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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

jon357  72 | 23706
12 Jan 2023   #1771

A strange analogy. Life assurance pays out if you get run over by a bus tomorrow or die of old age at 80.

And in Poland, we don't have to worry about armed 'attackers'...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2023   #1772
One reason there's no appetite for relaxing strict him control in Poland or the UK

You lost me, him ? is that some kind of gay law ?
Of course the governments aren't going to give back to the rightful owners their guns once they have confiscated them.
Give up that kind of CONTROL, are you kidding......
Novichok  4 | 8798
12 Jan 2023   #1773
And in Poland, we don't have to worry about armed 'attackers'...

Nice try. An attacker in peaceful Poland has two weapons: a knife to slash your throat with and a dick to rape a homeowner's wife with. Or are both illegal in Poland? I mean kinves and dicks.

OK, I know the answer. In Europe, a man is not allowed to kill the rapist during rape. He should just wait till the rape is finished, retreat, or call 911. Hello, my wife is being raped. OK, we will be right there. Just tell her not to scream. It's after midnight.

A strange analogy. Life assurance pays out if you get run over by a bus

Not strange at all. Guns and life insurance are good to have for the most extreme and, therefore, rare events. The Euro crap talk how armed attacks don't happen often misses the fact that being hit by a bus doesn't happen often, either.
jon357  72 | 23706
12 Jan 2023   #1774

Why gay?


The government represent the people, and in Poland, as you know, there is no significant call by anyone for strict and effective gun control laws to be changed.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 958
12 Jan 2023   #1775
A biometric thumbprint gun safe opens in in less than 2 seconds and they are pretty cheap for the safety and technology. Being much younger than you I also move much faster than you. Better luck next time.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2023   #1776
Why gay?

there's no appetite for relaxing strict him control in Poland or the UK.

Did ya catch it that time ?

there is no significant call by anyone for strict and effective gun control laws to be changed.

This is why it is the duty of us Americans to quash the Liberals propaganda that guns are bad and encourage the benefits to owning one.
jon357  72 | 23706
12 Jan 2023   #1777
Did ya catch it that time

Nothing to catch. Except that Jim's scraping the bottom of the barrel for 'arguments' if he's reduces to looking for autokorekt stuff...

us Americans

Not in Poland. Nobody wants a change in the strict gun control laws in Poland.


Plenty of those in the US. However gun control in Poland is supported across the political spectrum. People like an absence of gun crime.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2023   #1778
Nobody wants a change in the strict gun control laws in Poland.

Nobody or is that your personal propaganda opinion again ?
This is why it is us Americans duty to educate Poland on the benefits of owning a gun for self-defense.
Once Russia crosses that border it will be too late.
jon357  72 | 23706
12 Jan 2023   #1779
us Americans duty to educate Poland

It isn't, though, is it.

If you had lower gun crime rates, lower murder rates, you might be in a position to try and 'educate'.

But you haven't. Your gun crime and murder rates are through the roof compared to Poland, a very safe country.

Perhaps it's Poland's role to educate you...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2023   #1780
Perhaps it's Poland's role to educate you...

I've already lived through the 50's.
Novichok  4 | 8798
12 Jan 2023   #1781
A biometric thumbprint gun safe opens in in less than 2 seconds

Over my dead body would I have anything that needs my fingerprint to work - either guns or phones. This idiotic idea makes it impossible for anyone other than me to access the gun when I am away. On top of that, it must be the correct finger, and the battery must be good or power must be on if it runs on AC. If the finger is bleeding, dirty or wet it won't work, will it? How about a bandaid on that thumb because I have an ouchie? Will that smart safe work then?

Next time, try to come with something less insane. Those "intelligent" locks are in the same category as self-driving Teslas.
jon357  72 | 23706
12 Jan 2023   #1782
I've already lived through the 50's.

That doesn't make sense.

Fortunately there are no calls to change gun laws in Poland.

