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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

15 Nov 2017   #1141

Oh look, how surprising to see you deliberately breaking the rule against misspelling posters' names. That would be a textbook example of baiting to a moderator who didn't do things such as threatening to ban anybody who mentions his name.

you challenged it so it is up to you to support your challenge.

No, you claimed something, you need to prove it. If your 'logic' were to apply, somebody could post saying that all NRA supporters had criminal convictions for grooming children in developing countries and you would then need to supply a list of all NRA supporters in order to substantiate your challenge. Fortunately it doesn't work that way.

Of course, if you'd like to claim that NRA-certified child murderer Adam Lanza was not an NRA member, do feel free to point us in the direction of the NRA member list so we can check that for ourselves.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Nov 2017   #1142
Oh look, how surprising to see you deliberately breaking the rules of not only against posters' name (jimmy) but also using children in a filthy manner.

That usually calls for a three day suspension.

you need to prove it.

I need to prove nothing to you little guy.
You really think you are something don't you. lol
Of course if you would like to claim that a guy could obtain a firearm carry permit that was guilty of forced sodomy of a woman (rape) you would need to substantiate such a claim.

Any such aggressive behavior would disqualify you here in the U.S.A.
Or International human trafficking for immoral purposes.
That would definitely disqualify a person.

NRA-certified child murderer Adam Lanza was not an NRA member

I thought we were talking MASS murderers Hank, seems that you are again posting what you wish I would have said instead of what I actually said to make your story more credible.

This is actually what I said and not what you are trying to portray what I said with another of your lies.

Not a single member of the NRA has ever been involved in a mass shooting.

Should we tie that together with your OCD ?
Hairy do you have a clue what an idiot you make yourself out as ?
Americans were brought up with guns and Eurps were not so that is the main difference in our opinions.
I still bet the Jews back in 1938-39 wish that they had access to personal firearms.
15 Nov 2017   #1143
Not a single member of the NRA has ever been involved in a mass shooting.

So you're claiming that NRA-certified child murderer Adam Lanza was not an NRA member, where's your proof? It's clear to all of us from the way that you have immediately resorted to off-topic ad hom trolling that you know you can't hope to debate based on facts.

deliberately breaking the rules of not only against posters' name (jimmy) but also using children in a filthy manner.

Jimmy is a diminutive of John, just like Harold apparently is a diminutive of Harry. Using diminutives has long been accepted here. As for using children, we'd better not get into discussing your posts about children.

Of course if you would like to claim that a guy could obtain a firearm carry permit that was guilty of forced sodomy of a woman (rape) you would need to substantiate such a claim.

Unlike you, jimmy, I've never committed any crimes in any way related to sexual acts. Of course, if you'd like to claim that I have, each time you've claimed it in the past you got banned for making the claim, so the forum definitely comes out ahead thanks to those posts.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
15 Nov 2017   #1144
If you don't like slaves, don't own one, right?

Exactly. The Mauritanians do it - that's their culture... Not to mention child labor where kids work with their parents (like I did) which is practiced the world over and not seen as a wrong - like in Indian or Pakistani society for example.

A gun is a physical object not a person or even an action. Same with drugs, alcohol, etc - if you're not into it that's your opinion. The vast majority of people who buy guns legally buy them for self defense, hunting, target shooting, etc. There will always be a deranged person who slips under the radar and is able to purchase a gun legally and then commits a massacre. However, they could have also just as easily purchased an illegal gun. The fact remains that the vast majority of gun crimes and homicides are not caused by people who legally purchased a gun but rather criminals (mostly young urban blacks with latinos in 2nd place) who purchased guns illegally.

The US citizens have decided in their constitution and up to today that they are willing to put up with a certain level of gun crime committed by legal gun owners for other legal owners to carry them - the main reason why that is is because the vast majority of murders and gun crimes are committed not by people who are legal gun owners, but illegal owners like gang members, criminals, etc. The level of gun crime coming from gangs, cartels, and even teenaged street criminals is far greater than those committed by a crazy guy who purchased a gun legally. We have decided as citizens that we wish to protect ourselves from these gangs, street criminals, etc. and have a right to bear arms.

Also, there's bad apples in every organization, country, race, creed, etc. Adam Lanza happened to be the NRA's. However, the vast majority of NRA members who own guns are law abiding US citizens who purchased their guns legally.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Nov 2017   #1145
So you're claiming that NRA-certified child murderer Adam Lanza was not an NRA member, where's your proof?

AGAIN Harry, I don't have to prove anything to you because you are a nobody.
However just to make you look stupid one more time give the Huffington Post a try Harry.
WASHINGTON - The National Rifle Association on Thursday addressed for the first time the question of whether Adam Lanza or his mother, Nancy Lanza, were ever members of the gun rights group. The answer, the NRA said, is no.

In a sharply worded statement, the NRA said, "There is no record of a member relationship between Newtown killer Adam Lanza, nor between Nancy Lanza, A. Lanza or N. Lanza with the National Rifle Association. Reporting to the contrary is reckless, false and defamatory."

