@Novichok, but Poland, Denmark, Ireland, Australia, the UK and Germany
don't have death penalty and yet they have lower murder rate than your precious states of Iowa and Utah :)))
So, the question is:
So why is UK murder rate 10 times that of Singapore? Ten times more guns?
So why is Iowa and Utah murder rate higher than in Poland, Denmark, Ireland, Australia, the UK and Germany? Because they have more guns? :)))
Maybe the proximity to RuSSia works like this
No joke lol - check this out - a fragment from "Irish Examiner" about murder rates in 26 EU countries (no data for Cyprus) along with the UK, Norway and Switzerland - this data comes from Global Study on Homicide 2023 compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC):
"Highest rates are in
Latvia (3.62 per 100,000) and
Lithuania (2.44), followed by
Estonia (1.96),
Romania (1.26), and
Finland (1.21)"
Poland belongs to the group of countries with the lowest murder rate in the EU, together with three other Slavic countries (Croatia, Slovakia and Slovenia). Other countries in this group are Spain, Norway, Italy, Switzerland and Malta:
