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Polish Police and Their Tactics

Novichok  4 | 8682
22 Apr 2021   #61
When did they do that ?

Cupp, 394 U.S. 731 (1969), was a United States Supreme Court case that affirmed the legality of deceptive interrogation tactics.

Most importantly, the law actually permits investigators to utilize psychological manipulation, including lying, in order to obtain evidence of a crime.

Because jon said that the Polish police are trained to defuse

Police lying during interrogations has nothing to do with defusing.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Apr 2021   #62
I would be interested to know what tactics a Polish policeman would resort to

See gentle Polish police catching a runaway pig for 4 minutes. Benny Hill music in the background
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
23 Apr 2021   #63
Considering that you can be arrested for taking photos of them in public then i wouldn't try to run. From the other hand they are strong only when they counter adolescents and women, so good luck anyway
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Apr 2021   #64
Considering that you can be arrested

Where ? Poland or the U.S.A. are you referring to ?

they are strong only when they counter adolescents

They do like to intimidate adolescents with their power trips in the U.S. but I don't know about Poland.
Help me out here.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 May 2021   #65
Are the Polish police held accountable when they abuse their authority ?
Do they get put in prison when they do ?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
1 May 2021   #66
what I want to know is if they have to have a warrant to go in your home and search your property because it doesnt seem like it to me.

Like if you get in a fight with somebody or something I wonder if they could just knock on your door and go in your place and look for same colored jacket etc. that the guy had in the fight to try proving it was you.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 May 2021   #67
So you are talking search and seizure of evidence ?
In the U.S. the cops are "suppose to have" probable cause to do a search.
That's why in my younger years when I was a bit wild like you and the cops pulled me over and wanted to search my truck, for anything they could bust me on to create a State manufactured crime, my first question to them was, "What is your probable cause" which ended that search right then and there.

It would be interesting to know what authority the Polish police have to search you, your vehicle or your home without a search warrant signed by a judge.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 May 2021   #68
and search your property because it doesnt seem like it to me.

You live there and don't know the laws? How about stopping at the nearest komisariat and asking?
Also, while there, ask if can you refuse to talk to the cops at any time?
pawian  226 | 27817
1 May 2021   #69
Watch the plainclothes police shooting at the tyres, instead of the rogue driver who had a driving ban.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
1 May 2021   #70
"You live there and don't know the laws?"

Multiple reasons. One is I have no friends here right now or family or anyone to ask and cops or anyone here hate answering questions even one time in old town they were lined up for no reason at all in Warsaw near where I lived and I asked one of them wahts going on and they didnt even want to answer this basic question. You do realize how these people here are right? They dont even want to answer questions at the vogt office that issues passports or renews passports. The only polite friendly people here who answer such questions are in the private sector like private healthcare clinics or private education like private colleges etc.

Secondly, a lot of what is official or on the books and actual police procedures are increidbly different. I discovered this first hand in USA and this seems to be a worldwide issue or phenomenon with police. For instane miranda rights are supposed to be read to you in the USA and they were not to me on at least one occassion in fact cops committed outright perjury against me multiple times so officially they do none of those things but in reality at least in my case against a Polish immigrant they do it daily or as easy as eating bread with butter.

Thirdly, all the ifnormaiton absed on laws here or police tactics are written in Polish with the englishs tuff targeted at foreigners being usually outdated. My Polish is slow and I am too lazy to go through their mumbo jumbo jargon and much of the time they dont explain it anyway or just allude to things.

The guy next door with the domestic violence case what it looked like to me they just went in right away inside his apartment and didnt ask for permission but I am not sure as I was opening my own door and didnt have time to just stand there and look to see.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 May 2021   #71
Watch the plainclothes police shooting at the tyres, instead of the rogue driver who had a driving ban.

That idiot would have been shot dead anyplace in the United States for trying to run over and kill a cop.
There would not even have been a trial unless he was Black.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 May 2021   #72
That idiot would have been shot dead anyplace in the United States

Yes, I know. That is why I showed you that vid so you could see how the Polish police deal with rogues in velvet gloves.

Actually, they wanted to stop a driver who had a ban. Naturally, it was not enough to shoot at him.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
1 May 2021   #73
this is the stupidest law ever. so in Poland its almost better it seems to knock someone out or choke them or head stomp them because if you just shove them or move them from your vicinity or put hands on them they could call it naruszenie nietykalnosci even if the guy starts harassing you for no reason asking where your from or your nationality or being a nationalist or fascist if you get sick of it and end up punching him or something and he is a snitch which most of these bums or nationalists are this is what could await:

i guess in Poland its cool to make threats on people asking what team you support their hooligan bullshet at carefour in Warsaw open 24 seven but if you answer wrong, or dont answer, they can make threats on you and the teller wont even care nor i doubt any pollack cops if you call or where some random drunk skinhead looming ruvkw can come up to you basically asking where your from or your nationality but if you put hands on such garbage ur gonna be charged with that above?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 May 2021   #74
Actually, they wanted to stop a driver who had a ban.

