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Why is Poland importing so much coal?

Bobko  27 | 2130
13 Aug 2022   #61
Here practically all members are either for or against PiS.

This is not true. I am - if I was a Polish citizen - a neutral party.
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Aug 2022   #62
I am - a neutral party.

Yes, sorry. I meant members somehow affiliated with Poland. Or at least the ones who claim such affiliation but are suspected of faking it. :):):)
gumishu  15 | 6227
13 Aug 2022   #63
You fekking stinking liar

first read, then bark the "liar" back - sorry third parties for using Ponglish
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Aug 2022   #64

You fekking stinking liar, why are you going back to 2014 if PiS has been ruling for 7 years now since 2015???? They have reverted everything what previous govt had done. We are talking 2022, not 2014. Stop lying so brazenly coz I will always debunk it.

sorry third parties

First of all you should say sorry for all those lies.

that article also refers to utterings of Tusk

Stop manipulating the public opinion like some kind of a Putlerite. Tusk hasn`t been in power since 2014! It is PiS who banned RuSSian coal and did nothing for 3 months, waiting for deus ex machina miraculous appearance of another coal in Poland.
14 Aug 2022   #65

Tusk hasn`t been in power since 2014!

the article among others quotes Tusk's statements from April 2022 - and you haven't read it - because you are a coward who doesn't like being proven wrong - so long
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Aug 2022   #66
the article among others quotes

Your article comes from PiS controlled state TV which plays similar role to what Nazi Germans offered to Poles during WW2 in terms of delivering news - collaborationist papers and street loudspeakers called szczekaczki - barkers. Your source is such a barker and I am not going to smear my sight with their lies that Nazi Germany, I mean PiS, is winning on all the fronts.

Every decent Pole keeps away from those liars. You should be ashamed of yourself. Tfu!
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Aug 2022   #67
statements from April 2022

Odd that you're trying (in vain) to blame something on Donald Tusk when these issues emerged after he left office and are entirely due to mismanagement by the current shower of incompetent boobies.

Fortunately they'll be out of office soon and ideally President Tusk will oversee the extensive programme of implementing long term solutions to mitigate the various messes PiS have caused.
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Aug 2022   #68
Odd that you're trying (in vain) to blame something on Donald Tusk

Yes, those cheeky bastards are still playing the same old game. Blame it on Tusk, blame it on Tusk!!! It was understandable in 2015 or 2016 after PiS came into power. But it is pathetic in 2022 after 7 years of their rule.

Gumi, that is why I will say it forever: you are a stinking liar.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
14 Aug 2022   #69
Blame it on Tusk

Shi;;t on him and all PO mafia and drity crime ridden cabal.
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Aug 2022   #70
Shi;;t on him and all PO

calm down - use of such language is not seen favourably by the mods (I was suspended for it yesterday) - only pawian saying that he spits or barfs at you can get away with it

Your article comes from PiS controlled state TV which plays

I wonder what would you say if I presented you with a video of Tusk, stating that what the article accuses him of
gumishu  15 | 6227
14 Aug 2022   #71
I wonder what would you say if I presented you with a video of Tusk

ok I found a video about it:

now bark the 'liar' back

I wonder what would you say if I presented you with a video of Tusk

pawian  224 | 27236
14 Aug 2022   #72
he spits or barfs at you

You stinking liar! I didn`t say anything like that. You are a true rightard - lying all the time like you breathe.

I was suspended for it yesterday

Yes, it was funny when you tried to insult me. hahahaha

now bark the 'liar' back

Of course you are still a stinking liar coz you claimed that the opposition pressured PiS to put an embargo. I only see Tusk watching coal transport, that`s all. Where is any pressure, you stinking liar??? Besides, we all know that PiS isn`t affected by any pressure, so it was their own decision to put an embargo. The opposition had nothing to do with it so stop lying brazenly.
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Aug 2022   #73
so yeah Tusk pressurised the government

Blame it on Tusk! Blame it on Tusk!
You still remain a stinking liar. PiS has ruled since 2015, not Tusk.

pawian stosuje logikÄ™,

Speak English or are you so absorbed in your lies that you forgot how to???
pawian  224 | 27236
24 Aug 2022   #74

  • 55.jpg

  • 68.jpg
MacAindreas  1 | 21
18 Sep 2022   #75
Anyway it turns out situation with coal is similar to toilet paper during Covid. News media reports and panic buying and hoarding the biggest cause of shortage. Managed to secure 5T of coal fairly easily from local mine distributor in the end.
jon357  72 | 23361
19 Sep 2022   #76
There's a lot of panic buying right now.

It won't run out.

At least the coal merchants are happy.

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