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Gun ownership is legal in the U.S..I was just curious if this is so in Poland
Maybe compare murder rates between the two countries and make a wild guess. Basically, people with a good reason to own a firearm can. The pro gun lobby in the US constantly lies about European gun laws just to stir fear. Ive no criminal record or history of severe mental disorders so,if I wanted to I can get a firearms licience pretty easily here in the UK. Maybe not some of the absurd stuff I could own in the US (come on,who needs assault rifles for hunting or *home defence* ?) but certainly something that could put a stop to,say, a two legged Deer if I needed to ;)
I would support more funding for education first. When a population is well-educated and has opportunities then that population, with or without guns will be a peaceful one.
While I do find it iritating, that despite having no criminal record etc, despite fulfilling all the requirements for owning a gun, some random policeman have decided that I "don't really need it".
On the other hand, American style gun ownnership? Is it good for defence? I don't think so. Without guns, if I am being attacked by some thugs, I do stand some chance to defend myself, or to escape. But, if both I and them, are armed though... I am dead meat, no point to even try to run away.
Also, I can imagine football hooligans, going down the street, shooting theirs shotguns at random cars, or windows, if one can just buy long gun in a shop.
As it is now, even the "dedicated" criminals, that would be able to illegally acquire a gun, may choose not to, as owning the gun, that say, was found during random search in his house, is enough to send him into prison.
I'm thinking more along the lines of home invasion.You can deter someone pretty quickly.You do have people who are irresponsible and do stupid things with guns;but by and large this is not the case.Where I live in Massachusetts the gun laws are probably the toughest
the country.It is a mandatory year in prison for an unregistered gun.
I'm thinking more along the lines of home invasion.
That sort of home invasion common in some countries is non existent in Poland. In Argentina simply having a gun isn't enough, you have to kill your attackers as even shooting them once isn't sufficient.
The thing is, America had had a cenuries to get used to gun ownage, to develop a gun culture. That would eventually happen in Poland as well. But the process of getting there, it would be rather painfull decades.
As for home invasion, if it ever happens to me, I have prepared... well let me just call it a blunt weapon. And I'd feel much safer wielding my blunt weapon against thugs armed with, say, knives, then shooting a gun at the bandit, who shoots back.
Hovever, I'd not mind if there was clear set of requirements, very harsh ones, for geting a gun license. As it is now, even if you fulfilled them with flying colors, it is still up to police' whim if they grant the license to you or not. 99% of the cases, you dont get it anyway, no explanation given.
People in Poland have no need for a gun. Compared to America Poland is pretty well crime free. But with Multiculturism it will come.
America is close to a race war.. Read some American Papers and get educated.. We have a bad minority problem..Whites are attacked on the streets, we have home invasions, and drug problems.. White's are fleeing our cities in droves. Even the liberals are starting to arm themselves. America is a war zone -tourist-getting-beaten-crowd-bystanders-laughs-Baltimore-St-Patricks- Day-parade.html
If someone attacks me in my house with a gun I'd rather have a gun;If they don't you can just flash it and you don't have to hurt any one.
You or your family are 1000 times more likely to accidentally kill yourself before you are ever attacked in your home. If you have a gun there is no point to flash it, train to use it and use it. Its not a badge.
Compared to America Poland is pretty well crime free.
perhaps, but I can't help but think you're only accounting for violent crime in your interpretation. There's plenty of crime here in terms of low level corruption. Alas, when we think of criminals we, often mistakenly, don't usually picture men and women in designer clothing
Yes , You are right in your assumption. At one time America was very much like today Poland. But after the 1960 America was starting to go down hill. The black birth rate exploded. Girls as young as 14 were beginning to give birth to illegitimate children at the rate of 75% i. The are no Fathers. The Government supported them and they continue to multiply. In 20 years it is said that the white people will be a minority in America. They are allowed to roam the streets in packs, like Jackals attacking anybody. White neighbourhoods are being destroyed by white flight. All that it takes is for one family to move in,and the for sale signs go up. No city is safe anymore.
Gun sales have gone through the roof.. Manufacturers cant keep up with the demand. Ammunition is scarce.. My wife carries a Glock 40 at all times We have a stand your ground law in Florida that allows on to use a weapon in self defence. We along with many others spend a lot of time on the gun range.
Along with myself, my wife has become a good shot. I carry a heavier gun.. An ACP Colt 45.. No. We are not Cowboys.. This is what America is like today
Enjoy Poland while you can.. It is heading your way.
If you have a gun there is no point to flash it, train to use it and use it.
