's always complaining about something and the dog's nuts.
Can't every Polish member of the forum just put each of the neighbour in order of preference? Yes you may include Sweden if you really want to. (What's a little bit of water between friend/enemies?)
Czech Rep
Why are Czechs so low on your list?
Is there a cultural dislike for each other or is just them?
Just a guess but stupid nationalism, mostly. I'ver heard many a fellow Pole say that they (Czechs) are wanna-be Germans, too Germanic to be proper Slavs. I've also heard one or two people mention that they didn't try hard enough to fight Communism until the last minute, when the rest of Eastern Euroipe was doing so, which is simply stupid.
Czechs might resent Poland sending troops to squash the uprisings in 1968 (rendereing the above argument pointless), and they probably resent the domineering numbers of their neighbors up north, we have way more people and are more demanding politically . I'm sure they resent Poland's self-proclaimed role as champion of all things Eastern European, which doesn';t surprise me, especially considering the former paternalistic, backwards-looking government (Czechs probably see thermselves as more European than Poles, who are often seen to be overly-religious and who aren't cool enough to be in the EU...
16 Jun 2008 #66
they see Poles as domineering.
No kidding? I wonder why??
I've known Czechs and have been drinking with them aswell as Polish.
While a few bad apples don't represent the whole bunch, I personally have never responded negatively to being asked if I'm Russian, Czech, from Ukraine or whatever judging by my long last name. I have respect for them but I'm a Pole through and through
Just a guess but stupid nationalism, mostly. I'ver heard many a fellow Pole say that they (Czechs) are wanna-be Germans, too Germanic to be proper Slavs.
Great post all around I'd say. Hits on all the stereotypes which is basically what this thread is aiming at.
Speaking to my family and parents, they said Czech's view Poles as too hot tempered, acting too quickly on emotion.
While they view Czech has more eager to calculate and let the dominoes fall before making a decision. Not the first to act but then again not taking the risk of getting burned. They say they would rather have Poland re act in the same way as Czech politically in the past and even in some manners today and if they had they would be better off economically, instead of being the first to jump in the fire and fight, Czech sat back and waited to see what would happen before making choices. Wiser decisions
PoleAmerican 2 | 12
24 Jan 2009 #68
Poles, Czechs and Slovaks all speak West Slavic languages. They are brothers. I think they should form a nation or at least form a Union within the European Union and NATO.
They are in the EU already :)
PoleAmerican 2 | 12
24 Jan 2009 #70
Seanus, I know they are in E.U. all ready. I meant they should act like one nation in E.U. affairs. This would be good for them and for the E.U.
Acting together as one, they would wouldn't be as easily dwarfed by the larger E.U. nations.
E.U. constitution keeps failing and 27 members trying to decide things makes the E.U. unwieldy. If there was a Polish, Czech and Slovak sub-union within the E.U. that acted as one state that could ease things in this regard.
Acting together as one, they would wouldn't be as easily dwarfed by the larger E.U. nations.
E.U. constitution keeps failing and 27 members trying to decide things makes the E.U. unwieldy. If there was a Polish, Czech and Slovak sub-union within the E.U. that acted as one state that could ease things in this regard.
It's a bit too idealistic. The balance of power is quite clearly laid down and a minor Slavic union of just 3 countries wouldn't have enough clout. It also creates the additional danger of forming pockets and breakaway factions.
Cooperation can be achieved in ways other than union.
Cooperation can be achieved in ways other than union.
Czech Rep
Czech Rep
Bgutfinski - | 8
29 Jan 2009 #73
Pan Sławek, Pani Bronia, Pan Piotr. The old man with the dog downstairs is dead last - he's always complaining about something and the dog's nuts.
Last time I posted on here, I reminded everyone that Sweden is an option. This time, I could suggest that you could include Lusatians / Sorbs / Wends if you want to, even if you've never met one, never seen one and don't really know anything about them.
hey, I am the Czech too and I like Polish..both countries were parts The Holy Roman Empire in the middle-age and our languages are similar, thats true, but sometimes it is impossible to understand for both sides.
But anyway, it is not true, that we hate each other or so on..that is a ********
But anyway, it is not true, that we hate each other or so on..that is a ********
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2125
5 Jun 2009 #76
you never, ever hear jokes about Germans in Poland.
My daughter dated a Czech guy for 3 years. He still loves her but she broke up with him. My daughter said that his Czech friends would occassionally put her down in a friendly way because she was Polish. (Polish/American). Czechs seem to be torn between a superiority and an inferiority complex at the same time. Odd...
