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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

OP Novichok  4 | 8696
16 Apr 2024   #241
Gun nuts like to fantasize about how they'd use their guns to heroically defend their families against intruders.

Euro morons fantasize. We don't. We own guns the same way we own kitchen knives and lawnmowers.

Not to kill people with.

Hey, stupid, I never bought a gun to kill anyone. Nig*ers buy guns to kill people. Talk to them...

So if you love your family and want to keep them safe, you should throw your gun away immediately

Even cops get hurt with guns like Glocks.

Normal people buy guns with manual safety and keep them unchambered with safety on. For additional safety, the mag is near but out. Got it? Only idiots buy revolvers when they have children and keep them loaded.

Leaving aside how statistically

Good move because I don't give a rat's ass about statistics but since you mentioned statistics, let me give a quick lesson on this subject...Now, pay attention...

1. The probability of my home being invaded in any given year where I live is X, not zero.
2. I value my life at infinity.
3. Multiply X by infinity to get the amount of loss if I die during an invasion.

See the problem or is your Euro pacifism interfering with the logical side of your guilt-ridden German brain?

As a test: Would you pull the trigger to protect your wife from rape and murder? The two scumbags who broke into your house already raped and killed your daughter.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Apr 2024   #242
Not to kill people with.

There is always the non lethal ammo that you can buy that incapacitates someone up to 30 minutes until the cops arrive.
Maybe this is something Poland maybe interested in for self defense.
No gun permit required.
These people ship internationally.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
16 Apr 2024   #243

See the problem or is your Euro pacifism interfering with the logical side of your guilt-ridden German brain

Nope, we are just better at looking at statistics. You are more likely to use those gun against yourself, your family, or your family uses it to harm itself. Facts matter. Your gun is making your family more unsafe.

We have friendly fun family gun outings

You mean events like this?

Child firing Uzi at Ariz. shooting range accidentally kills instructor, police say

There are states in which people are not allowed to drink alcohol or drive a car until they are 21, but some people seem to believe it is perfectly fine to let children handle guns.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
16 Apr 2024   #244
Never had an injury; much less a death at any shooting event over the many hundreds I've attended. I'm sure for every child involved gun incident; we can find double the amount of EU children sold into the sex trade.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Apr 2024   #245
I'm sure for every child involved gun incident; we can find double the amount of EU children sold into the sex trade.

I'm sure you can't.

There is always

There's also tasers which themp9lice use in emergencies and there's also something even better; not having firearms available to the public.

not allowed to drink alcohol or drive a car until they are 21

It seems strange that a 20 year old can't go to a bar.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Apr 2024   #246
some people seem to believe it is perfectly fine to let children handle guns.

I was introduced to my first gun when I was seven years old and by ten years old I qualified as a sharp shooter.
I was taught all the safety rules that go along with handling a gun safely.
(I won't go into them because they have already been posted here a 100 times now)
Like anything else, this is how kids LEARN the do's and don'ts of handling a fire arm while you Libitards teach them, "If you see a gun it's a BAD thing and don't touch it, call a parent and show them."

Kids are kids and I would much rather have a kid that knew how to safely have sex, safely how to handle a fire arm and safely how to drink alcohol because they are all going to try them sooner or later.

Dumbing down kids like YOU have been indoctrinated about guns is one of the main problems with firearms accidents. (Lack of proper education)
Now if you don't want guns in Poland's culture, that is fine with me and I respect that.
Outlaw all the gun video games in Poland too that kids thrive on.
Our countries culture with more guns than people are for hunting, home protection from bad guys that abuse guns, sport shooting, collectors, heritage, and on and in our culture so I will respect your culture if you respect mine.

Thread closed
Lenka  5 | 3548
16 Apr 2024   #247
Thread closed

Having a wet dream of being a mod in not actually being one

While things are changing constantly I still don't think there is any serious movement to ease him laws in Poland. All the Americans can go hug their guns.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Apr 2024   #248
Having a wet dream of being a mod in not actually being one

You have worn that line out, Hon.
I posted that because this thread has been rehashed so many times that it has become insanity at best.
Time to close it.

I still don't think there is any serious movement to ease gun laws in Poland.

