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Opening a Polish Bank Account by a foreigner in Poland. Recommendations.

7 Jul 2013   #211
Alior Sync:

The basic accout + debit card is free. Plus, there's moneyback, the limit is 200PLN a year, but still.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910
8 Jul 2013   #212
The only Alior accounts I could find charge each month - 8zl for the account and 5zl for the debit card. Perhaps if you have a salary and transfer it these fees are reduced or waived.

The only Alior accounts I could find charge each month - 8zl for the account and 5zl for the debit card. Perhaps if you have a salary and transfer it these fees are reduced or waived.

PS: Ah, I can see the Sync account but the page and forms are not in English, so it's not easy for a non Pole
Thing  2 | 9
24 Jul 2013   #213
Merged:A good bank in Poland to open a foreign savings account?

I need suggestions about the best bank to open an account in (US dollars).
Please help. Thanks.
NakiTastic  - | 4
25 Jul 2013   #214
You would probably like Millennium, their internet portal is in English, and considering I have PLN, EUR and CHF accounts with them I am sure you would be able to get USD. Plus they have branches all over Poland.

When I first came to Poland I had an assistant service (Euro-VA) review all the major banks assessing fees, currency possibilites, if they had English on the internet site etc, Millennium came out the best. Also when I go into the branches I often find English speakers.

In fact I later opened a company account with them, so now have both Personal and Company.

Hope that helps
Thing  2 | 9
26 Jul 2013   #215
thank you NakiTastic
snaps  4 | 27
31 Jul 2013   #216
PS: Ah, I can see the Sync account but the page and forms are not in English, so it's not easy for a non Pole

I emailed alior sync about setting up an account, They told me that non nationals cannot, its only open to Polish nationals. Thought that was a bit harsh. I tried opening up an account and you cant change the nationality from Polish to anything else.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910
1 Aug 2013   #217
That's charming of them. Is that allowed under EU law? Isn't it against 'uman rights and freedom of movement across member states?

Anyway, tell them to shove it up their bunghole and try Millennium or some other non dinosaur bank.

Btw, Skok is some sort of co-op savings bank I think, and they told me I can open an account if I want, just to bring my passport in. There are many varieties of Skok, so if one says nie try another. I'm not sure if they can offer all the banking facilities of a high street bank though.
13 Aug 2013   #218
Merged: opening a bank account in Poland


What do I need to open an account in Poland, I don't need anything special like an overdraft/credit cards or anything, i just need a basic one, debit card and somewhere for work to pay me!

Is this possible? cheers
snaps  4 | 27
20 Sep 2013   #219
Merged:opening a bank account without id card or pesel

I'm desperate to open a polish bank account to get my funds over here. I have no pesel (currently awaiting for my registration at my address), but cannot find any bank (high street or internet) that will open an account for me. Anyone had any success with this? Internet would be best, as im out in the country.
sobieski  106 | 2111
20 Sep 2013   #220
If you need your money that urgently, use Western Union.
Monitor  13 | 1810
20 Sep 2013   #221
or use your foreign debit card.
jon357  72 | 23529
20 Sep 2013   #222
I have no pesel (currently awaiting for my registration at my address), but cannot find any bank (high street or internet) that will open an account for me

Makes no difference - I've had half a dozen bank accounts over the years there without one. You do however need certain other things.

The charges for making withdrawals via an oveseas bank card are not high, especially if you get a big chunk out every week or so, and this might be a good way to do it as long as you don't want to to bring a particularly large sum.

You don't say which country you're from, however a hop on Ryanair home and bringing in person could be best if it's a larger amount. Bear in mind that you're supposed to tel them at customs if it's over a certain amount, however I doubt many people bother.
20 Sep 2013   #223
I have no pesel (currently awaiting for my registration at my address), but cannot find any bank (high street or internet) that will open an account for me. Anyone had any success with this? Internet would be best, as im out in the country.

Have you tried Volkswagen Bank? They most certainly let foreigners open accounts with only a passport and send a courier with the agreement for you to sign, the courier also verifies your ID.
kepler  4 | 19
7 Oct 2013   #224
I opened an account at Millenium Bank without having any Polish documents, simply using my Hungarian ID which doesn't include neither my home address nor my parents name which were required. They have practically zero fees as well.
snaps  4 | 27
7 Oct 2013   #225
I got an account with PKO in the end. Konto for zero.
vjmehra  16 | 80
7 Oct 2013   #226
A second vote for Millenium Bank, was fairly quick to open, obviously needed ID, proof of address etc, but our UK address was fine. No PESEL or domestic ID required! Fees are approx. 5zl +7zl per month and we've never been charged more than that (its less if you use your debit card and withdraw domestically, but as we're not over every month we still incur charges some months).
Bikerjenko  2 | 28
7 Oct 2013   #227
I opened an account with ING with only my UK passport
8 Oct 2013   #228
We have one with Nordea with no PESEL. And they speak English and the website is in English!
25 Feb 2014   #229
PKO SA is good bank and you can change money in bank another way but not too much for change/300/in KANTOR you can find in centre everywhere.
Yourfriend  - | 3
14 Apr 2014   #230
Merged: Need to open a bank account in Poland (for paypal) - I'm from Lithuania, don't speak polish

Hello everyone,

I need a bank account in poland to accept money from paypal,

So my main question would be what is the best bank in poland to support paypal,

And what would be the easiest to register for me as a foreigner from Lithuania and language friendly also as i do not speak polish?

Thank you in advance for help !
Monitor  13 | 1810
14 Apr 2014   #231
You need Polish contact address to open bank account. Do you have it?
Yourfriend  - | 3
15 Apr 2014   #232
no i do not have it, and i presume i would also need a proof of address ?
Monitor  13 | 1810
15 Apr 2014   #233
your bank documents will be send to this address.
Yourfriend  - | 3
15 Apr 2014   #234
so it is not possible to open a bank without an address ?
peterweg  37 | 2305
15 Apr 2014   #235
No, do you think they allow bank accounts for untraceable people?
jon357  72 | 23529
15 Apr 2014   #236
I did once - but that was 15 years ago. It was at PKO BP and I needed to show my contract of employment and passport only.
bros  1 | 5
17 Apr 2014   #237
Pls. help me locate all banks on those comparison sites,, and which fit my requirements, namely:

- I don't want something free for nothing
- But I prefer a no strings attached fee free transaction account only
- So bank can charge for the card (which is not obligatory to take as I don't need it)

1st just show me the list of such accounts (not just mention your one favorite bank) in Poland on the comparison sites (if exist)
2nd we can talk about which is more foreigner friendly

Thank you
13 Jun 2014   #238
Merged: Advice needed on opening a bank account in Poland

Hello! Could you give me advice on opening checking account in Poland. I need to have an opportnity to withdraw money for free using any ATM in Poland.
Roger5  1 | 1432
14 Jun 2014   #239
I need to have an opportnity to withdraw money for free using any ATM in Poland.

Don't we all? A few years ago I was horrified to learn I'd been charged 12PLN for using another bank's ATM.
ZORBA 2014
18 Jul 2014   #240

Home / Law / Opening a Polish Bank Account by a foreigner in Poland. Recommendations.

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