People are happy with lower levels of crime than you tolerate there.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2023   #1783
Again I bite my tongue to you gun experts
It's the blind leading the blind here.
You want to give reality a try then try this.......
Set your alarm for 3:30 a.m. and in the dark see how long it takes you to get your bearings half-awake to get your weapon in hand ready to go.

If you have it locked in any kind of case.....good luck with that.......
If it is a Glock without a safety geezus be careful......
If you have to load it first you are as good as dead.....
Meanwhile...why is it so hard for you thick skinned morons to stay On -Topic ????
Novichok  4 | 8798
12 Jan 2023   #1784
If we had to be strictly on-topic, this tread would have only one post:

In Poland, we don't need guns in private hands.

End of thread.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2023   #1785
I suppose you are right.
This tread has been beaten to death by the Libitards vs. the Good Guys.
Maybe it is time to Close it.
Novichok  4 | 8798
12 Jan 2023   #1786
I hope not. Guns and free speech is how we prove our superiority.

Poles being against guns is like Lichtenstein being against aircraft carriers. You have to be able to choose to be taken seriously.

Another analogy...Poles against guns is like the inmates in Colorado Supermax being against guns.

My point if it's not clear by now: nobody is asking what slaves want. Without the 1st and the 2nd, Euros are slaves aka subjects.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
12 Jan 2023   #1787
We have both access to gun and free speech in Europe We just realize that both come with responsibilities. The USA is warning example with its' gun nut culture and the attempted coup two years ago.

I could get a gun if I wanted to. All I'd need is joining a hunting association/ a sports club, undergo various background checks and safety training. I choose not to because guns do not interest me as a hobby and I'd put myself and my family at risk by doing so, so why bother?

Gun advocats have no arguments on their side. Hence they use either those that have been long-time debunked (as protection against nightly intruders) or make up some by linking it to "liberty". You are living in the USA, not Somalia. Not that Rich has any idea what freedom and democracy really are, judging by his comments about Russia and Ukraine.

Switzerland is a democracy par exellence and they have a very high gun ownership rate. In fact, arming their citizen is part of their defense doctrine But they are smart enough to make sure that only reliable people with training and above a certain age can get them.
Novichok  4 | 8798
12 Jan 2023   #1788
But they are smart enough to make sure that only reliable people with training and above a certain age can get them.

Now you are talking. The problem is that in the US your advice would make you a first-class racist.

We have both access to gun and free speech in Europe

No, you don't. Post Hitler was right about Jews on a German forum and see how much freedom of speech you have. But first, get your toothbrush and toothpaste...

Oops, I forgot that you, German slaves, don't have forums like this one.

Not to pick on you, ask your British friends to post I hate Muslim migrants and want these scumbags deported ASAP.
Please do not mention Russia. It's the US vs "free" Western Europe.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
12 Jan 2023   #1789
how much freedom of speech you have.

Go into a full packed cinema and yell "fire" and then see how far your right to free speech gets you if there is a panic. Everybody recognizes that there are limits to what you can say. Even Trump may find out that his words have consequences. Saying that we have no freedom of speech because we are not permitted to engage in hate speech is like saying that we do not have sexual freedom because we are not allowed to sleep with underage girls. It says more about the person making this claim than about the society he criticizes.

Once again a non-argument.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
12 Jan 2023   #1790
I hate Muslim migrants and want these scumbags deported ASAP.

I just did...... I wil l let you know when I am arrested...
PolAmKrakow  2 | 958
13 Jan 2023   #1791
You should do some research before making a statement like there are no calls for changing gun laws in Poland. PiS are taking steps to make obtaining a gun much easier. Like they are building the military in Poland. This of course in response to what is happening in Ukraine.