I agree ever since jon357 pointing out that vodka is Poland's national drink, it makes total sense why the people of Poland should not be allowed to have guns in their homes plus the 70% domestic violence issues in Poland. Yikes !

Americans can go hug their guns.

If I did, I bet it wouldn't be as cold as you are. 🥶
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
16 Apr 2024   #249
You are more likely to use those gun against yourself, your family, or your family uses it to harm itself. Facts matter

Hey, moron, using your statistics I should never have a car because statistically I could get drunk, speed, and kill somebody.

The problem with your idiotic statistics is that I don't drink, don't speed, don't play with my smartphone, don't eat, and don't drink while driving. Both of my hands are on the steering wheel and my eyes are on the road. Always.

FYI, my guns never jumped out of the nightstand and went on a killing spree, either. The only risk is that some azhole will steal them from me while I am away and do just that. Tough shyt..

He can also steal my car, get drunk, speed, and kill a family of four. Not my problem. People die every day...

Statistically, I am already dead so I can't have a gun accident.

What an idiot...
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
16 Apr 2024   #250
Knives are used to murder people.
Conclusion: Knives should be banned. When you want to have a steak, you call 911 and an officer with a knife will feed you.

A question for anti-gun Euro pussies:

Would you pull the trigger to protect your wife from rape and murder? The two scumbags who broke into your house already raped and killed your daughter.
Alien  26 | 6543
16 Apr 2024   #251
Americans can go hug their guns.

As you can see, for them, owning a firearm is as dependent as smoking cigarettes. There is definitely a syndrome in psychology that describes this... because it is not normal.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
16 Apr 2024   #252
There is definitely a syndrome in psychology that describes this

As I said before...Ofer a legal and practical solution or shut the fvck up...Then take your psych wisdom and shove it up your ass.

While you are trying, how about this:

Would you pull the trigger to protect your wife from rape and murder? The two scumbags who broke into your house already raped and killed your daughter.
Alien  26 | 6543
16 Apr 2024   #253
take your psych wisdom and shove it up your ass

I'd have a real problem with that because last time you told me to use a butt plug. Unfortunately, the suspicion of gun-related psychosis will remain.
Lenka  5 | 3548
16 Apr 2024   #254
before...Ofer a legal and practical solution or shut the fvck up

Why should we? Keep your things as you want them in USA, just don't try to project those on Poland
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
16 Apr 2024   #255
Why should we?

Then shut the fvck up. And don't call the White House when your Euro asses are in trouble because we will likely send guys with guns...Oh my God! Guns??? Guns are evil...

Now pay attention, azholes,...Your Polish cops need their guns for the same reason why I need mine. I have this weird aversion to dying too early...Duh!

Hey, Euros, would you pull the trigger to protect your wife from rape and murder? The two scumbags who broke into your house already raped and killed your daughter.
Lenka  5 | 3548
16 Apr 2024   #256
You should listen to your own advice. You don't live in Poland, you are not planning to go back, you couldn't care less about it so f*ck off.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
16 Apr 2024   #257
Would you pull the trigger to protect your daughter from rape and murder?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
16 Apr 2024   #258
Of course! But I don't have to because I don't live in the wild west that they call the USA......
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
16 Apr 2024   #259
I know you would. Please let me enjoy this moment with spineless weasels...

We never met so I can only know you from your post. On that basis you have met my number one spec a man must check off or he is a male cvnt: You are capable of hate.

A man who is not capable of hate is not capable of killing the enemy of his tribe or family. We disagree on who to hate more but at least you are able of it. That's good.

If I wanted to be around pussies, I would choose the real ones. Hence, my total contempt for Tacitus, pawian, and all the other gun haters.

With that gun hate comes impotence to act when the moment is right. And those moments do happen...

In Sydney, every single person who got stabbed thought: Man, I wish I had that gun my fascist government took away from me...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Apr 2024   #260
because we will likely send guys with guns...

Yup and what has that got to do with Polish citizens having pee shooters against drones, missiles, tanks and trained soldiers ?

Man, I wish I had that gun my fascist government took away from me...

Please let them tend their own back yard and you tend to yours without your daily pot and pan banging.
Rich for the sake of my and everyone else's sanity PLEASE let this one go.
Time to make peace with your ghost.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
17 Apr 2024   #261
Yup and what has that got to do with Polish citizens having pee shooters against drones, missiles, tanks and trained soldiers ?


