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Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

Atch  22 | 4299
11 Apr 2018   #721
the increase in the crime rate is proof enough.

But Joker it isn't Muslims who are doing the stabbings. It's a mixture of black, white and Indian, Pakistani, Middle Eastern etc. with black being the largest group in London and white elsewhere in the UK.

This is an interesting read:

@maf, well I don't think you should get rid of kitchen knives, I was just saying that it's not a recent idea.
cms neuf  2 | 1834
11 Apr 2018   #722
You are allowed penknives if you want to open a box. You are not permitted to carry bigger ones unless you have a good reason. Good reason is decided by a judge.

All fairly simple to understand though it does not make for racy headlines.

My guess is that Muslims are proportionately less likely to be involved in these stabbings, many of which are in bars and in arguments about girls. Much of the current wave of violence is among Jamaican and Africans.
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Apr 2018   #723
@ cms, absolutely. The worst youth crime etc was always divided between black and white teens and twenty somethings in London, with the black proportion being higher. Asians as those from the Indian subcontinent are called in the UK, barely featured. Until fairly recently they were always seen as a law abiding and peaceful community. The majority of them still are, apart from a few religious nutters.
Joker  2 | 2374
11 Apr 2018   #724
But Joker it isn't Muslims who are doing the stabbings.

Then its probably a good thing that guns are banned in the UK because it would be like the wild west with all that savage behavior going on. I always though the English took great pride in being a civilized society. I can concur now, its just a facade thats all.

I found a list of names of the 2018 stabbings. I assume, half of them sounding muslim could be my imagination.

Fatal stabbings in London, 2018:
johnny reb  49 | 7926
12 Apr 2018   #725
I have to go back when the Eurps were mocking us Americans about having so many people locked up in prisons.
Maybe the UK should start building more prisons to get these animals off the street.
See the problem the UK is experiencing is over the drug war which they don't want to talk about.
Poland should be paying attention as sooner or later Poland is going to have to deal with it too.
Between 2014-15 and 2016-17, killings where either the victim or suspect were involved in using or dealing illegal drugs increased from 50% to 57%, according to Home Office figures.

In the capital, Metropolitan police files show that half of all deaths involving knives are directly linked to the drugs trade and gang turf wars.

These gangs count on people getting hooked on hard drugs to the point the addicts get desperate to support their habit.
They get so desperate that they rob law abiding people on the streets, break into their homes to steal drugs, money or anything of value.

This is WHY LAW ABIDING citizens should be able to own guns to protect themselves from these addicts and drug dealers.
When someone calls the police in London to report that their is someone in there home with a knife the response is, "We will send the corner over shortly" knowing that it will be all over by the time the police arrive.

And the police saying, "We got here as quickly as we could" does not bring your dead family members back.
Joker  2 | 2374
12 Apr 2018   #726
See the problem the UK is experiencing is over the drug war which they don't want to talk about.

Did you know London averages 8 to 15 stabbing per day? That rivals the number of Chicago's shootings and is double on the latter end.

The problem in Chicago are gangs and drugs as well.

Maybe the UK should start building more prisons to get these animals off the street.

The fear of going to prison and a criminal record might work better than a knife confiscation program. Can they deport expats that commit felonies like in the US?
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Apr 2018   #727
I found a list of names of the 2018 stabbings. I assume, half of them sounding muslim could be my imagination.

Yes it is your imagination. The actual figure is around 20%. It's actually the lowest figure apart from two Spanish names.

I posted a link to their photos a few days ago, they are the victims but we can assume the perpetrators had a similar racial breakdown.

On the list you linked to I counted out of the 35:

9/35 were of obvious African origin
7/35 were of obvious 'Muslim' origin
2/35 were of obvious Spanish origin

10 sounded British of, either black or white origin.

The others either weren't named or sounded vaguely foreign but not of 'Muslim' origin. I put Muslim in quotes because Muslims are of many nationalities.

