China was not party to the Kyoto reduction agreement.
It shows as their air pollution is off the scale and the ground water is unfit to drink.
No the Euro is f@ucked in 2015
I beg to differ as the UK's economy is on a very very thin string also.
The Euro is at a nine year low while the U.S. dollar is at a nine year high.
the UK has a free floating currency and will be one of Europe's best performers in 2015
Europe's best performer maybe which isn't saying much as bad as Europe is hurting.
Most major currencies are floating currencies. So what is your point ?
A free floating currancy is a currency whose value is determined by the free market.
The value of a floating currency changes constantly depending on the supply and demand for that currency
as well as the amount of the currency held in foreign reserves.
However, floating exchange rates tend to be more volatile depending on the particular currency.
A floating currency may undergo currency appreciation or currency depreciation depending on market fluctuations.
I really don't think there will be any big demand for the GBP in 2015.
I also believe Poland is in deep trouble relying on US FDI increasing from 2016 as EU borders
are drawn in black pen.
Yeah like those black pen borders are just that. If Poland didn't rely on the U.S. Federal Defense Industry then who
would they rely on that would be capable of meeting their needs ? England ? Russia ? the Chi-coms ?
I predict that you will see the Euro drop as low as 106 in 2015 which won't be good for the zloty either.