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Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

johnny reb  49 | 7888
30 May 2018   #871
ill take my chances...

All of America has told the gun grabbers to shove it.
The state of New Jersey has become the latest to ban bump stocks for firearms, and despite strict threats to owners who refuse to turn their newly illegal devices over to police, not a single resident has complied with the new law.

The legislation banning the popular AR-15 accessory, Senate Bill 3477, went into effect immediately after it was signed into law by Gov. Chris Christie in January, and it gave residents 90 days to "voluntarily surrender any bump stock in their possession to a law enforcement agency."

I guess Senate Bill 3477 worked about as well as outlawing illicit drugs in the country. lol
People will only be governed as much as they want to be governed.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 May 2018   #872
not a single resident has complied with the new law.

Good I wouldn't give mine up either. Besides, theyll just come up with other mods to increase fire rate. A tiny modification and itll make their bill useless anyway. Plus hair triggers, slide fire, etc remains legal anyway.

A suburb near my house recently passed a municipal bill that ar15 and other semi auto owners are subje t to a 1k a day fine. It's a largely jewish liberal suburb so it won't affect most people. The ones who do have semi auto rifles simply refuse entry by police. No warrant, no entry or unlawful search and seizure.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
30 May 2018   #873
People will only be governed as much as they want to be governed.

It's amazing how much we can say by doing nothing.

As a side thought: I always believed that God gave us the middle finger (actually two) for some reason. Now I know the reason.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
5 Jun 2018   #874
Another law abiding gun owners success story.
The courts made a loud clear statement for the next guy that wants to rob an innocent law abiding citizens home.
Two would-be robbers died after a Tennessee homeowner pulled out his AK-47 and shot them while inside his home.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #875
That's the castle law man....

And what I can't believe is that so many leftists especially some of our european colleagues here think that a homeowner shouldnt be allowed to shoot a guy who breaks into your house
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jun 2018   #876
The single most annoying thing about the leftists - beside being terminally stupid - is that they always shut down before you can ask just one follow-up question to which these morons have no answer. Like: How would I protect my wife and a couple of little kids in UK where I am required to retreat? Run and leave them behind? And if I stay, what's next? Call 911 and wait 10 minutes?

In the land of the more sane, that would be the US with its 1st and the 2nd, we protect by staying, not retreating.

As always, when discussing Europe and its insanities, I ask myself why did so many Americans die to bring freedom and prosperity to the Euro-a-holes just to see said Euro-a-holes throw it all away in a fit of righteousness fifty years later.

Hopefully, never again with the American blood be so wasted.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #877
Well poland isn't quite like that. Its far more socially conservative than the us. But there are limits on freedom of speech mainly related to the holocaust which im against but can understand my.countrys position. The us has some Looney policies though too - just look at California or even illinois as a perfect example. Europeans are not too much different than the cucked countries of w europe. Its just mind boggling how europeans allowed a literal amphibious invasion of our continent.

However western Europe especially uk france germany and sweden are super cucked. The bs that flies there, and even worse is defended by rabid far leftists who can't see that such policies hurt them. A mayor in Germany was raped by migrants yet refused to report it because she didn't want to create more division... And she stoll supports the migrants despite all the rape.terror financial burden etc. I wish I knew what was wrong with these people and have them understand logic and facts. The sad thing is you can show them a million facts, charts, dozens of media reports and theyll still say stupid sh1t like a million muslim migrants are benefiting germany amd enriching thr country - even wjen their own leaders are trying to spread them out so others can share the burden - thankfully poland wants none of it and that's why we haven't has a single spontaneous islamic culture festival.

It was the same thing on this site. When these debates were going on they denied that no go zones exist despite all the facts that show there are numerous majority muslim areas whuch habe high unemployment, tons of crime, violence, rioting and are even referred to as sez's in France. Theyd deny deny deny... then merkel herself, their hero, said that no gos exist lol
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jun 2018   #878
However western Europe especially uk france germany and sweden are super cucked.