Having lived in London, I can tell you that the neighbourhoods where these attacks took place are all,with the exception of Kensington, places that have historically been considered rough and dodgy, at best very mixed, with the crimes being shared between the black and white youth, blacks maybe a somewhat higher proportion. As property has become unaffordable in nicer parts of London, these areas have become gentrified and more upwardly mobile types have moved in, but the 'local' vibe is still there. Teenagers having their gold chain snatched from round their neck by a gang of their peers was common in Walthamstow or Lewisham thirty years ago, now it's stabbing. It has nothing whatsoever to do with 'Muslims'. Most of this kind of crime is associated with low income but more importantly low aspirations, socially disadvantaged communities.

Muslims in the UK are no more violent or dangerous than any other group, except when they're religious maniacs. Thankfully those are in the minority.
12 Apr 2018   #728
Teenagers running and carving each other up is a clear sign of collapse.

There are 4000 knife injuries and a two hundred deaths.

So what do you think of the USA where there are 13000 gun deaths per year?

They get so desperate that they rob law abiding people on the streets, break into their homes to steal drugs, money or anything of value.

Nope, you are describing the USA.

Did you know London averages 8 to 15 stabbing per day? That rivals the number of Chicago's shootings and is double on the latter end.

there is a major difference from a slash wound than a fatal gunshot.

Like, you know, death.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Apr 2018   #729
Indeed. Doesn't sound like the UK at all, but rather the USA.
12 Apr 2018   #730
Wouldn't it be better to address the underlying crazy rather than make piecemeal attacks against the symptoms?

Knives have already been redesigned for safety - it was done 400 years ago to stop people stabbing each other.
mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Apr 2018   #731
apart from a few religious nutters.

..and the sex grooming gangs....

it was done 400 years ago to stop people stabbing each other.

So.... the modern UK is 400 years behind the times? Hooo.... that explainst a _lot_!
johnny reb  49 | 7926
12 Apr 2018   #732
So what do you think of the USA where there are 13000 gun deaths per year?

I would jump with joy since the truth of the matter is there are over 30,000 gun deaths per year.
Now lets compare that to the number of abortions per year.

Nope, you are describing the USA.

Coming soon to Poland too son, just hide and watch.
12 Apr 2018   #733
So.... the modern UK is 400 years behind the times? Hooo.... that explainst a _lot_!

Have you ever see a table knife or know what knives are used for eating in the UK?
mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Apr 2018   #734
Have you ever see a table knife

Yes, and since dysfunctional English youth are not carving each other up with them they are pretttty irrelevant to the discussion at hand which is the British nanny state treating the symptoms (dysfunctional youth stabbing each other) and not the disease (neoliberalism induced dispossession and alienation).
SigSauer  4 | 377
12 Apr 2018   #735
Why do you respond to this clown? He's a coward who won't even register for the board. Ignore him and do not engage this mental midget. Posts nothing but short 1-2 sentence inflammatory garbage, needs to go find a productive hobby or something, sad and pathetic.
Joker  2 | 2374
12 Apr 2018   #736
Like, you know, death.

Hey, Mods

Isnt Harry supposed to be banned from this forum?

Muslims in the UK are no more violent or dangerous than any other group, except when they're religious maniacs.

Indeed, we figured out the whole population is screwed up.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
12 Apr 2018   #737
or know what knives are used for eating in the UK?

Peas ?
I saw an ex-pat at the Curry Club in Warsaw Poland eating his sweet peas off his table knife.
Must be a Brit thing.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 Apr 2018   #738
But Joker it isn't Muslims who are doing the stabbings.

You're right they prefer blowing people up and driving over civilians with trucks. Stabbings are more of a spur of the moment thing with Muslims - like when they see a person buying beer at Tesco on ramadumb

I stil don't understand why UK buses are all plastered in some crap about islam.... if it was something Christian you'd have all the basement dwellers and soros' feminists coming out complaining about separation of church and state - just like when the lord's prayer was taken out of a PRIVATE owned movie theater... but islam and Judaism get a pass of course...

And yes it is well known fact in Western Europe that it is not native Europeans who are committing the majority of the violent crimes - it is foreigners... in the US its blacks followed by a distant 2nd latinos, and a bit behind latinos whites... If you look at the rates of the violent crimes caused by migrants, blacks, arabs, to native born Europeans in places like France, UK, Germany, Sweden the numbers don't even compare. Everyone knows who's causing these problems and its such a shame that white Europeans are too kind and proper to do anything about it for fear of being called racist or whatever. It's time Europeans stand up and take their continent back instead of allowing foreigners to victimize them and literally rape and pillage their countries.

