burglary rates:
Why don't you mention that most European countries have a significantly lower burglary rate?
Germany: 105
Austria 110
Poland: 186
Netherland 249
Italy: 274
Span 306
France: 346
Belgium: 418
Btw. most burglaries happen when people are usually at work, not by nightly intruders: "Curiously, American researchers found that the most likely time for a burglary is not at night but between 10 am and 3 pm when a home is least likely to be occupied."
It would be interesting to know how many burglaries end with murder vs the number of people accidentally killed by guns.
Claiming that guns are useful for self-defense is long debunked myth anyway. Instead of an intruder you are most likely to never encounter you are more likely to accidentally injure or kill a family member.
In an analysis of victims of gun violence from 2007 to 2011, the Department of Justice found that people were nine times as likely to be injured or killed by a firearm rather than protected by them.
But enough of statistics. Let's just use some common sense. What's more likely? That someone will break into your home and threaten your family, or that a member of your family, in a moment of anger or drunkenness, will resort to wielding that same weapon against you? Or that in a moment of despair, a loved one will turn that easily accessible gun on themselves? Or that your 5-year-old, who knows exactly where you keep your gun, will accidentally shoot himself?
Certain behaviors - not wearing a seat belt and shoulder harness, or smoking cigarettes, for example - increase your risk of injury and death. Having a handgun in the home is no different. The presence of a gun in your home dramatically increases the risk of homicide, suicide and accidental deaths.