Surely it's not as bad as health care in Poland. My grandpa lives there and it took months for him to finally be able to take some important tests for whether he had cancer or not.
I'm English. Poland has a poor system in many respects, he didnt bribe the Doctors by the sounds of it, he could have gone private. There seems to be an epidemic of cancer in Poland lately, its friggen everywhere the hospitals cant cope.
I had a harmless cyst not too long ago and I received treatment EXACTLY when I wanted to. There is nothing wrong with US health care in my perspective. There surely is in Poland though...
As you have a decent insurance policy yes. Look this isnt a p1ssing contest some US companies have a turn over higher than Polands national GDP, you gettiung the picture. Compare the US to UK or Sweden still not a fair fight but a better comparison.
It's very easy to acquire guns illegally in the USA which is why banning guns would accomplish nothing. It would only hurt rightful citizens who are trying to protect themselves.
I'm not calling for a ban never have, its gone way to far for that.
The American Revolution...
OK, but how would this work? big words, im sure it sounds great down the Pub or sitting around with your mates "how we'll kick ass" and all that crap. But how will this people vs the government be implemented?