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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

mafketis  38 | 11263
13 Apr 2024   #181
In Australia today/yesterday a man began attacking people with a knife, starting with a young mother and her baby (mother died, baby's in the hospital in serious condition).

Fortunately a lone policeman entered the building and shot him dead (heroine!) some might bemoan the loss of a mass murderer but not me.

So far IINM 6 dead a bunch injured. If someone else had been armed the chances are there would be some people alive now that aren't.

The shooter's identity has not been revealed but is likely a local Jewish man with mental and drug problems... or not.

And the one person to confront him was apparently a russian citizen who held him off on an escalator using a metal stand.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
13 Apr 2024   #182
In Australia today/yesterday a man began attacking people with a knife,

I thought that in fascist Australia, one has to apply for a permit to defend himself from a loon with a knife and wait until it comes in the mail...

Anything about the cop? Was he charged with premeditated murder or at least fired for the use of excessive force?

The DEI rules require fairness so he should have dropped the gun, called 911, and asked for four social workers - all females, each different race and sexual orientation or gender.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
13 Apr 2024   #183
I see New Zealand cancelled gun grabbing. Good for them figuring out criminals always have guns. And the answer is to jail criminals.
Feniks  2 | 858
14 Apr 2024   #184
That's exactly my life: my wife, me,

Millions of other families have kids still living at home. So in the middle of the night if the bedroom door opens how is anyone going to know if it's an intruder who has broken in or a kid who's had a nightmare and wants his parents?

Even you must see that there's scope there for accidental shootings. I don't even want to start on all the incidences of kids getting hold of guns in the house and shooting other family members/friends. There's been a lot.

You should wonder how many times armed homeowners prevented a crime by merely showing that they were armed.

Deflection tactics. Obviously victims of accidental shootings are just collateral damage to you.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
14 Apr 2024   #185
I really do not see any stories of Parents gunning down their children. Your press is nuts if that is what they tell you.
mafketis  38 | 11263
14 Apr 2024   #186
do not see any stories of Parents gunning down their children

Urban folklore mostly.

There are tragic cases but they're pretty rare. What's a bit more common is kids getting into guns.... this is largely the product of guns being made forbidden fruit (and so tantalizing to children).

I grew up around guns and my father made sure I knew how to shoot and knew basic gun safety and I was never tempted to play around with them....
Feniks  2 | 858
14 Apr 2024   #187
Parents gunning down their children. Your press is nuts if that is what they tell you.
@ dannytoro1


What's a bit more common is kids getting into guns..

cms neuf  2 | 1945
14 Apr 2024   #188
Here is a bet - the amount of accidental family firearms deaths in the US in 2023 was 10x higher than total gun deaths in Poland in 2023

I will google it now
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2024   #189
- the amount of accidental family firearms deaths in the US in 2023

Those were accidental deaths (200 +)
The intentional deaths in the U.S. from abortions in 2023 was 900,000.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
14 Apr 2024   #190
Poland gun deaths 35
US accidental gun deaths 672

1200 kids died in gun accidents since 2002. They had no votes on gun laws.

There is a separate thread to discuss abortion, which in broad terms I oppose, but its up to voters to debate it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2024   #191
1200 kids died in gun accidents since 2002.

Twice as many as Poland proportionately to population with 300 million more guns in the U.S.

They had no votes on gun laws.

The kids that died from abortion had no vote either so what is your dim point ?
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
14 Apr 2024   #192
Millions of other families have kids still living at home.

They should not have guns. In the US, the Constitution permits, not requires.

Obviously victims of accidental shootings are just collateral damage to you.


Just like car accidents. Some drive while sober. Some drive while drunk. Your solution: ban cars.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2024   #193
Your solution: ban cars.

Novi, you are trying to talk common sense to a Liberal.
The day will come, AGAIN, where these bootlickers will be begging to own a gun and screaming, "Come shed your blood for our stupidity G.I."
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
14 Apr 2024   #194
Memo to gun-hating pacifists: Don't like them, don't get them.

