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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

johnny reb  49 | 7888
10 Jan 2023   #1711
You mean statistics that show the USA leading in gun related violence and mass shootings in the Western world?

No, I mean the statistics that say when communities that have armed themselves the crime rate went down.
Google it for yourself my friend of little knowledge to the facts

people should only have access to guns when they are mature (say at least 21 years old),

I got my first gun when I was ten years old and I never abused my rights.
In fact I qualified as a sharp shooter by the NRA with it when I was 10 years old.
Hard for you gun grabbers to comprehend isn't it. lol

Mental health is the biggest issue concerning gun safety.

You just nailed it perfectly but they refuse to address that fact.
These Woke Liberals bang on about how it is a womans choice to kill her baby but then turn around and say that I shouldn't have a choice to carry my gun to kill a guy who is threatening me and my families lives.

So I will tell them the same thing, "You don't want to own a gun, Don't - but don't tell me that I can't own one.

See how that works.
The laws are changing here in the U.S. for the better as now you don't even need a license to carry a handgun concealed in some States. :-)
Novichok  4 | 8411
10 Jan 2023   #1712
Those planes would never be able to fly into the towers if just one passenger had a gun.
jon357  72 | 23482
10 Jan 2023   #1713
Why would you allow guns on a plane? Do you like hijacking?

Do fuselage depressurisation accidents make you feel 'elated'.

That's why they were banned before ever you went to America.
Novichok  4 | 8411
10 Jan 2023   #1714
Why would you allow guns on a plane?

Those planes would never be able to fly into the towers if just one person had a gun.
One gun per plane on 9/11 would keep 3000 from dying. It could be in the hands of the pilot, co-pilot, or flight attendant.


Each member of the flight crew knows which person, if anyone, is an air marshal. They're informed because air marshals are armed law enforcement officers. Whenever armed passengers such as police officers or air marshals are on a flight, they're introduced to the flight crew.

jon357  72 | 23482
10 Jan 2023   #1715
pilot, co-pilot, or flight attendant.

The pilot and co-pilot locked in the cockpit, a flight attendant neutralised from behind.

Plus a handy depressurisation event when the gun hits the body of the plane.

Do you enjoy watching passengers being sucked out of a plane window at high speed?
Tacitus  2 | 1255
10 Jan 2023   #1716
was ten years old and I never abused my rights.

At least you were not one of the kids who accidentally shot another person.

But the fact that you seem to believe that owning a gun at an age when children are usually not allowed to drive or drink a beer is a good idea just shows how braim-washed you are. It is utterly bizarre.

It is really simple. Children should not have access to guns. Most people should not have access to guns. Follow those rules and you will feel and live much safer as any statistic will tell you. Australians learned that, and they are the toughest sons of b... out there.
Novichok  4 | 8411
10 Jan 2023   #1717
Do you enjoy watching passengers being sucked out of a plane window at high speed?

1. A plane flying at 3000 feet can decompress safely.
2. These Muslim scumbags could have been rendered harmless with a .22 or a tranquilizer dart.

The pilot and co-pilot locked in the cockpit,

They were not "locked". If they were locked, there would not be 9/11 or any highjackings before that.

a flight attendant neutralised from behind.

That's why air marshals don't wear "I am an air marshal and I am armed" hats. Properly trained, deputized, and licensed civilians would be just as effective as a deterrent.

Anyway, the bottom line on guns is that even gun haters never post signs "Gun-free home" - even if it's true - because these slimy cowards want the benefit from the gun owners next door - something very similar to the unarmed Euro weasels getting the benefit from the armed US. Same mental disorder on a larger scale.
Novichok  4 | 8411
10 Jan 2023   #1718
Australians learned that, and they are the toughest sons of b... out there.

Australia and a fascist dictatorship. Soft kind but fascist nevertheless. See guns and covid.

Gun haters actually want school shootings. That's why they managed to post "gun-free zone" signs near schools to let the shooters know it's a safe place to go shooting. And that is why they go apesh*it when the idea of armed teachers is discussed.

Why would they want dead kids? Because it's the shortest way to abolish the 2nd Amendment.
amiga500  5 | 1491
10 Jan 2023   #1719
Gun haters actually want school shootings.

Just to interupt your ranting for a moment, fox news it says that the six year old took the gun from his mums house, and that the State of Virginia "does not have a law that requires unattended guns to be stored in a particular way or a law that requires gun owners to affirmatively lock their weapons"

Do you support laws that ensure the secure storage of firearms or is that gun hating fascism as well? .
Tacitus  2 | 1255
10 Jan 2023   #1720
Unbelievable. And in the same state, people are allowed to drink beer only after they turn 21. The sheer madness of it.
Novichok  4 | 8411
10 Jan 2023   #1721
gun owners to affirmatively lock their weapons

A locked gun is as insane because somebody may get hurt as a car without engine because somebody may carjack it. All my guns are within easy reach and loaded.

Why would I want a gun that is in a safe?
Alien  25 | 6359
10 Jan 2023   #1722
All my guns are within easy reach and loaded.

You must live in a very dangerous neighborhood.
jon357  72 | 23482
10 Jan 2023   #1723
1. A plane flying at 3000 feet can decompress safely.

Aeroplane decompressions due to a breach at high altitude are highly dangerous.

2. These Muslim scumbags

Learn some manners.

highjackings before that.

Hijackings, you probably mean. Guns on aeroplanes are banned because of them.

Do 'air marshals' shadow every member of the cabin crew?

'Deputised' civilians? Don't be so stupid.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
10 Jan 2023   #1724
At least you were not one of the kids who accidentally shot another person.

That would be a kid that was taught that guns are bad, don't touch one and call an adult if you see one woke indoctrination.

Am I right Novi ?
It's people with your mentality that are responsible for gun accidents with children from lack of properly training them.

just shows how braim-washed you are.

If anyone is brainwashed it is you.
Many kids at 10 years old (or younger) are Are Taught and Educated on gun safety, how to load one properly. how to clean one properly. how to store one properly, how to respect them and use them as a tool in life which people like you who are clueless of doing..... and have been brainwashed that "guns are bad" b.s. propaganda.

In Michigan youths at 10 years old can buy a hunting license to shoot a deer. Amassing !

Unbelievable. And in the same state, people are allowed to drink beer only after they turn 21.

Is that the same State that allows kids to be drafted into the military where they are given their first gun and told to kill people with it ?
pawian  226 | 27364
10 Jan 2023   #1725
All my guns are within easy reach and loaded.

If most Americans do likewise, no wonder most of them are similarly fekked up in their minds.

I don`t want Poles to be like that. It is enough there are a lot of simpletons who vote PiS in Poland, if we added guns to it, this place would blow up like a volcano.
Novichok  4 | 8411
10 Jan 2023   #1726
Aeroplane decompressions due to a breach at high altitude are highly dangerous.

Twin Towers were not at a "high altitude". A tranquilizing dart would be enough to neutralize a Muslim pos with a box cutter.

'Deputised' civilians? Don't be so stupid.

Cops are were not born as cops. They were civilians first. Then they became cops and were given service handguns. Millions with a perfect criminal record can shoot as well as they do.

Do you know the difference between a deputized armed civilian who knows how to shoot and a police officer who knows how to shoot? If you do, let me know what it is.

You must live in a very dangerous neighborhood.

Do you have life insurance? Do you live in a dangerous 'hood or drive recklessly?
amiga500  5 | 1491
11 Jan 2023   #1727
All my guns are within easy reach and loaded.

Novi wakes up in the night and is fumbling about, trying to turn on his bed lamp in the dark. Instead, he pulls the trigger of his gun and blows his brains out.. hahah
johnny reb  49 | 7888
11 Jan 2023   #1728
Did you see the news tonight on t.v.

A Louisiana mom shot and killed a home invader to protect her two young children, authorities said.
The suspect, 51-year-old Robert Rheams, was armed with a shovel and a lug wrench when he allegedly forced his way into a woman's home in Hammond around 5 a.m. Sunday, according to the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office.

A "physical altercation" broke out between the homeowner and Rheams, after which the resident shot the intruder, according to the sheriff's office.
Rheams was pronounced dead at the scene, authorities said.
Rheams was on parole at the time of the home invasion after spending about 20 years in prison for armed robbery, according to the sheriff's office.

Rheams also allegedly committed a carjacking hours before the home invasion, authorities said.
"This case appears to be a homeowner exercising second amendment rights to protect herself and her children from a violent home invasion," the sheriff's office said in a statement.

And that is the way it works in America folks.
Hey Novi, guess what color Mr. Rheams is.
Novichok  4 | 8411
11 Jan 2023   #1729
Instead, he pulls the trigger of his gun and blows his brains out.. hahah

That story would make sense only if I were Polish. I am not so I know which way bullets come out when you pull the trigger. It's that hole we call the muzzle.