I'd love to be a fly on your wall right now to see the bewildered look on your face. lol

As for using children, we'd better not get into discussing your posts about children.

I am glad you have finally learned your lesson after you being suspended for it three times now.
In fact your last suspension was for posting such disgusting and immoral remarks about children if I recall correctly.

Unlike you, jimmy, I've never committed any crimes in any way related to sexual acts.

Really Harry, we better not get into any of your posts about you boasting about it..
And what crimes are you claiming that I have committed that you can prove with sources to us besides the hallucinating lies that you have posted here like this one.

That alone calls for a three day suspension slapped on you.

You are a mentally troubled person Harry.
Joker  2 | 2468
16 Nov 2017   #1146
So you're claiming that NRA-certified child murderer Adam Lanza was not an NRA member, where's your proof?

He's not a member, go google it for yourself thats all you are capable of doing anyway.

I'd love to be a fly on your wall right now to see the bewildered look on your face. lol

Who in their right mind would listen to a Brit expat on gun control???

Poles don't want to hear his big mouth and American`s couldn't give a rats ass about this troll either.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Nov 2017   #1147
Street cops don't even have guns in England lol and besides there is quite a bit of shootings in uk esp London in certain areas not to mention terror attacks. For christ sakes they had a general who wore skirts. They're not qualified to speak on thus topic
Tacitus  2 | 1274
16 Nov 2017   #1148
@Dirk diggler

Just read those articles before you embarass yourself even more:

Gun violence rare in U.K. compared to U.S.

Police in Britain fired their guns just seven times in the last year

So much for "quite a bit of shootings" in the UK.... .
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Nov 2017   #1149
Gun violence rare in U.K. compared to U.S.

Yes it is and that is why we should arm the U.K. citizens so they can catch up with America.
The United States is FIVE times bigger then the U.K. with SIX times more people.
If the United States was just one State say the size of Oregon like the little U.K. is that didn't have a large population of Blacks and Latinos living in America's largest cities that out number the U.K. also maybe the stats would be a tad different.

Meanwhile the U.S. will let the U.K. be number one in something.
TheOther  6 | 3596
16 Nov 2017   #1150
The United States is FIVE times bigger then the U.K. with SIX times more people.

Gun violence is usually measured by "deaths per 100,000 population", so it doesn't matter how many people a country has.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Nov 2017   #1151
Guns helped free America from the U.K.
Without them it would not have been possible.
That's why we love them and choose to keep them.
Maybe that is why the Brits want us to give them up so badly. lol
They are still stewing over it.
Joker  2 | 2468
17 Nov 2017   #1152
Guns helped free America from the U.K.

Amen to that!

They are still stewing over it.

It`s mostly jealousy. They can't have what we have and never will. If they only would concern themselves with the problems in their own backyards instead of telling we Americans how to live our lives they would be better off. It`s no secret what London has become and Poles shouldn't listen to these leftie limeys either:)
jon357  72 | 23706
17 Nov 2017   #1153
They can't have what we have

Mass shootings, an astronomically high gun crime rate and the highest poverty levels in the developed world?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Nov 2017   #1154
Of course it all stretches back to their defeatism. Uk went from being basically the U.S. of its time to being just another western European country. It's less significant than russia, china, and even Germany now. These idiots managed to hand political and economic power to the losers of ww2 and let germans dictate what laws Brits should follow. And you expect them to have a culture that promotes self defense rofl? Like I said, they have generals who weak skirts... that alone speaks volumes... They're just jealous because the us became what the UK use to be.

US has largest economy, largest military, most world renowned unis, most millionaires and billionaires,
and of course the 2nd best leader in the world, after putin, Donald trump.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Nov 2017   #1155
highest poverty levels in the developed world?

Because we are not greedy like some.
All because of Americas generosity to the rest of the world do we sacrifice to protect and feed half of the world.

It`s mostly jealousy.

They only wish they could do what America does to feed the other third world countries and give the EU and the rest of our allies military support to protect them which all costs huge amounts that otherwise could be spent on America's own population.

Yet we are still the land of opportunity, still have the best Constitution, the best health care facilities, the best universities, the best infrastructures, the most freedoms including the right to own a gun which you are not allowed.

America is a very generous Country that goes without to help others which may answer your rude remarks about why we have problems.
Is there a country in the world without those same problems only for different reasons ?.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Nov 2017   #1156
@johnny reb

Actually a lot of americans are greedy. Not just for money but knowledgde, technological advacement that's why we're number 1 and we can even buck the un security council at will and have numerous times before
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Nov 2017   #1157
I understand that Dirk.
I was responding to Liberal Progressive Politically Correct jon who perpetually posts about America with the highest poverty level of any developed nation in the world.

I have repeatedly responded with, yes, just think if America would quit feeding, policing, defending and supporting half the world what that money could do for Americans.

Hells bells we could have free health, free colleges, three times as much social security government retirement checks every month and much more if we weren't such a generous country to the rest of the world.

If it wasn't for the working middle class of America the worlds economy would collapse.
Because of Americas generosity of protecting and supporting so much of the rest of the world plus the generosity of our welfare programs to support people who refuse to work because our generous welfare programs pay more then jobs do.

