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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
28 Feb 2020   #1531
Yeah, next?

Can you shoot to kill under any conditions? If so, under what conditions?

1.Poles won't let them.

Poles are powerless to stop them.

2.They don't want to go there.

That means they are in control, not Poland.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
28 Feb 2020   #1532
Can you shoot to kill under any conditions?

That doesn't matter as I don't live in a gun fixated violent country.

Poles are powerless to stop them

Says who?
How many have Poland let in so far?

That means they are in control, not Poland.

You keep telling us that you don't drink, but I reckon you have been hitting the sauce and this early your time??
That last comment did not make any sense at all.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
28 Feb 2020   #1533
That doesn't matter as I don't live in a gun fixated violent country.

It matters in this discussion. Just like a blind person should not comment about paintings, a person who would never use a gun to kill - the only purpose why guns were invented - should never speak about guns and gun safety for lack of standing. Just like the childless should never tell others how to raise their kids.

How many have Poland let in so far?

Poland has no borders. Anyone legally in the EU can come to Poland. That train from Berlin to Warsaw I was on in 2017 didn't even stop at the "border".

That means they are in control, not Poland.

That means it's the migrants who decide if the want to go to Poland, not Poland allowing them to come to Poland.
No, I don't drink. I am perfect and I don't need any chemicals to make me better.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
28 Feb 2020   #1534
It matters in this discussion

No it does not.
You live in a violent country that has a proliferation of guns.
I live in a comparatively peaceful country with strict gun controls.
And an intelligent man like you cannot draw from that?
Nah, you know the truth of the matter but are just too weak to admit it.
American wimps need guns to protect themselves from the violent society they have created......
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
28 Feb 2020   #1535
Only a wimp would evade and avoid answering my question if you could kill. You are that wimp.
My bet is that JR, Joker, or Dirk would not hesitate for a second and say this: To protect my family or myself, I would shoot the m-fu*cker faster than he could say, oh fu*ck.

That is what real men say when asked that rhetorical question. You blew it.

You live in a violent country that has a proliferation of guns.

White America is just as violent as Europe and Canada. With all those scary guns. African ghettos are another matter.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
28 Feb 2020   #1536
Only a wimp would evade and avoid answering my question if you could kill

But I am not your wimp..... I just don't need a gun to kill.
Only American wimps need those.....

, I would shoot the m-fu*cker faster than he could say, oh fu*ck

Nah,you would still be asleep when he shoots you in your bed......
And even if you woke up, you need to grab your gun, find your bullets, load the gun and before you can shoot he has shot you..... :-)

Or are you one of those crazy morons that keeps his gun ready and loaded so that his granddaughter can shoot you?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Feb 2020   #1537
I would shoot the m-fu*cker faster than he could say, oh fu*ck

Duh... that being said though I would only shoot to kill if my families, friends or my own life is threatened, if my property is broken into, a dude tried to rape my gf, etc.

Poland just doesn't need to have loose gun laws. Its a safe country with little violent crime. There isn't that need to buy weapons for self-defense. And actually, the laws to get a permit for a weapon is pretty similar to the US FOID card system. Compared to our concealed carry permits though Poland is much stricter in that regard, which I can understand. You have to get a psych evaluation and all this other stuff to get a concealed carry for self defense and have to like petition courts and everything.

However, if Poland was as stupid as Germanistan, French Emirate, United Kaliphate, etc. and allowed literal boatloads full of turd worlders in then Poles would be concerned and would seek to protect and arm themselves as terrorism, stabbings, rapes, and other forms of cultural enrichment skyrocket.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
29 Feb 2020   #1538
Nah,you would still be asleep when he shoots you in your bed......

That's a Lyzko-class evasive move.
I am not asking about situations and the risks. I am asking if you have the balls,. If you don't have the balls, the rest is pure bullsh*it.

There isn't that need to buy weapons for self-defense.

We already know THAT. My objective now is to discredit the gun opponents by showing that they don't have the guts and the balls to actually even use a gun and to show that all that gun safety crap is a cover for those missing balls.
cms neuf  2 | 1810
29 Feb 2020   #1539
You have asked everyone if they have used a gun and the answer is yes from most people.

We are not allowed assault rifles so we don't know what we would do if a burglar came with a highly difficult to obtain gun and decided he only wanted to use it to steal a few hundred zloty and a picture of the black Madonna (because like normal people our money is in the bank)

Now you seem to be rambling about balls but you still haven't answered my question - have you ever usd your balls for their intended purpose?
29 Feb 2020   #1540
Rich if you like effin Murrica so much go back there! EU is enough Americanized already!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
29 Feb 2020   #1541
I am already here and have been here since 1967.

I am also amazed at this almost perfect inversion. Over the centuries, Europe has been the most violent place on earth. It invented every evil -ism, the gulags, gas chambers, and the worst totalitarian regimes known to humans.

The US has been exactly the opposite. But for some inexplicable reason, we, in the US, the country that brought Europe from the brink twice and kept it from starving to death, get lectured on good manners by the Euros. Why? Because we have 300 million guns and the murder rates not much different from Belgium or France.

