johnny reb 49 | 7888
10 Jan 2023 #1711
You mean statistics that show the USA leading in gun related violence and mass shootings in the Western world?
No, I mean the statistics that say when communities that have armed themselves the crime rate went down.
Google it for yourself my friend of little knowledge to the facts
people should only have access to guns when they are mature (say at least 21 years old),
I got my first gun when I was ten years old and I never abused my rights.
In fact I qualified as a sharp shooter by the NRA with it when I was 10 years old.
Hard for you gun grabbers to comprehend isn't it. lol
Mental health is the biggest issue concerning gun safety.
You just nailed it perfectly but they refuse to address that fact.
These Woke Liberals bang on about how it is a womans choice to kill her baby but then turn around and say that I shouldn't have a choice to carry my gun to kill a guy who is threatening me and my families lives.
So I will tell them the same thing, "You don't want to own a gun, Don't - but don't tell me that I can't own one.
See how that works.
The laws are changing here in the U.S. for the better as now you don't even need a license to carry a handgun concealed in some States. :-)