Guns save lives or nobody would have them, azholes. The size does not matter because the concept is the same: Kill them before they kill you.

In doubt? Talk to your U brothers and ask what they think about guns. Don't forget to give them a lesson about grenades and the statistics of getting hurt by your own. I am sure they will immediately throw them away...

Curiously, out of the last three posts of mine on the subject, you ignored 90% of what I wrote and latched onto a sentence that actually attempts to show that idiot the hypocrisy and the paradox of liking being disarmed as a virtue and happily calling us to the rescue when things go wrong. Or their own cops...

FU, stupid Polaks, your pacifism, and bootlicking toxic feminity...I guess you forgot 1939 and beyond...

PLEASE let this one go.

I won't until I get an answer to this question from a Euro:

Would you pull the trigger to protect your daughter from rape and murder?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Apr 2024   #262
Would you pull the trigger to protect your daughter from rape and murder?

And Rich, how many times a day, week, month or year does that hypothetical scenario come up ?
Maybe a can of bear spray would be more effective since you couldn't miss..
At our age though, we are to old to run away or fight so a gun is our personal choice.
Stop arguing with these Progressives.
Progressive is the New "you are coming in loud and stupid"
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
17 Apr 2024   #263
And Rich, how many times a day, week, month or year does that hypothetical scenario come up ?

Frequency is irrelevant. How many times do we choose our mates for life? How many times do we watch a loved one die from cancer? Yet, when that moment comes, your true character will reveal itself to you and everybody else. Hence my question...

Would you pull the trigger to protect your daughter from rape and murder?

So far, only Milo, to his great credit, said yes.

How many times does a man have a chance to save a drowning child he never met before?

About zero but the question of what you would do if you saw one is still valid as it is meant to reveal your character.

You is editorial.

One of my hobbies is finding lying weasels and nailing them to the wall. I will never stop doing it here so please don't mention it anymore.

I didn't start this thread but will continue until I get bored with the subject of guns and protecting those I would risk my life for. We learn a lot about people in such discussions.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Apr 2024   #264
We learn a lot about people in such discussions.

That is an understatement
You mean how stubborn some people can be ?
Tacitus  2 | 1269
17 Apr 2024   #265

Hey, moron, using your statistics

That is not how statistics work. With cars you look at the benefits of a car (greater mobility et al.) and compare them with other methods of transportation and their associated risks.

With guns it is easier since you can weigh their supposed benefit (protection, lifes saved) versus the lifes they claimed but were not supposed to.

And statistically speaking you are more likely to harm yourself and/or your loved ones than to shoot an intruder with. Guns make the life of their owners and all others more unsafe.

@johnny reb

arm and safely how to drink alcohol because they are all going to try them sooner or later.

Nonsense. If a person does not know how to drive, he'll be severely limited in his mobility and possibly job opportunities. Having sex is something natural everybody will want to experience, and we know from history that banning alcohol does more harm than good. But there is zero reason why a minor should learn how to handle a gun. He does not need it for his daily life, it poses further risks for him and others and given the right laws, it will be very difficult to ever get his hands on them unsupervised. Most people in Poland never used a gun in their life, nor did they have the need for it.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
17 Apr 2024   #266
claimed but were not supposed to.

I didn't shoot anyone I wasn't supposed to. When you decide to break into my house at 2 am you will be committing suicide. Your decision, your consequences.

Guns make the life of their owners and all others more unsafe.

Talk to them. I am me, not them.
Now pay attention because this is the last time I saying this responding to your lessons on statistics...

Where a cop needs a gun, I need a gun.

Did you get it or did I use words too complex for you to understand?
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
17 Apr 2024   #267
A question for gun haters and statisticians:
Why the safest places on this earth are police stations and gun stores?
cms neuf  2 | 1951
17 Apr 2024   #268
In North Nigeria I would say police stations are one of the most dangerous places
Lenka  5 | 3548
17 Apr 2024   #269
Where a cop needs a gun, I need a gun.

Then have one. Just leave Poland out of you gun range wet dream you boring idiot.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
17 Apr 2024   #270
Why do cops in Poland carry guns?

Home / Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

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