Just for fun...It's 2 am. Two drugged-up scumbags are trying to break the front door.
You wake up and nudge your husband...
What's next? In steps...1, 2, 3...One line of text per step...No statistics...No essays...

Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Apr 2024   #195
Keep your guns. Just give us a break with trying to promote it for Europe. It's boring by now
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
14 Apr 2024   #196
Just give us a break with trying to promote it for Europe.

Show me one post here that tells you to change your gun laws.

While you are looking...

Just for fun...It's 2 am. Two drugged-up scumbags are trying to break the front door.
You wake up and nudge your husband...

What's next? In steps...1, 2, 3...One line of text per step...No statistics...No essays...

Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Apr 2024   #197
With those posts. If you don't try to promote it why do you keep pushing the topic?
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
14 Apr 2024   #198
Promote??? I am just asking about your plan...

It's 2 am. Two drugged-up scumbags are trying to break the front door.
You wake up and nudge your husband...

What's next? In steps...1, 2, 3...One line of text per step...No statistics...No essays...


jon357  72 | 23654
14 Apr 2024   #199
Poland gun deaths 35
US accidental gun deaths 672

Which suggests that Poland is getting it right and they are not.

Hard to know why they want to export their situation with guns to other places that do not want it.

It's 2 am. Two drugged-up scumbags are trying to break the front door.

In 30 years in Poland I have never come across such a thing.
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Apr 2024   #200
My plan is none of your business. You do you. I on the other hand would rather send kids to school without worrying someone will shoot them.

But for your info my plan would be to get the kids out of the house before I would even consider confronting intruders. Especially if they are likely to have guns themselves like in USA
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
14 Apr 2024   #201
In 30 years in Poland I have never come across such a thing.

The Genius of The Year Award will not be yours this time. But you do qualify for the Avasive Azhole of the Year Diploma.
But don't feel bad. Here is my entry:

In 60 years in the US, I have not been murdered even once!!!

I win.

But for your info my plan would be to get the kids out of the house before I would even consider confronting intruders.

There are two Avasive Moron awards still available if you choose to apply...I will vote for you...

No, idiot, you will not "get the kids out of the house" because you are upstairs and the two drugged-up azholes are by the front door trying to break it, get in, rape you, kill you, and if the kids are old enough to testify later they will be murdered in cold blood, too.

What a fvcking idiot...

My plan is none of your business.

You don't have a plan because you are a woman. Only men have plans since planning involves predicting, Women can only feeeel...right now...They leave the rest to male adults.
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Apr 2024   #202
I have not been murdered


Whether your culture of guns works for you or doesn't, there's no call here in Europe to change our status quo. We are happy with it and don't need to change to anybody else's system.


What does that even mean?
mafketis  38 | 11263
14 Apr 2024   #203
We are happy with it and don't need to change to anybody else's system.

What about the need to change anybody else's system?
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Apr 2024   #204
change anybody else's system

The same.

Nobody here is advocating for that except several American posters who seem to think that Poland should change its rules.

The system across the Atlantic clearly causes an immense amount of human tragedy however I don't see it changing any time soon due to constitutional law.
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Apr 2024   #205
What a fvcking idiot...

Coming from you that is a major compliment. I would consider suicide if you actually praised me.

Only men have plans since planning involves predicting

And yet your 'plan' doesn't involve escape route from your upstairs and mine does....Interesting. What is your plan if you have a fire blocking your stairs?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2024   #206
Show me one post here that tells you to change your gun laws.

There are none.
They are just scared that once we indoctrinate them about owning a gun for self-defense that the gun laws may change for the better in Poland 🎯.
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Apr 2024   #207
we indoctrinate them

Why would you do that?

gun laws may change for the better in Poland

By making gun ownership more difficult.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2024   #208
Why would you do that?

So we can bring our American troops home and Poland could defend themselves.

By making gun ownership more difficult.

Stupid is as stupid does.
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Apr 2024   #209
Poland could defend themselves.

Civilians with handguns? Don't be a jerk.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
14 Apr 2024   #210
Don't be a jerk.

Jim just can't help being a jerk........

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