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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Jul 2011   #301
What do you think it is in the US? Do you seriously believe that people are running around here and kill each other? What you just said above, happens here a lot too and mostly in the ghettos. Look, where I live, we don't even lock the door or close the windows (unless it's too cold outside). You guys have a totally wrong picture of America.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
20 Jul 2011   #302
after living in Poland for a couple of years you would probably conclude that you do not need a gun here

Is that what Poles thought in August of 1939?

no gun probably equals no murder.

...except for the thousands of murders committed without a gun.

Mostly criminal gangs have guns. And they usually shoot each other.

Correct and correct. Gangs don't register their guns and obtain them illegally. Legal gun owners have the lowest crime rates.
guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Jul 2011   #303
Which, in general terms, we don't. And there's the key difference.

and yet, many Germans and Poles have it, :-)

...except for the thousands of murders committed without a gun.

very true
20 Jul 2011   #304
very true

Very misleading. See above statistics for correlation of murders/100,000 people and firearms related deaths/100,000 people. The same countries at similar places in the list. Why?
guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Jul 2011   #305
very misleading indeed because if you live here, anywhere outside the ghettos, you can forget all you guys know about the crime rate in the US.
20 Jul 2011   #306
you can forget all you guys know about the crime rate in the US.

Invalid argument. Exactly the same holds true of the UK and Poland for that matter - gun crime or any kind of crime for that matter is unequally distributed.

This is a social problem, albeit with private manifestations. The "if it's not happening in my back yard, it's OK" line doesn't really scale up.
guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Jul 2011   #307
The "if it's not happening in my back yard, it's OK" line doesn't really scale up.

this is not what I'm saying. It was a valid argument when determining the real situation in this country. Visualizing America as a country of criminals based on statistics, is inadequate and an invalid argument in my eyes alexw68.
20 Jul 2011   #308
The great thing about guns is that they give even the weakest people the ability to satisfactorily protect themselves.

If someone barges into your house in the middle of the night, you can't call the cops expecting them to be there immediately. Guns however can most certainly give you a chance to protect yourself, your family, and your belongings while the cops would arrive long after the criminals were done to do what they came for.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
20 Jul 2011   #309
The great thing about guns is that they give even the weakest people the ability to

open fire in MacDonald's or their school campus.
20 Jul 2011   #310
Which in the country of America is commonly done by firearms apprehended illegally since it's so easy to gain access to them that way.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
20 Jul 2011   #311
Which in the country of America is commonly done

Sadly so.
Lenka  5 | 3531
20 Jul 2011   #312
If someone barges into your house in the middle of the night, you can't call the cops expecting them to be there immediately. Guns however can most certainly give you a chance to protect yourself, your family, and your belongings while the cops would arrive long after the criminals were done to do what they came for.

But I would be very careful in using gun.In Poland many times courts stated that the self-defense was too strong e.g. when one person was attacked and killed the other person during the fight.Maybe not when someone entered the house but in street fight it happened for sure.
20 Jul 2011   #313
Sadly so.

I'm glad I made you quiet.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
20 Jul 2011   #314

Quiet reflection on the harm guns do.
20 Jul 2011   #315
But I would be very careful in using gun.In Poland many times courts stated that the self-defense was too strong e.g. when one person was attacked and killed the other person during the fight.Maybe not when someone entered the house but in street fight it happened for sure.

That is a problem with how Polish courts view self-defense, not guns.
Lenka  5 | 3531
20 Jul 2011   #316
Yes,sometimes it's really sad.On the other hand you have to make some rules about self-defence.Sometimes ppl really go to far.
P.S. I'm certainly against legislation that would make it easier to own a gun.
20 Jul 2011   #317
We need to make more American Jews aware about this.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
21 Jul 2011   #318
Quiet reflection on the harm guns do.

Guns are inanimate objects. They do no harm. Bad people with guns, almost always illegally obtained, do harm.

Of course, certain primates shouldn't have guns...
Llamatic  - | 140
21 Jul 2011   #319
Of course, certain primates shouldn't have guns...

Now, now... If inner city primates want guns to kill one another who are we to object?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
21 Jul 2011   #320
What do you think about the right to own the guns?

Well I was opposed to it, after today i am not sure I am so opposing..

my daughters BF comes over for the first time to meet us, hes very nice young man
he rode his bike over in scorching heat, so we invite him inside and were all sitting having
a nice time and my husband looks out the window hooking up stuff to the TV and low and
behold 3 young punk azz teenager black boys take off with his bike that was next to the gait
in our front yard!!

my husband opens the door and yells hey hey.. kid turns around and smiles and took off like
a bat out of hell!!

so her BF runs after them.. one neighbor seen them come from the park behind his home so
he knew it was the same teens , he watched from his back to front yard all three of them
and told us which way they went.

