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Polish Police and Their Tactics

pawian  226 | 27453
3 May 2021   #91
evidence that Polish cops are real gentlemen compared to ours.

Be more sensible, please. Didn`t johhny explain it in one of his posts?: Read it again and learn from your compatriots:

That idiot would have been shot dead anyplace in the United States

Polish police shoot at tyres, Am police shoot at drivers. Simple.
Novichok  4 | 8478
3 May 2021   #92
The dumb American cops still don't know that it's the tires that shoot back, not the drivers. How stupid of them...
pawian  226 | 27453
3 May 2021   #93
the tires that shoot back, not the drivers

Exactly. Polish police already know it, hence the difference.
Novichok  4 | 8478
3 May 2021   #94
Polish police wouldn't last a week here facing real gangbangers - I mean real men with real guns, not Polish water pistols. They would deport themselves crying and shaking...
pawian  226 | 27453
3 May 2021   #95
Dear Novi, the whole thread is about it that Polish police don`t need to resort to Am police methods. They can remain gentle on most occasions. Polish posters tried to explain it to you. Where have you been while this thread was created and developed?

The reason for that state of affairs is simple - in Poland guns aren`t so easily available as in the US. When our police deal with an armed criminal, it is a sort of bank holiday.

That is why all reasonable people here are against wide gun possession.
pawian  226 | 27453
3 May 2021   #96
Another film showing tyre shooting. A depressed woman got really pissed off after her partner called her fatso and demolished a filling station in revenge. See two films - outside and inside view:

Your discretion is advised because of patologia language. :):)
Novichok  4 | 8478
3 May 2021   #97
Everything is relative and nothing exists in a vacuum. My bet is that the OP asked about Polish police tactics to compare them to the police tactics elsewhere or in Poland over time. Nothing else would make sense. Taken alone, current Polish police tactics are as relevant as the temperature on Pluto.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
3 May 2021   #98
have you seen my vid above though? do you understand polish enough to comprehend it?
amiga500  5 | 1492
4 May 2021   #99
Polish cop shot and killed by scum today during road stop today
Strzelec35  19 | 830
4 May 2021   #100
Damm Polish police are such scum.
Novichok  4 | 8478
4 May 2021   #101
Are there police you respect, if not like?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7926
25 Jun 2021   #102
Derek Chauvin just got 22.5 years for killing Floyd.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
25 Jun 2021   #103
@johnny reb

Not enough.
Novichok  4 | 8478
25 Jun 2021   #104
Out in 10 for good behavior. Wish him the best.
Back to my question...If Floyd's life was so precious, let's speculate for a moment what his loving family would rather have - Floyd or 20 big ones?
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
25 Jun 2021   #105
Derek Chauvin just got 22.5 years for killing Floyd.

A totally meaningless verdict. I would like to read an explanation of how the murder could have been 2nd and 3rd degree at the same time? Did the death occur as a result of the negligent actions of the police officer without the desire to kill the criminal, as the verdict says; or the death occurred as a result of the actions of a police officer with the aim of causing fatal consequences for the criminal, as the verdict also states. The existence of intent to kill and the absence of intent to kill exclude both, and this judgment merged that. On top of all that, it does not reveal to us the motive for which the police officer wanted to kill this criminal, and the motive is the basis for categorizing the murder as a 2nd degree.
Joker  2 | 2374
25 Jun 2021   #106
A totally meaningless verdict

Hes probably going to get a new trial anyhow... One of the jurists lied on his application and was attending BLM marches which is a big NO, NO!

Also, that pos Maxine Waters interfered with the trial and the Judge already mentioned it could be used as an appeal.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7926
25 Jun 2021   #107
Out in 10 for good behavior.

My guess is 7 and change if he lives.
Novichok  4 | 8478
25 Jun 2021   #108
A totally meaningless verdict

Great post. Thank you.

The existence of intent to kill and the absence of intent to kill everything. Intent - life no parole, No intent - an accident and a slap. Add to this PTSD cops have from dealing with the scum that wants them dead every day, and he should be home now.
Paulina  19 | 4458
24 Aug 2021   #109
I saw this birdy in the sky today :):

And something for pawian :)):

Paulina  19 | 4458
25 Aug 2021   #110
This Black Hawk was produced in a factory in Poland (in Mielec):

It was modified for the police needs - unlike other S-70i Black Hawks this one (and two others that the Polish police have) has, for example, a rotor brake - one could see it in action today in Kielce when police officers from Polish SWAT were practising rappelling onto a roof of shopping mall "Galeria Echo" - here's a video:

It looks pretty cool when the blades basically stop rotating :)
Strzelec35  19 | 830
9 May 2022   #111

Polish police tactics?