UK is done for in terms of freedom of speech, press, etc. Personal freedom has long left that island. There's no such thing as free speech for conservatives anymore. People are refused entry, put in jail, fined, etc. for merely citing statistics which are publicly available or even publishing such statistics on their twitter/FB/youtube/etc. But when known IS supporters set up sharia courts and try to radicalize young men... that's fine... **** the United Kaliphate and londonistan's mayor.
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Apr 2018   #739
it is not native Europeans who are committing the majority of the violent crimes - it is foreigners.

migrants, blacks, arabs

That's not so in the UK. Actually the UK Home Office stats show that less than 10% of white people are killed by someone of another race. Nationwide across Britain, whites are overwhelmingly killed by other whites.

Most black people in the UK are of Afro-Caribbean origin and those in their teens or twenties now are third or fourth generation Brits, not foreigners. You may not see them as British, but Brits do.

The Indian population in the UK is largely middle class and prosperous, very aspirational and they are mostly Sikh and Hindu.

With the Pakistani community, they are mostly Muslim but identify strongly as British. In parts of the UK, they outperform their white, native British peers in education while in other places, they fall below the average. It's the usual story, the profile is more influenced by the economic and social conditions of the region than by race or religion. It's among this group that there is a danger of young people being radicalized but that has nothing to do with the spate of knife crime across the country. That's a completely separate issue.

Violent assaults largely by young people on other young people are not motivated by religion and in many cases they kill within their own racial group. Those account for the bulk of the killings, whether you want to accept it or not.

Believe me, if there were no 'foreigners' anywhere in Europe or the USA our own natives would fill any gaps left for violence and criminality.
SigSauer  4 | 377
13 Apr 2018   #740
Well that's just speculative nonsense and you know it Atch, you have no way to prove such a theory.

I would recognize one problem among the educated 2nd and 3rd generation Pakistanis that you cite is that they are still ultra-conservative, believe in arranged marriages, honor killings, and discourage marrying outside of their racial group. Despite education in highly skilled careers, they're still not too progressive. So are they the sort of people we want to import into our countries? Ultra social conservatives with deep hatred toward women, LGBQT people, and those who don't share their faith?
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Apr 2018   #741
our own natives would fill any gaps left for violence

In the British Isles yeah, Americans have silly fantasies about it being extremely orderly and genteel when in actuality it's always been one of the most violent places in Europe...
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Apr 2018   #742
Well that's just speculative nonsense and you know it Atch

Are you seriously saying that if a country is 100% white, there would be no violent crime?? Now that's nonsense.

Ultra social conservatives with deep hatred toward women, LGBQT people, and those who don't share their faith?

You've just described a sizeable proportion of American Evangelical and Fundamentalist Christians. Like I say, there's always enough of one's homegrown variety.
SigSauer  4 | 377
13 Apr 2018   #743
No, of course not, nor do I think their skin color has anything to do at all with how violent someone is or is not. Culture is a greater determiner of that, skin color is an arbitrary trait.

I have never heard of Evangelicals killing their children to restore their families honor or advocating for murdering gays (hate the sin, love the sinner, sort of nonsense). Not aware that fundamentalist christians engage in female genital mutilation either.
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Apr 2018   #744
if a country is 100% white, there would be no violent crime?? Now that's nonsense.

A quick look at Appalachia or the Ozarks should dispell that very silly idea, not to mention that in the heydey of the mafias the three big groups were all white (italian, irish and jewish)

a sizeable proportion of American Evangelical and Fundamentalist Christians

define 'sizeable' and they don't actually maintain much in the way of violent social practices toward women (unless you think having to wear a lot of flower print dresses, keep your hair starched to a milimeter of its life and always smiling is violence...)
kondzior  11 | 1026
13 Apr 2018   #745
No, of course not, nor do I think their skin color has anything to do at all with how violent someone is or is not.

The skin colour is not some accidental trait. It is determined by the genetics. And being prone to violence is also determined by ones genes. As well as the maximum IQ level one can hope to achieve.