so i got in my car and flew down the street with my daughter, we caught up with her BF
he jumped in we then hit high speed down the street to where these young little dirt bags
were out of breath and walking fast.. no bike.. I screamed WHERES THE F>>>IN BIKE B**TCHES
they said what you talkin bout?? we just came from the park.. I repeated it louder and said the
cops were on their way fess up PUNK NOW!! they said OH , just because we are three blacks
walking in your white neighborhood you think we stole a bike!! I said no you little punk, my
Husband and few other people seen you three take it!! WHERE IS THE BIKE!!!!!
they said we were playing basketball and just walking home, my daughter said wheres your
basketball??? HMMM LIARS>
they kept lying, so I took off with the car around the corner two blocks over on the street
lying on the ground and we seen the other kid running down the street, there was the bike
so i told her BF get on the bike, come straight to our house, dont go back and try to fight them
we have the bike and i am making a report, my daughter knew one of them from school.. so
we now gave his name and I hope the little punks go to jail!!

I hate when people bring up that race card shyt.. its so old with me.

how you going to come in my neighborhood, enjoy the schools, the saftey then you are going to
take from my backyard???

no, I dont like guns, but if it means protecting my family, I am seriously going to change my
thoughts on it..
my hubby was saying what if they come back and slice our tires.. I was like, well, we have names
and our neighbors are bikers and will be moving in soon, let them mess with us now..
Llamatic  - | 140
21 Jul 2011   #321
just because we are three blacks
walking in your white neighborhood you think we stole a bike!!

Gotta love all that "rich diversity".
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
21 Jul 2011   #322
its funny, theres a family down the street , they dont steal, we have mexicans, blacks
but yet they said it was a white neighborhood only,,, they were taught by their racists parents
to be like this.. why else would they say that??

I clearly said , you were seen by my husband and neighbors... they kept lying..

oh well, so you go to jail in a few years little punk arse ,, your poor momma gonna cry cause
you cant act like a decent human, whos fault is it?? you look well dressed and you dont look
like your starving.. but you want everyone elses hard earned items!!

BULLSHYT>> not in my neighborhood..

I will hunt/find your arse.....Elmer fudd watch out.
Llamatic  - | 140
21 Jul 2011   #323
they were taught by their racists parents
to be like this..

Yep. It what we get when they're raised on a steady diet of historical bitterness and whitey owes them something.
Thank the nearest racial apologist Liberal.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
21 Jul 2011   #324
steady diet of historical bitterness and whitey owes them something

you have a legit point.

sad that they choose stupidity and then try to use that card against us...
pip  10 | 1658
21 Jul 2011   #325
But in all seriousness- what would a gun have done to help the situation? Had somebody in your family pulled out a gun, threatening these boys- for a bike, the person with a gun would be charged with a criminal offense.
21 Jul 2011   #326
I honestly think that people living in other countries should not speak up about what laws (re: gun control but also other) should be intruduced in Poland. You don't live there, you won't bear the consequences of such laws.
IKrash  1 | 19
21 Jul 2011   #327
I dont know about the crime rate in poland but if its high i think its a good law as it can protect an individual besides its up to you which path you choose violent one or peaceful one but basic self defence should always be made ready . D
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
21 Jul 2011   #328
But in all seriousness- what would a gun have done to help the situation? Had somebody in your family pulled out a gun, threatening these boys- for a bike, the person with a gun would be charged with a criminal offense.

true, and what if they had a gun ( most do now a days) which I wasnt thinking that at the time
all I wanted to do was get the bike back.. I was so angry..

I keep thinking about the part where they said, yeah just cause we are three black teens walking
in a white neighborhood..

we had multiple witnesses see them take it, Plus my daughter, they were running , we never lost
sight of them.. so the race card bullcrap was enough to send me over the edge..

yeah, you little misfortunate SHYT we seen you take it, I dont tolerate theifs..

MY daughter tried to call the police , her phone was not working. it was a intense situation.

I am glad it was not any worse. I told her BF just go home, cause he wanted to go kick their
AZZ ... there were people looking from their houses too.

cops said , yeah, when they see them they will be shakin them down. its their own fault
they get this reaction from cops... cause they do steal and they do carry weapons...

then they want to come into my neighborhood and try to play that race card .. NOT HAPPENING!

I am still angry..
Llamatic  - | 140
21 Jul 2011   #329
its their own fault
they get this reaction from cops... cause they do steal and they do carry weapons...

Of course it is. And they have been trained to cry 'racism'. It would almost be laughable if society (Libs) didn't take their complaints seriously.

basic self defence should always be made ready

Some would like to take this choice away from you.
pip  10 | 1658
21 Jul 2011   #330
Spoken like a typical American.

The fact is Poland doesn't need guns because they are a civilized society. America has been taught that guns are a necessity- it is no longer the case. This right stems from the beginning of colonization and is no longer valid.

Of course there are guns in Poland. Typically those who have them are hunters or in the mafia. I know of a few gun stores in Warsaw.

The average person doesn't need a gun. Poles have alarms, rolety and security guards protecting their homes.
Nobody needs a gun here.

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