Exactly. Dont you ever consider that criminals who break into Homes in the US carry guns BECAUSE the owner probably has guns? Euro house breakers tend to be armed with a screw driver, a cricket bat trumps that every time :)
Well,to be honest, Ive a Louisville Slugger,old school wooden Baseball bat :) Used to carry it in my car when I had to drive in some of the less classy parts of the country,a few mates on the force so I always had my mit and a couple of Baseballs in the car too ;)
As for Zombies,Ive still plenty of 33s and a trunk full of 45s for that :)
Some people attack with knives,Not as many Americans own guns as you may think.Quite a bit do not.If someone comes through the door with a gun,I want a gun to answer with.The only flash is going to be from a muzzle.I'm not going to take a chance with a
My wife carries a Glock 40 at all times We have a stand your ground law in Florida that allows on to use a weapon in self defence. We along with many others spend a lot of time on the gun range.Along with myself, my wife has become a good shot. I carry a heavier gun.. An ACP Colt 45.. No. We are not Cowboys.. This is what America is like today
It seems like you're focusing on symptoms. I will state this again: I firmly believe when a population is well educated and enjoys opportunities to fairly improve their lives then they are a happy and relatively peaceful bunch. I am not aware of any exceptions to this. Colour doesn't matter in that respect. Colour can only indicate with whom there is a problem but it doesn't solve WHAT that problem is. And NO colour is not the problem.
Great. People like you are living in a dream world. Ya'all have no clue in the world as what is happening in America... Below is a clip from what is going on. This is as of this week
If there has been any upheaval it probably has something to do with the shooting of Trayvon Martin.
Crap situation all round. It would seem Zimmerman is guilty as sin,but, he will never get a fair trial now. He is,legally,fcuked. What judge is going to risk giving him a proportional sentence now? Moral of the story here is, *Call the Cops,when they tell you to back the F off,you back the F off*.
Nuncka, What America do you live in?If there has been any upheaval it probably has something to do with the shooting of Trayvon Martin. As an American I can tell you this is not widespread.
It would seem Zimmerman is guilty as sin,but, he will never get a fair trial now.
Zimmerman is in big ass trouble. But it only takes one juror to claim a reasonable doubt to blow the whole case. The concealed weapon law will do a lot to vindicate him. The trial will be moved to another part of Florida with a diversified Jury. Who was more guilty than OJ Simpson,and Casey Anthony? The jury freed them..
But then again, What juror will have the balls to vote for a not guilty?
Great. People like you are living in a dream world. Ya'all have no clue in the world as what is happening in America... Below is a clip from what is going on. This is as of this week ... This is what we live with. In the mean time I will pack my ACP 45. ( With hollow nose bullets )
So you're saying that it's colour, not culture and not economics and not education and not religion and not short-sighted political motives and not corruption and nothing else except colour that is the problem in America?
Have I interpreted your words correctly or is there something I missed in your response?
I would, if only there were not so many insane people. You just know bad stuff would be happening if people could own guns. To be honest I think giving out driving licenses to people is enough, or even too much still, since there are so many psychopaths on the roads. I wonder if there is some statistic that shows Poland to be the worst for road deaths? It would not surprise me it it was.
Merged: Guns: Instruments of Death. Poland, Play Another Tune
You judge a man by the tools of his trade. A scholar has his books; a painter has his oils, a musician his trumpet. And a barbarian has his guns. My grandfather was a terrible shot, yet he still managed to kill a few Krauts on his trek to save the world. His uncle, Henry, was in the OSS (early C.I.A.), and eradicated battalions and civilians alike by pointing his finger on a map. These great men, these educated siblings, knew even then that killing shouldn't be so easy. After the war, they went on with government jobs, buy used their knowledge not hone weapons of war, but to develop the formulas of glass convexity that allowed families to watch tv from anywhere in the room, and not directly on the floor, staring at a searing cathode tube, as had been necessary before the Brothers Marcus came along. We never had guns in our house. I didn't even get my first water pistol until my dad had me for visitation one Summer and decided a boy need to hold something longer than it is wide, and to aim it at people. There are too many guns out there, whether you believe people have a right to own them or not. The 2nd Amendment is not a biblical text. It was written by fallible men during fallible times. 100,000 Americans alone are affected by gun violence every year. This is not due "the right people" having guns with which to stop "wrong people" from using theirs. There's no way, absolutely not a single way to determine who's gonna go from "right person" to "wrong".
Jasondmanzk,The guns were used when needed right?True the constitution is not the bible,so I guess you could use that logic to take away
any right?100,000 people affected every year,how many of them are actually shot?Any deaths gun related is tragic,no doubt,but 100,000 out of 380 mil is not a large number compared to the size of the population when compared to other causes of death by violent nature.
Take a look at the stats for stabbing,bludgeoning and strangulation deaths in a year,I think you will be surprised.People have killed people
since day 1 with or without guns.I am not selective when it comes to the rights in the constitution,I believe in the right to own guns,same as
the right to freedom of speech.
Home / Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?