I dont understand these people at all. What a weird country. I saw this boy who looked like he was patologia or a junkie or basically had a weird face and head almost like downs syndrome and looked like he was falling asleep and barely walking wobbling like he was on drunk or drunk like crazy with some older man maybe his dad or an actual pedo (well the kid looked about 11) who had tattoos on his hands and were walking inside this alley or opened the gate and went in and there happened to be cops nearby but they were busy checking the documents or id card on this bum lady (basically not even the same level this kid looked). so i simply told them you should maybe check who went into that alley as some kid probably on drugs with some man went in there and they started asking me all sorts of questions like not even caring about the kid or situation or even telling me they cant just look at a camera (not a proactive police force it seems or preventive like that of California and America or America) unless a crime for sure already occurs. So i told them it was just worth maybe looking into and i just wanted to let them know and leave or go on my way and they start drilling me about my id or info like my family last names etc. they never even ask for my number or address though. I dont even get what was the point as I am not zameldowany anywhere to get my info like that and without asking for how to find me like a phone number as they claimed this was just a standard protocol so if they need a witness to the incident later or something. but it was weird they got on the call with some guy to get my actual name as there are diff people were similar names and it was like I was being treated like a criminal or had a warrant just for reporting something suspicious. They then said I can go on my way and they will go inside the gate now to look for the guy with the kid but im not even sure they did. like they didnt care about it just getting info on me a random but not actually asking for any contact, which made it even weirder. I told them I dont really care about the guy or kid but its their job to investigate and i dont know those people hence its not my business and im not a cop so i just let them know but it seems all they cared about was investigating me. Ive had cops in Poland ask for such **** before so I have no idea why they didnt if they truly were just trying to get my info in case they needed a witness. I wonder if I could have just not gave them anything and said I am not reporting anything just giving you guys a wskazik or info you can choose to investigate or not. Basically the kid was a drug or junky baby or something was off with him and was clearly impaired and walking around an older tattooed man holding him by the neck and going somewhere private together.

if you see a crime, even rape or aggravated assaults, or something in Poland its better to just walk the other way it seems or you may be the one treated as a criminal. and unlike in America there is no pre crime or minority style preventive crime it seems so no one can just report suspicious activity.

lol this is literally the same area i described above happened and no one cared or reacted to it but me and this happened there:
Paulina  19 | 4458
18 Apr 2023   #112
Wolf-Ram-23 - the biggest exercises of the Polish police (+ firefighters, paramedics, etc.) in history, together with American FBI, are taking place in Poland:,some-2600-polish-police-in-joint-drills-with-fbi-agents-interior-minister

"Some 2,600 Polish police officers are exercising together with dozens of FBI agents in various cities in Poland this week, in the largest such drills in the history of Polish law enforcement, the country's interior minister has said."




OP johnny reb  49 | 7926
18 Apr 2023   #113
Some 2,600 Polish police officers are exercising together with dozens of FBI agents in various cities in Poland this week

Why ?
I thought there was no crime in Poland.
Seems they are gearing up for some civil unrest.
Perhaps you could enlighten us on this.
Paulina  19 | 4458
18 Apr 2023   #114
As one can see based on the photos those were counter-terrorism exercices. Another quote from the article:

'KamiƄski said Wolf-Ram-23 envisaged terrorist attacks "using chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear material," and was therefore "a highly complex exercise, requiring extraordinary performance and coordinated action by various agencies."

He added that the drills gave Polish officers an "immensely valuable" opportunity "to benefit from the knowledge, experience and tactics of FBI agents."'

And from the Polish police site:,Cwiczenia-dowodczo-sztabowe-pod-kryptonimem-Wolf-Ram-23.html

"The difficult situation over the Eastern border demands being ready at all times from various services as well as improving skills in tackling crisis situations. The goal of organising such exercises is coordinating and cooperation of security services and testing the procedures that are in place in case of danger."

More photos:
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Apr 2023   #115
Seems they are gearing up for some civil unrest.

I even got an email from the embassy warning not to go around that area of the town.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7926
18 Apr 2023   #116
Now it makes sense.
Thank you for explaining that to me as my ad blocker would not let me into your original link.
pawian  226 | 27453
22 Apr 2023   #117
I thought there was no crime in Poland.

There is crime coz we are not Paradise yet. Fortunately, the crime level isnt` as high as in the USA. That is why I left the US and came back to Poland decades ago. Compared to the USA, Poland is a little Paradise after all. :):):)
OP johnny reb  49 | 7926
22 Apr 2023   #118
That is why I left the US and came back to Poland decades ago.

You left the US because you couldn't afford to support yourself back when the crime rate was low is more like it.
pawian  226 | 27453
22 Apr 2023   #119
No, I had a good job and was young and energetic. :):):)
OP johnny reb  49 | 7926
22 Apr 2023   #120
Oh, I see, so you left the U.S. because you had a good job and went back to Poland to work for comparatively very low wages.

Makes perfect sense.

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