The set of all these traits is known as a race.
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Apr 2018   #746
flower print dresses

How very DARE you? I wear flowery dresses! But they're funky ones :))

Without going too far off the thread topic, Christian fundamentalism certainly has its sinister side.

Firstly you have the extreme groups like those amongst the Mormons who practise polygamy, often involving very young women and there's been the odd sex scandal there too with underage girls. The Amish also have had under age sex scandals. Amongst extreme Christian fundamentalists personal freedoms are very curtailed and women are heavily controlled. Intermarriage with other faiths is a cause to be shunned for the rest of your life and so on. In many cases girls receive almost no education other than basic literacy and numeracy and all children regardless of gender tend to be homeschooled in order to avoid undesirable influences. There are Muslims in the West who have more personal freedoms than that. At least they usually send their kids to school and you'll find plenty of Muslim women working in professions.

In terms of the less extreme, basic Bible belt Christians, homeschooling is still preferred, early marriage is encouraged, college education for girls in particular is discouraged and sometimes even for boys. They may not throw gays off roofs but if they could run America, they'd see to it that every piece of legislation that has liberalized laws would be reversed. There is a strong element of conservatism in certain regions of America where if they had their way, a Fundamentalist Christian state would be their dream. Just bear in mind that America produced the Ku Klux Klan and that certainly DID involve the equivalent of throwing people off roofs, not that long ago either, in living memory.
13 Apr 2018   #747
Must be a Brit thing.

I think it is. A bit weird.
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Apr 2018   #748
As well as the maximum IQ level one can hope to achieve.

roughly true but more true at the individual level

The set of all these traits is known as a race.

sort of, if you keep in mind that it's a pretty fuzzy category,

a more helpful way to think of it is that individual genetics set limits for certain behaviors and environment plays a big role in how much of that is actually achieved.

baby a with genetics that make genius level work possible (but born into an aggressively anti-intellectual and chaotic environment) might be surpassed in IQ by baby b with less promising genetics but born into a well-ordered environment that nurtures the intellect

and there are chance mutations as well and there's no predicting when and where they'll turn up (which is why you want to give a good shot at development to all children).
SigSauer  4 | 377
13 Apr 2018   #749

That's a fun story Atch, but not reality. There are only 37,000 Latter Day Saints (the polygamists) in America, a country of 320 million. For the most part ultra-conservative Christians are shunned from society, and there are no institutionalized laws in their favor. That stands in stark contrast to entire countries where the status quo is honor killing, FGM, and the death penalty for homosexuals. They are incomparable, one is essentially a medium sized cult movement, the other is an endemic threat to humanity. Given those facts, importing thousands upon thousands of people who have grown up in a regressive, violent, and backward culture is not the future I'd like to see for my country or the countries in Europe, and I doubt you'd like to see such a future either. I certainly have no time for a 3rd generation "Asian" who despite living in our progressive Western society still adheres to those extreme doctrines, it is absolutely inexcusable. It's pervasive in their communities, even within Britain, and it is unacceptable.
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Apr 2018   #750
Firstly you have the extreme groups like those amongst the Mormons who practise polygamy

They're not fundamentalist Christians, many theologians wouldn't consider them to be Christian at all (they call themselves Christians but many disagree) they have some seriously weird rituals like the veil ceremony (filmed in secret and now available on youtube I highly recommend watching)

And mainstream Mormons no longer practice polygamy (there are some very small rebel offshoot groups that do but they're not officially Mormons)

The Amish also have had under age sex scandals.

Also not fundamentalist Christians. In the US context 'fundamentalist Chistian' refers almost exclusively to evangelical groups devoted to ideas like literal interpretation of the Bible, being 'born again' as an adult, tithing etc)

And crucially evangelicals have some influence as a voting bloc but no real power in practical terms. I agree there's lots of crazy on the fringes (like a group that wanted/s to base the legal system on the bible) but they have no chance of exercising real power.

Just bear in mind that America produced the Ku Klux Klan

A couple of different times, but IINM they reached their membership peak in the 1920s (slight revival as an underground terrorist organization in the civil rights era) but they've been close to having anything like real political power, racist institutional power in the South had other foundations and heavily depended on setting blacks and poor whites against each other...

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