In the US, depending on where you live there are very real possibilities of having an intruder in your house. In Poland these are less common occurrences.

his idiotic idea makes it impossible for anyone other than me to access the gun

This is the exact reason why these safes should be used. So no child, or other person who should not have access can get access. If you want to arm others, then buy more guns and more safes and put them in those areas where they sleep. Simple, more expensive, but problem solved.
cms neuf  2 | 1974
13 Jan 2023   #1792
So when you have the "home invasion", you first need to go to the safe, in the dark and unlock it?
jon357  72 | 23706
13 Jan 2023   #1793
here are no calls for changing gun laws in Poland.

There aren't. What 'steps' are you suggesting are happening?

Unless you're confusing it with the expansion Poland's equivalent of the TA; an army reserve. Are you trying to pretend that rules about eligibility for guns or gun storage might be relaxed? They won't. And you might show some restraint about using phrases like "you should do some research". They don't work and just make whoever uses them look weaselly.

Sources please.

So when you have the "home invasion", you first need to go to the safe,

And of course when they all have these 'home invasions' they're going to be cool as a cucumber, thinking perfectly rationally, not at all stressed or frightened and of course no 'home invader' would ever be in a part of their home physically between the gun safe and the terrified resident...

Do they have 'home invasions' often? What an awful place to live if they do.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 958
13 Jan 2023   #1794

Do your own research. There is mounting pressure and a lot of talk about gun controls. Not just in between politicians, but a lot of conversations with people in general. You should see how busy shooting ranges are now in and around Krakow, and how many people are taking classes on proper use of weapons. This outside of the increased military goals.

@cms neuf
It takes two seconds to open a bedside safe with a fingerprint or using a 4 digit combination.
Joker  2 | 2468
13 Jan 2023   #1795
you first need to go to the safe, in the dark and unlock it?

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to take a p_iss? Im sure you have. Have you ever "not" found your way to your bathroom in the dark?

Believe me, Ill find my safe. LLOL

So no child, or other person who should not have access can get access

Thats my reason as well. No one has access to my safe but I.
jon357  72 | 23706
13 Jan 2023   #1796
There is mounting pressure and a lot of talk about gun controls.

There isn't. Nor are there any calls for American-style gun proliferation.

You should see how busy shooting ranges are now in and around Krakow

The same in the UK; there are lots of gun ranges and they are popular. And like Poland, no organised calls for gun control laws to be relaxed.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 958
13 Jan 2023   #1797
You are not in Poland now are you? You are not involved in conversations here are you? No one is calling for US style ownership, but they are calling for relaxing controls. But of course you didnt even read the article I posted after you requested a source. A bill was actually proposed by PiS.

It takes me less than three seconds to roll over, open my safe and be up and armed. No entries upstairs, all bedrooms and valuables upstairs and only one stairway. Anyone trying would be a fool.
Lenka  5 | 3549
13 Jan 2023   #1798
But of course you didnt even read the article I posted after you requested a source.

I scanned it. It says about Kukiz (long time supporter of relaxing gun laws and NOT PiS) trying to pressure PiS to support the bill with the coalition support
jon357  72 | 23706
13 Jan 2023   #1799
You are not in Poland now are you?

Like many people in Poland, I live in Warsaw but travel for work quite a lot; airport after airport, hotel after hotel. And am very much involved in 'conversations in Poland'. Probably more so than yourself...

but they are calling for relaxing controls

There is no significant gun lobby. As Lenka pointed out just now, the article referred to a maverick ex-rock singer with extreme and eccentric views. Not a policy any of the main political parties.

Nobody, but nobody, anywhere around the world, wants gun controls to be relaxed to a low level approaching the chaos in America.

We prefer an absence of guns and an absence of gun crimes.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 958
13 Jan 2023   #1800
When did anyone say anything about having things like the USA? Not me, not once. Once again though you and others take it to the extreme. Allowing mentally fit, responsible people to own weapons and be trained how to use them when there is a war next door is pretty wise. Otherwise Putin can and likely would roll through Poland in short order. Polish military is pretty small and could not handle an invasion force of 150K as well as Ukraine has.

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