To live another day while still sane, I drew a big fat red line bewteen the US, my home, and the rest of the world.

So, I no longer give a rat's a** about them. Poland included.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
5 Jun 2018   #879
Thts ok , I still give a rats arse about the people in America, every country has its random tosser would you not agree?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Jun 2018   #880
If only it was just one singular tosser.... the world would be a much better place..

So, I no longer give a rat's a** about them. Poland included.

Idk what drives a person to hate his or her motherland so much. No country is perfect. Hell even if I was from Bangladesh or Mongolia or whatever id still be proud of my heritage and love my motherland with its faults and all. Its like your parents or kids. You cant choose your family but im sure you love them even when they p1ss you off.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Jun 2018   #881
Idk what drives a person to hate his or her motherland so much.

Don't care does not equal hate.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Jun 2018   #882
But by deciding to lock yourself away in america will only give you a very narrow minded view of the rest of the world. Poland has changed in the last 30 years all for the better, you don't ever have to worry about straying into the wrong area it is perfectly safe, it has taken me a few years to get used to this freedom after years of life in Britain watching my back if i'm out late at night, plus it's a great base if you want to explore the rest of Europe, and the food is just like grandma used to make it.
jon357  72 | 23482
3 Apr 2019   #883
Which is why it has nothing to do with Poland.

There is no appetite in PL to loosen the current stringent rules in this matter.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Apr 2019   #884
None at all. Mass shootings in the US regularly remind us, the voters of Poland, that any attempt to loosen the rules is a bad idea. Poland in this sense is changing - changing against guns.
Spike31  3 | 1485
3 Apr 2019   #885
If anything, those mass shootings reminds me that if every decent citizen had weapons on them at all times those situations could be prevented or minimized. Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.

I still remember the footage from London Bridge attacks when defenceless guys in a pub tried to fend of the terrorists by... throwing beer glasses at them.

During my last holiday in Poland I went with my uni friends to relax in a local shooting range. The whole business seems to be very busy. Young Poles seem to be very much interested in weapons.

Yes, there are some vocal hysterical people indoctrinated by a liberal press which are against owning guns by a regular citizens. But this mindset will quickly change with a recent introduction of voluntary territorial defense units [WOT] which makes young patriotic people accustomed to guns.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Apr 2019   #886
if every decent citizen had weapons on them at all times those situations could be prevented or minimized.

Like the school shootings where they hid like cowards outside the building? Decent citizens would be paralysed by fear, and more to the point, as America shows, those situations happen more when people are armed.

But this mindset will quickly change with a recent introduction of voluntary territorial defense units [WOT]

The WOT forces are regarded as a complete joke in Poland by most. The statistics speak for themselves - only 16% of people signing up for them come from cities, and furthermore, they've been recruiting from the unemployable. It won't survive a change of government, because any decent reserve needs to be based on more than unemployed people signing up for vodka.

Guns are not on the agenda in Poland, it's as simple as that.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
3 Apr 2019   #887
that sound does not need translation.

Problem is Rich that it does need translation.
We in The UK unfortunately or fortunately,depending on your point of view,cannot access guns as easily as you can in The USA.
So that sound actually means nothing to us......just sounds like someone is emptying their dustbin.....
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Apr 2019   #888
We in The UK unfortunately

But we in Poland can legally own pepper spray and tazers, we can also own without licence black powder weapons so a six shooter colt replica is quite accurate and lethal up to 80 yards. everything else you can imagine is available if you know the right guy.

But the fact is you don't need any of the above to live a very safe and quiet life here, so nobody bothers tooling up.