I don't think it would be any different if girl was Czech and guys were Polish. Just the way it is, joking around
23 Jan 2010 #79
Poles see as funny and lazy but meanwhile economically and culturally superior.
(I'm Czech married to a Pole)
(I'm Czech married to a Pole)
funny.i'm Polish and i don't view Czechs superior to us in any way. i have been to CR a few times and i found the country pretty but not prettier than other European countries. Czechs often look down on Poles. i found Czech people rather arrogant, they should be more polite towards tourists who come there in great numbers and leave a lot of money.i really didn't notice any economic gap between Poland and CR.also an average Czech city doesn't differ from an average Polish city.although Prague is one of the prettiest cities i have ever seen.
just put each of the neighbour in order of preference?
Czech Republic
Ta-da! we're fourth. So sweet. :)
I've had only positive experience with Czech people.
From what I've seen some of them can't forgive you for 1939 and us for "Pražské jaro".
I've had only positive experience with Czech people.
From what I've seen some of them can't forgive you for 1939 and us for "Pražské jaro".
I dream about Liechtenstein someday invade us and forcibly incorporate to their duty. This nightmare would be over. :)
That is one of the greatest comments i've seen posted here.
Yes,Czechs deep inside like the Russians although not admiring that openly but their behavior shows other things.And Russians like CR.
So i asked them how many words they knew in Welsh, Celt or Gaelic (Scotts and Irish lingos) and funny enough, they didnt know any!
How much Hungarian do you know? German?
It would make near as much sense to learn Welsh or Gaelic as 99.999% of speakers also speak English. There is no common language among the countries that you mentioned, so it would make sense to learn a bit of vocabulary from your neighbors.
Yes,Czechs deep inside like the Russians although not admiring that openly but their behavior shows other things.And Russians like CR.
Czechs don't really hold a grudge that well over multiple generations.
I think Karlovy Vary is now officially considered a part of Russia. 2 flights a day to Moscow, and 3 times a week to Petersburg :)
For example a Czech woman told me that her daughter dislikes German and wants to learn Russian instead of German in school.
think Karlovy Vary is now officially considered a part of Russia. 2 flights a day to Moscow, and 3 times a week to Petersburg :)
A Czech anecdote... President of Czech Rep says: "If Russia keeps on threatening us over installation of missile-shield, I'll issue an order to bomb Karlovy Vary". :)
i'm Polish and i don't view Czechs superior to us in any way
GDP/hab in Czech republic is 30-40% higher than in Poland
.also an average Czech city doesn't differ from an average Polish cit
As a foreigner, It seems to me that when you cross from Poland to Czech, the villages become more neat. Generally, the road and urban signage is also less shoddy than in Poland, more "in ordnung"..
Prague is one of the prettiest cities i have ever seen.
Agreed. For me, Prague and Paris are the most beautiful cities in Europe
If there was a Polish, Czech and Slovak sub-union within the E.U. that acted as one state that could ease things in this regard.
That is unlikely to happen. Remember, Czech and Slovak used to be one, now there are two of them. The most distinct characteristic of Slavic people is that they like to argue for minor issues.. In addition, Czechs don't like Poles for many reasons, one being Cieszyn (the Poles don't like being reminded of this, because it somewhat questions their "victim" status of WW2), the other being that when the Prague spring broke out, Mocow sent Warsaw pact troops to quash it and among those troops,there were many Poles- admittedly this has nothing to do with true Poland..
Moravans like Poles.They told me most fashion comes to CR from Poland.The greatest difference between Poland and CR are religion issues.
A Czech anecdote... President of Czech Rep says: "If Russia keeps on threatening us over installation of missile-shield, I'll issue an order to bomb Karlovy Vary". :)
As a foreigner, It seems to me that when you cross from Poland to Czech, the villages become more neat. Generally, the road and urban signage is also less shoddy than in Poland, more "in ordnung"..
I noticed that too, especially coming down the E67 and the 462.
EchoTheCat - | 137
25 Jan 2010 #89
For example a Czech woman told me that her daughter dislikes German and wants to learn Russian instead of German in school.
Hmm in Poland we have no choice, we have to learn German and English. But there's good idea to learn Czech at schools. Most of Poles will probably die at laugh on those lessons :))
Hmm in Poland we have no choice, we have to learn German and English.
Studying languages shouldn't be obligatory I think or at least one should have a wide choice...