BTW, when you hear strange noises at 2 am the one thing you never, ever do is turn on the light.
My bedside gun is the only item in the nightstand top drawer and is placed in the orientation that needs no light. Do you need light to grab your dick for whatever reason?
Novichok  4 | 8411
11 Jan 2023   #1730
Rheams was pronounced dead at the scene, authorities said.

Thanks, JR, for that heartwarming bedtime story.
What infuriates me is that so often cops shoot the perp like a dozen times and the sob lives and sues. I hate such outcomes.

Hey Novi, guess what color Mr. Rheams is.

He is - well, was - a Brit so it must be black.
Joker  2 | 2363
11 Jan 2023   #1731
My bedside gun is the only item in the nightstand top drawer and is placed in the orientation that needs no light.

Will you flip on the laser? Its almost as frightening as hearing a shotgun loading sound.. Na, turning on the laser takes too much time..

Poles would love to have guns legalized. I dont believe what the crying leftards on this forum are saying. No way, do they represent the majority of Poles.

They have Putin right next door, come on!
Novichok  4 | 8411
11 Jan 2023   #1732
They have Putin right next door, come on!

This and the history of Poland should make them love guns even more than we do. I really don't get it.

Na, turning on the laser takes too much time..

I agree. In a home invasion situation, there is enough light to see where sob is. Plus you don't want him to know where you are.

I have to confess that I feel very uneasy watching TV in the basement with my guns upstairs. I should have one in every room - if only to make Euros pis*sed off.

Hey, JR, what do you think?
johnny reb  49 | 7888
11 Jan 2023   #1733
If you have ever shot a gun inside a house you would shlt how loud it is.
Most likely if you didn't hit the perp with that hollow point P+ defense round there still would be a streak of pis s going out the door that he came in.

No, I would not turn a lazar on as I have 16 rounds in my Springfield 9mm that I keep next to my bed loaded.
It has been there loaded for years and has never shot anyone yet.
And it won't unless I tell it to.
Alien  25 | 6359
11 Jan 2023   #1734
Do you have life insurance? Do you live in a dangerous 'hood or drive recklessly?

Nope and nope.
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Jan 2023   #1735
They burble on about 'home invasions'.

What if the 'home invaders' have more and bigger guns?

What will they do? Keep heavy artillery next to their beds?
johnny reb  49 | 7888
11 Jan 2023   #1736
What if the 'home invaders' have more and bigger guns?

Impossible at my house joun
He would have to bring a truck with him to haul it
Besides, my dogs would alert me before he got near my home.
I can't give away all my secrets but trust me, the deck would be stacked in my favor tremendously. ;-)

(Correction, +P not P+)
This is the stuff to get for home defense (what I use) as the perp would bleed out before the cops got there.

I don't think this +P stuff is even legal in Chicago but you can come to Michigan and get it in almost any sporting goods store or gun shop.

It's pricey at about $1 a round so you don't use it to punch holes in paper with.
You save it for special occasions. :-)
Alien  25 | 6359
11 Jan 2023   #1737
And I don't even have a fence, and the post office leaves parcels on the back porch, sometimes even for a week.
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Jan 2023   #1738
the post office leaves parcels

The same

In the best part of 30 years in Warsaw and a similar time in the UK, I've never wondered if it's safe to walk the streets, if there's a risk of a 'home invasion' whatever that is or that someone might have a gun and start shooting.

He would have to bring a truck with him to haul it

Perhaps they will.

my dogs

Raw steak laced with cyanide

It must be strange to be so fearful that you need to keep a loaded gun in the house or take one with you outside.

I'm glad I live in Warsaw.
mafketis  38 | 11127
11 Jan 2023   #1739
americans are a backward and primitive people

Some certainly are... demography matters....

CW: very disturbing video of murder.... carried out by a 26 who was supposed to be under house arrest (ankle monitor malfunctioned)
johnny reb  49 | 7888
11 Jan 2023   #1740
It must be strange to be so fearful that you need to keep a loaded gun in the house or take one with you outside.

Rubbish, just the opposite, joun.
When I have my loaded guns in my house, I fear nothing.

Raw steak laced with cyanide

You watch to much t.v.

I'm glad I live in Warsaw.

So are we. :-)

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