It unfortunately has created mass poverty in our own country because of the Progressive Liberal give away programs making people slaves to the government.
And when the worlds economy finally does crash, which it eventually will, you will only wish you had the freedom to own a gun to protect you and your family.

So yes, I very much support legislation in Conservative Poland to give its citizens the right to own as many guns as they want to.

Did you read that the mentally ill shooter in the last mass shooting in California made his own guns ?
The bad guys will always have guns so it only makes sense to allow law abiding citizens to own them too.
jon357  72 | 23706
17 Nov 2017   #1158
The 43 billion given in foreign aid wouldn't even touch that.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Nov 2017   #1159
How about if you added all the extra defense that the United States (NATO) provides the world year after year after year ?
All those foreign U.S. military bases are not cheap to operate and maintain.
jon357  72 | 23706
17 Nov 2017   #1160
How about if you added all the extra defense that the United States provides(

How about you add the fact that the US 'provides' defence largely for their own interests - right now the Pentagon are saying that they want to try and maintain access to regions in what they call a 'post-hegemony world'.

Fortunately, here in Europe we don't have the problems associated with easy availability of guns, and there is little appetite for that.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Nov 2017   #1161
largely for their own interests

No doubt about that but in the process a lot of countries without an adequate military to protect their country gets included at their delight from the most powerful military on earth.

and there is little appetite for that.

You are a Left Liberal Jew jon, your ancestors didn't fill you in on their appetite they had for guns in 1939 when it was to late to obtain them ?

Hopefully history will not repeat itself with the influx of the Islamic Faith in the EU or worse yet to have Trump throw those countries out of NATO who are mooches so Putin will face no resistance when he decides to pull another Ukraine on them.
Joker  2 | 2468
18 Nov 2017   #1162
Liberal Progressive Politically Correct jon who perpetually posts about America with the highest poverty level of any developed nation in the world.

Its because of the Democratic liberal policies of the past 30 years that have created most of the poverty. This is more prevalent in the crime ridden Democratically controlled sanctuary cities of the USA. He also fails to mention our population dwarfs his rather small country of England, and the ever growing Islamic invasion of Europe.
Ironside  51 | 13125
18 Nov 2017   #1163
Gun violence

yes There is the gunfight at OK Corral like shootout everyday all over American. While you driving to work yo need to use a armored car,.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Nov 2017   #1164
shootout everyday all over American.

People want to try out their new guns and ammo.
What a selection there is to choose from at
Not available in tyranny ran countries.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
18 Nov 2017   #1165
Why is this thread ongoing? 80+% of Poles don't want lax firearms laws and what foreigners think about that means jack sh*t.

Ironside  51 | 13125
18 Nov 2017   #1166
80+% of Poles don't

I don't know if that is 80% or 50% but those people need to learn what freedom is and what that pertain. Their fear is just result of being a slave for a totalitarian regime. They need to learn again what it means to be free. Citizens of the First Republic understood it well.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
18 Nov 2017   #1167
but those people need to learn what freedom is and what that pertain

Died laughing!!! Poles know what Freedom is better than any other nation on Earth!

American freedom is going to the mall carrying a gun coz u r scared everyone else has one and wants to kill you. FREEDOM LOLOLOLLO

Give a short translation in future when you link to a Polish language website
Ironside  51 | 13125
18 Nov 2017   #1168
Died laughing!!! Poles know what Freedom is better than any other nation on Earth!

The F they do! You're fooling yourself.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
18 Nov 2017   #1169
Says the guy with no country lol. US are based on GENOCIDE of Indians. It's history is 500 years. They rise fake middle ages castles to at least pretend they have any history lol. They celebrate Columbus Day lol. Columbus was a fking murderer. Only Indians are ethnic Americans. US citizens are all mixed ethnicity just like "kundle". LOLOLOLOLO. Poles had to fight for their freedom (Kościuszko) otherwise they'd stay slaves to Europe. LOLOLO

And some US "kundel" tries to tell Poles what Freedom is L O L

Best thing is that US kundle consider themselves WHITE lololo. I bet here and now that there was no alien (black, red or asian) genes within my ancestors for at least 500 years. I bet that most US citizens have neggro genes in their genealogy.
Ironside  51 | 13125
18 Nov 2017   #1170
Says the guy with no country lol.

What is that supposed to mean? its some kind of nonsense, what it has to do with anything? Refrain from using snippets of your doubtful wisdom because I feel compelled to return with - Say the guy with no brain. LOL!

US are based on GENOCIDE of Indians

No US is based on the Constitution, values, laws and people who are ready to stand for what they believe in.
-----OK I skip some retarded nonsense you're spewing---
Indian might be ethnic Americans but they are not ethnic US Americans. There was no country before colonist/settlers build their own. Only some half-nomadic warring tribes who were so advanced they couldn't invent a wheel and were barely out of the stone age when European setters arrived.

Who cares about ethnicity anyway? You mix some progressive BS with racist BS with some ahistorical BS.
What gives?

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