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Is it possible to work with the same work permit on a different jobs in Poland?

Charles1  1 | 5
22 May 2015   #1
I am from West africa and i m in poland for work.I come here with a work permit valid until 2018 with the name of my company.My contract with my employer is stopped .Now i am looking for job.I just want to know if it is possible to work with the same permit?and how long it takes before getting a new one?thanks
22 May 2015   #2
I just want to know if it is possible to work with the same permit?


I come here with a work permit valid until 2018

You sure about that? Work permits are almost always only good for two years.
OP Charles1  1 | 5
22 May 2015   #3
it is what it written zezwolenie na prace jest wazne od 13 kwietnia 2015 ROKU do 12 kwietnia 2018 roku..means work permit is valid from 13 April 2015 until April 12th 2018
22 May 2015   #4
Well, it certainly isn't valid anymore.
22 May 2015   #5
As said by Harry, the work permit is no longer valid. You need another work permit to be issued through next potential employer. I think (but not sure though) that you are now in illegal situation since you came to Poland for a job and you don't work any longer. Your situation is not a joke and I would advize to directly ask the Polish administration or a lawyer. Your situation is not a matter for "random clowns like us", as per DominicB's words.

@Charles: ps: in order to be issued a work permit, your potential employer needs to prove to the Polish administration that he/she cannot find anyone in Poland (not only among Poles but also among residents) capable of doing said job. What is your profile? I believe that if you don't work, you are considered illegal and in case of a control, you'll be sent back home. Suppose for instance you have an accident or you need an operation for something, then they'll discover that you are without any status in Poland and will be kicked out.

I personally believe all those 3rd worlders coming to Poland on the sole basis of a job take great risks. If the job does not work out, they become illegal ....
OP Charles1  1 | 5
23 May 2015   #6
I work for 2 months but the employer what he said before and what i see arrived was different that s why our contract finished in mutual discussion.i have a valid visa until end of december.i m doing IT..............
23 May 2015   #7
i have a valid visa until end of december.

That's entirely possible; however, your work permit is no longer valid, and if you work, you will be doing so illegally. I really would suggest speaking to a lawyer as soon as possible.
OP Charles1  1 | 5
23 May 2015   #8
if another company is ready to give another work permit it will be fine...don t worry I won t work without this permit
23 May 2015   #9
@Charles; it is NOT the employer who gives work permits but it is the Polish administration which does. Working without work permit is working illegally and can be very dangerous (+ wrong). If you do pay tax (the Polish administration knows about you and has the right to check on you) and if you don't pay tax (which is another law violation), you can easily be caught; you can be checked anywhere, you can be reported to the authorities by an acquaintance (Poles are good at delation and also are very jealous so they really don't like when foreigners (and on top of that, you ... black ;)) are better off in Poland than they are ....). Your situation is completely illegal and obviously wrong. If (or rather when) you are caught, you'll be deported from Poland and won't be able to come back.

If I were you, I would see lawyer and remember while the application for work permit is processed, you are not allowed to work (normal!).

Furthermore, when living/working in a foreign country, we ought to follow their laws. I may be hard on Poland and on Poles but nevertheless I don't break their laws, pay my tax...

Sorry, but your attitude shall also bring more racism/xenophobia against your peers and foreigners in general.
local_fela  17 | 172
23 May 2015   #10
Charles! You from West Africa and I from East.
Anyway, you will need to find a new employer soon. I am in the IT industry as well. I am not 100% sure if they are (I assume you speak french) looking for new people. I shall let u know if you are interested. Btw job location is Krakow and they do give u work permit ect..
OP Charles1  1 | 5
23 May 2015   #11
Yes @àLocal_fel...I speak french too.can you send me your company HR email address that I can apply there.thanks
local_fela  17 | 172
24 May 2015   #12
Charles, I will let you know by this week if we require any French speaker.
25 Jun 2015   #13
Merged: Guidance on Work Permit in Poland - renewal when changing jobs.


I work with a company in Poland (who has sponsored my work permit and Visa), now i am looking to change jobs. So i want some guidance on how much time will it take for the new employer to get the work permit for me or can this existing one can be renewed as well?

Any help will be highly appreciated.
JollyRomek  6 | 457
27 Jun 2015   #14
time will it take for the new employer to get the work permit for me or can this existing one can be renewed as well?

Usual turn around time is about 6 weeks, unless you are from a post Soviet country. For those countries it is about 2 weeks.

No, you can not transfer / extend your current work permit to a new employer. They will have to apply for a new work permit for you. Even if you would change your job within one company, that company would have to apply for a new work permit stating the new job title.
11 Aug 2015   #15
is it possible to start working in the other company while processing the work permit, or i need to wait for the work permit to start working. knowing that i have residence here for one year.

any reply !
InPolska  9 | 1796
11 Aug 2015   #16
@Monda: you need to wait for work permit. For as long as you don't have it, you may not work (logical ;))
23 Dec 2019   #17
Hello all! I am from India. If I get an employment as a mechanic in Poland, will I be able to get the work permit even if I have experience in IT?

And can I seek for a new employer in IT, if I am granted the work permit to work on a mechamic shop? Is there legal obligation since i am changing the industry type?
DominicB  - | 2706
24 Dec 2019   #18

First of all, a work permit is not something you can get. It is something your employer gets. It is permission for them to hire you. It is not permission for you to work anywhere except for that employer.

So if you want to change jobs or do a second job, your new employer will have to apply for a separate work permit to hire you.

No employer in Poland is going to apply for a work permit to hire someone from India. And even if they tried, they would never get it. There is no need for mechanics from outside of the EU in Poland.

You're stuck with IT, and with the employer that first hired you.
7 Aug 2020   #19
can i work at two jobs in poland
pawian  226 | 27539
7 Aug 2020   #20
If you are Polish, yes.
7 Aug 2020   #21
can a forigner work at two jobs in poland
pawian  226 | 27539
7 Aug 2020   #22
A foreigner from which country?
9 Aug 2020   #23
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
9 Aug 2020   #24
Yes you can work more than one job , I know polish people who spent the majority of their lives working in Germany for cash in hand unknown to authorities.

not sure of your legal status but i wish you well .

Haile Selassie was a great man that stood against the Italians during WWII, and of course the God incarnate Jah Rastafari

Home / Law / Is it possible to work with the same work permit on a different jobs in Poland?
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