As they say, you can't make this sh*it up.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
29 Feb 2020   #1542
The "balls" to be an idiot might well be guaranteed in the Constitution, however regardless of theory, in practical, civilized society, it's usually a masquerade for ill-developed man children who are addicted to their "boys toys" as surely as they probably are to alcohol or illicit drugs!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
29 Feb 2020   #1543
A pacifist Jew is an authority on guns as I am on Chinese poetry.
Did you know that the Jews who got armed and became partisans in Poland had a higher survival rate than the pacifist weasels with long beards, patiently awaiting a trip to Auschwitz?
Lyzko  44 | 9711
29 Feb 2020   #1544
I can concur only in the latter point, to which I will gladly concede some degree of merit, if only because Israel too takes tremendous issue with those Ultra-Lubovitch Orthodox who steadfastly refuse to fight for their country, hiding behind the cloak of religion to mask their overt pacifism.
pawian  226 | 27364
5 Apr 2020   #1545
Now I am speaking as a European. :)

It is funny to observe Americans how, hearing about pandemia, they siege gun stores. It seems they have found a perfect remedy: Virus threat? Get a firearm!!! hahaha

Aren`t they pathetic US cowards? :):):) Fortunately, we, Europeans, aren`t so.

  • unnamed.jpg
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Apr 2020   #1546
Fortunately, we, Europeans, aren`t such weasels.

Oh, yes, you are. Ball-less, spineless, you were too afraid to close your borders to the third-world useless scum out fear of being called unpleasant names. Like patriots. Only the prospect of imminent death-by-virus did that magic.

It seems they have found a perfect remedy: Virus threat? Get a firearm!!! hahaha

I know you are trolling because even the stupidest Euro would never claim that nonsense. But I will take it as good money because I am bored.

We are buying guns because our cops are as useless as tits on the bull when it comes to defending our asses. The average response time after a 911 call is 12 minutes. That's on a good day. When the riots break out and the rioters are black thugs, cops just stand and watch. Like they did in Baltimore on the orders from the city hall.

In Poland, I am sure they come 10 seconds after you press the third digit, so your head scratching is excused.
jon357  72 | 23482
5 Apr 2020   #1547
Fortunately, we, Europeans, aren`t so.

It's an obsession over there (with some of them anyway). Fortunately people here are a bit more measured.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Apr 2020   #1548
Says a guy whose Euro dads gave us two world wars and that lovely souvenir, Auschwitz. To make the American dead soldiers even less relevant, they invited a flood of welfare scum and rapists to make women going for a walk after dark so old-fashioned. Now, they can do it on Google maps.
jon357  72 | 23482
5 Apr 2020   #1549
welfare scum and rapists

There you go again...

Fortunately there's zero chance of Poland adopting their silly gun laws.

Anyway, you're Polish, from Poland, and therefore European...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Apr 2020   #1550
Fortunately there's zero chance of Poland adopting your silly gun laws.

Fortunately there's zero chance of Poland getting nukes and other such very dangerous devices, best left for the grownups who twice saved your butts and now stand guard to keep you from getting another ouchie.

Next time, call Greece. Or Italy. Or France.
jon357  72 | 23482
5 Apr 2020   #1551
Poland getting nukes

There's no particular political will for your country, Poland, to get them.

twice saved your butts

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Apr 2020   #1552
your country, Poland, to get them.

Not my country. Just to keep the record straight.
jon357  72 | 23482
5 Apr 2020   #1553
Not my country.

You're from somewhere else then?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
5 Apr 2020   #1554
left for the grownups who twice saved your butts

That includes you, don't forget you are a polak same as the rest of us , you remind me of white boys who grow dreadlocks and pretend they are related to bob marley. You are a polak live with it.

Poland don't need guns in supermarkets or nukes, but don't worry Poland and it's people will pull together when needed.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Apr 2020   #1555
but don't worry Poland and it's people will pull together when needed.

You can pull all you want, but you lost twice. It was the USSR with guns, not with touchy feely poems and speeches, that liberated Poland. In any world conflict, Poland is good for guard duty.

You're from somewhere else then?

I am from a hospital that happened to be in Warsaw. Your question would make sense if it were: You're somewhere else then?
Let the record show that it was not me who started you-ing this conversation.
jon357  72 | 23482
5 Apr 2020   #1556
in Warsaw

So there you go. A Pole from Poland.

And no majority here wants the low-quality gun laws from another country.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Apr 2020   #1557
So there you go. A Pole from Poland.

An ex-Pole from Poland. Don't push it.

And no majority here wants the low-quality gun laws from another country.

Citizens everywhere have two potential enemies: the government goons and the rioting thugs. To face up to either group, which society is better prepared? The one that has 400,000,000 guns or the one that has none?
jon357  72 | 23482
5 Apr 2020   #1558
The one where every kind of criminal and would-be criminal doesn't have extremely easy access to firearms. The one where police don't have to go about their duties wary that they'll be shot. The one where schools don't have to do 'live shooter drills'.

An ex-Pole from Poland.

So in fact a Pole from Poland...
Spike31  3 | 1485
5 Apr 2020   #1559
And no majority here wants the low-quality gun laws

Now we've got a low quality gun laws. Thanks to organizations like ROMB org this will improve with time. Konfederacja is also in favor of a better gun laws in Poland.

Owning a gun is the right of a free man.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Apr 2020   #1560
The one where every kind of criminal and would-be criminal doesn't have extremely

Are you talking to yourself?

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