3 Apr 2019   #889
the fact is you don't need any of the above to live a very safe and quiet life here,

Exactly. No need for a change in the gun laws. Compared to many other countries, Poland has a very low crime rate.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
3 Apr 2019   #890
This is true.
I don't understand the American obsession with guns.
Maybe it is partly because their society is so violent compared to Europe.
Having said that,the recent rise in knife crime in The UK is a concern.
You don't need a gun to kill.
3 Apr 2019   #891
I don't understand the American obsession with guns.

Neither do I,but I have come to the conclusion that it's pointless arguing with the gun nuts. I've debated it many times on this forum.

My personal belief is that US citizens are living in fear. They are too scared not to have guns. So much for a 'free' society.

Having said that,the recent rise in knife crime in The UK is a concern.

It is. Could you imagine what would happen if guns were freely available in the UK?
If weapons laws changed in Poland, inevitably there would be an increase in the crime rate. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Apr 2019   #892
I don't understand the American obsession with guns.

They can have their obsession all they want, and it's even funny to see how deluded they are into believing that a gun automatically transforms the holder into a potential lethal trained machine that can stop the bad guys despite all the evidence to the contrary. The problem is when they push their gun propaganda onto the rest of us despite knowing nothing about the real world situation here.

Even in London, the issue seems to be more about cowardly knife attacks, and no gun is going to stop someone sticking a knife in your back.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Apr 2019   #893
Poland has a very low crime rate.

What can I say brits or Americans who move here will have a shock, we DON't have their problems neither are we ever likely to.

Just check out the polish press, the nasty stuff is very very rare here.

Now car crashes that's a different matter.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
3 Apr 2019   #894
My personal belief is that US citizens are living in fear.

I think you're right and that fear,at least at the moment,does not exist in Europe.
Americans just don't seem to be able to grasp that.And I say that as someone who is really fond of the many Americans I know.

Now car crashes that's a different matter

Yeah,Poles kill more people with cars than with guns..... :-(
pawian  226 | 27364
4 Apr 2019   #895
Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.

Spike, you cherish illusions about armed good guys preventing massacres. Bad guys are not stupid, they choose place and time as they wish to get maximum result, usually good guys are far away from the place or even when present, they don`t carry their guns. Consider school massacres - do you imagine teachers carry guns at school? That`s sick.

Like the school shootings where they hid like cowards outside the building? Decent citizens would be paralysed by fear

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Apr 2019   #896
Consider school massacres - do you imagine teachers carry guns at school? That`s sick.

They already do in some places. Yet, when you think about it, a 3 day training course is hardly going to prepare a teacher to deal with some guy who turned up with his Walmart assault rifle collection, especially in the heat of the moment.

We simply don't need to be armed in Poland. For what?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Apr 2019   #897
Exactly someone tell us why we would need guns?

Poland cannot be compared to countries like America,Mexico,Brazil UK etc, we just don't have the horrific crime / terrorist threat here.
Spike31  3 | 1485
4 Apr 2019   #898
@pawian, you seem to be very focused on school shootings - I know, it has a strong emotion trigger, which turn on emotions and switch off the brain - to which I would like to remind you that in Europe we don't have them.

And not because we don't have a guns, since in Switzerland, for example, half of citizens have a gun. Same in Finland. And only around 1.5% of Poles have them...

Yet we have a lot of other situations where regular citizens could use weapons to defend themselves and the other around them.

Those who intend to use weapons for a criminal purpose are not discouraged by strict gun law regulations and they will get weapons anyway. They often even prefer to get illegally since they don't have to provide any form of ID when buying them.

A strict gun law only hits a law abiding citizens who would wish to be armed for self-defense purpose.
jon357  72 | 23482
4 Apr 2019   #899
Exactly someone tell us why we would need guns?

I've never once heard anyone say they want them.


Sadly has a gun crime rate many times higher than Poland or the U.K.
lul bull
4 Apr 2019   #900
I've never once heard anyone say they want them.

Strange! I know maybe at least 7 Polish nationals who would not leave home without it unless when when there is a notice issued by the Govt when there is any function in town with international VVIPs.

Home / Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

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