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Refused Poland's citizenship from Polish president, what to do now?

porky pok  2 | 127
28 Mar 2016   #31
superior British passport

Way inferior then some of the passports in the world then.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Mar 2016   #32
Delph You obviously benefited from having the superior British passport for many years

I use "superior" to mean "ease of travel". The Polish passport still suffers from some insane restrictions, such as the need to get a visa to visit the USA. I won't go there until they drop visas for Poles out of solidarity with them, because it's absolutely ridiculous and unfair.

A passport does not maketh a man be it Polish or British, only hard work and a drive to better is the true passport to success.

Agreed. That's why I wouldn't object to a set of rules that rewards those that work hard and contribute while denying those that might just want an easy route to an EU passport.

The president should also have the power to withhold citizenship, especially due to security concerns, as a constitutional power.

Only a non-Pole could say that, as any real Polish person would know and remember how many Polish citizens were stripped of their citizenship in previous years by hostile governments. That's actually why Article 34, paragraph 2 of the Polish Constitution makes it clear that renouncing one's citizenship is the only way to lose it.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
28 Mar 2016   #33
No, he wouldn't. The president should also have the power to withhold citizenship, especially due to security concerns, as a constitutional power.

I can see someone really misses PRL
The Saffer
29 Mar 2016   #34
Hardly. The prohibition against dual citizenship, including by naturalization, dates back to the Polish Citizenship Act of 1921, "Art. 1. A Polish citizen cannot be a citizen of another country at the same time."
PIłsudski didn't want dual nationals voting in Polish elections, and I don't either. The communist canard is a true "red" herring.
29 Mar 2016   #35
The prohibition against dual citizenship, including by naturalization, dates back to the Polish Citizenship Act of 1921, "Art. 1."

Sadly that prohibition was lifted in 1962, mistakenly so in my opinion.

British citizenship it was forced upon us after the betrayal at Yalta.

No it wasn't, Poles in the UK were free to settle in (and acquire citizenship of) the commonwealth country of their choice or to return to Poland. By the way, you have renounced your British citizenship, haven't you?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
29 Mar 2016   #36
" choice or to return to Poland" To certain death, or re-deportation to Siberia.

"renounced your British citizenship, haven't you?" have you Harry, after all you are the the polish poster boy here on PF ,

Everyone, please focus on the topic question
OP singh gill  1 | 4
17 Jul 2016   #37
Merged: going to apply polish citizenship by polish president

hi everyone,
im going to apply polish citizenship by polish president second living in poland from 4 and half years and married with polish girl.i have polish permanent residend card from two years.what u think guys i can get or not this time..
Sparks11  - | 333
18 Jul 2016   #38
Don't go through the president, go through the wojewoda (the "standard" way)
OP singh gill  1 | 4
18 Jul 2016   #39
Merged: polish citizenship by polish president there anybody recently got polish citizenship by polish president coz i just had applied polish citizenship by there any chance to get.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 Jul 2016   #40
" polish citizenship by there any chance to get"

Not really to be honest, Unless you you have carried out some exceptional works to the benefit of Poland, or an exceptional family connection situation that would be hard to put through the normal channels.
OP singh gill  1 | 4
3 Aug 2016   #41
Merged: going to apply polish citizenship by polish president

hi everyone,
im going to apply polish citizenship by polish president second time.i have polish permanent resident card from 1 and half years.i have polish wife and have two kids.what u think guys do i have chance to get this living in poland 4 and half anybody recently got polish citizenship from president.pls reply me guys.thanks
Dreamergirl  4 | 273
3 Aug 2016   #42
I think that you will get the same answer as you got when you asked this on this forum on the 12 July?
nothanks  - | 626
3 Aug 2016   #43
OP has added a 2nd child :0
4 Aug 2016   #44
what u think guys do i have chance to get this time.

No, you have no chance at all.
mafketis  38 | 11278
4 Aug 2016   #45
im going to apply polish citizenship by polish president second time.i have polish permanent resident card

Where's the fire? if you have the karta stałego pobytu you don't need citizenship. Just wait a few years and apply normally.
ivnp71  1 | 46
4 Aug 2016   #46
I've had 3 times negative decision through the president of Poland 2013,2014 and 2015.
Boo24555  - | 1
24 Dec 2021   #47

Would being refused citizenship by president negatively affect future vist to Poland or another EU country

Thank you for all your help

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