In the U.S. they would have just rolled out their stop sticks and punctured all the guys tires.
Then turn a dog loose on them if they run.
They only shoot people that are a threat to them.
Threaten to run over a cop with a vehicle and they will shoot you.
Point a gun at a cop and they will shoot you.
I am surprised there are not more Polish police killed for being nice guys.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
1 May 2021   #75
at least half the time or one third at the least cops start shooting in us before there is any threat to them. ive seen windcam vids where a cop starts shooting at some hillbilly white guy just because he refuses to give his id or license and runs and shoot at him as hes running from the back. what threat is he running away?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
2 May 2021   #76
Actually I found out the naruszenie nietykalnosci is a small fry since they would have to go to private court and go out of their way explaining the situation and giving documents to some courts and show up later etc just to get it done. so using aikkido wrist locks on bums asking you if youre Polish or nationalist questions, when youre just sitting down trying to read and **** like "where you from" should be ok. i may do it for all the Ukrianians they probably harass asking these questions on a regular basis. just wrist lock em around.
Novichok  4 | 8682
2 May 2021   #77
at least half the time or one third at the least cops start shooting in us before there is any threat to them.

How many times did the cops in the US shot you? Zero. Yeah, those bad American cops...
I just counted how many times they tried to kill me... Funny...Also zero. Like never. Instead, the last one I saw close up said, "Buckle up. We want you alive. Have a nice day." Bastard.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 May 2021   #78
How many times did the cops in the US shot you?

I find it amazing that you uphold and love your "American Freedom" and at the same time support your extremely oppressive American cops.
Sounds like hypocrisy to me.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
2 May 2021   #79
well they didnt shoot me but i never actually resisted or tried to fight them. but they did other things like i said tried to antagonize me like darren or daren kerr in santa cruz made lies up on me and almsot threaten me choosing sides with the gypsy right away without really investigation just their lies that they had witnesses when they only had one guy who never saw the beginning of the fight and was probably a friend of or paid off with drugs that raphael luciano guy since they went into the rv together i saw as later i rode on my bike past them to see if cops were there and none were only way later they showed up after the event because i think they saw me still lurking around. but like i said just antagonize me the fop saying oh i would ounch you too or just talking ****.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 May 2021   #80
In the U.S. they would have just rolled out their stop sticks

I have never heard of stop sticks. The police here don`t have them. Do they look like big chop sticks???
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 May 2021   #81
I have never heard of stop sticks.

Stop spikes are used frequently in the U.S. to stop fleeing vehicles.
The cops carry a roll of them in their cars and just roll them out in seconds.
Here is a video how they work.
Go to one minute into the video to see how they work on a fleeing vehicle.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 May 2021   #82
Stop spikes

Aaah, now I mean what you know. Spikes! So, our police also have them.

But I heard about cases of rogues driving around them, on the side of the road.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 May 2021   #83
So, our police also have them

Most advanced police forces have these.
JR seems to think that American cops are a bit special.
They are not.
In facr, they keep on proving how useless, inept and untrustworthy they are.
Novichok  4 | 8682
2 May 2021   #84
your extremely oppressive American cops.

No numbers, no basis for this claim.

JR seems to think that American cops are a bit special.

They are special because they work in a country with 400 million guns and 40 million blacks who commit 52% of all violent crimes while comprising 13% of the US population.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 May 2021   #85
No numbers

Not required, the evidence is too overwhelming.

a country with 400 million guns and 40 million blacks who commit 52% of all violent crimes while comprising 13% of the US

That is your problem, we don't have that problem in Europe.And why do you think that is?
How you gonna cure it?
Get rid of the guns and the blacks?
Novichok  4 | 8682
2 May 2021   #86
the evidence is too overwhelming.

No evidence, no case.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 May 2021   #87
Oh come on!
Every week we hear more stories of American Police over stepping the mark......your cops are out of control.
Novichok  4 | 8682
2 May 2021   #88
Either you have the numbers to support your claim or you don't.

Stories are not evidence.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 May 2021   #89
Get rid of the guns and the blacks?

Keep to the topic, please. Do you want another O warning? This thread is about Polish police.
Novichok  4 | 8682
3 May 2021   #90
One day, the do-gooders here will understand that threads, like any living organism, die - the stricter the rules, the sooner the funeral.

But I know that it feels so good to be a cop or a mod for a couple of minutes.

In the meantime, I am still waiting for the evidence that Polish cops are real gentlemen compared to ours.

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