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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

Paulina  19 | 4558
3 Jan 2025   #721
And that's why the murder rate in Lithuania is higher than in Iowa.

Lithuania has also one of the highest depression and suicide rates in Europe. Maybe the proximity to RuSSia works like this on Baltic states lol

Iowa - 1.7
Utah - 2.0

According to Wikipedia in 2022 the homicide rate in Poland was 0.68 per 100,000, with a total of 270 murders committed :)
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2025   #722
Is anyone arguing for that?

Yes, some Americans are trying to convince us into accepting gun ownership.

If you are clueless

No, Lena isn`t clueless. You are a mental nationalist incel who hates women that is why you are taking out on them in this forum coz in real life you have no contact with them, living in your basement stinking of rotten potatoes and beetroots.

worthless opinion

Actually, it is the opposite, You nationalist opinion is worthless which is proven by the fact that only 7% Poles/Polesses vote for your pathetic party.

All in all, leave decent Lenka alone coz you don`t deserve to polish her shoes. You were born and raised in the sewer. Ha!!!
Paulina  19 | 4558
3 Jan 2025   #723
Btw, another small country with just a few million inhabitants and strict gun laws is Denmark. In 2021 the murder rate in Denmark was 0.80.

Ireland apparently has one of the most strict gun laws in the world and the murder rate there in 2022 was 0.88, a downgrade from 2021 when it was only 0.46.

A country with probably the most strict gun laws in the world is Singapore and it also had the lowest murder rate in the world in 2022 (0.12 per 100,000). Singapore also tops rankings in health, education, business and is one of the least corrupted countries and has the lowest level of drug abuse in the world when it comes to opiates, cocaine and ecstasy, and the second lowest for cannabis and amphetamines, according to a UN World Drug Report.

The countries with the most strict gun laws:

1. Singapore (murder rate: 0.12 in 2022)
2. China (murder rate: 0.50 in 2020)
3. Japan (murder rate: 0.23 in 2021)
4. UK (murder rate: 1.3 in 2021)
5. Australia (murder rate: 0.86 in 2021)
6. Germany (murder rate: 0.83 in 2021)

Conclusion - ordinary people owning guns is not a prerequisite for having a safe country. There are all kinds of other factors at play, imho.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
3 Jan 2025   #724
1. Singapore (murder rate: 0.12 in 2022)
2. China (murder rate: 0.50 in 2020)
3. Japan (murder rate: 0.23 in 2021)
4. UK (murder rate: 1.3 in 2021)

1. Singapore (a death penalty state)

Singapore has strict gun laws that prohibit the possession, use, and sale of firearms without a valid license or approval. The penalties for unlawful possession of firearms or ammunition can include imprisonment for 5-20 years and caning. Those who traffic in firearms may face the death penalty.

2. China (a death penalty state)

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty estimates that at least 8,000 people have been executed in China each year since 2007

3. Japan (a death penalty state)

Sentencing policy is heavily geared toward retribution, isolation and punishment, rather than deterrence and rehabilitation.

So why is UK murder rate 10 times that of Singapore? Ten times more guns?
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jan 2025   #725
So why is UK murder rate 10 times that of Singapore?

Don`t fingerpoint the UK. Tell us why the US murder rate is 5 times higher than Singapore`s.
Paulina  19 | 4558
3 Jan 2025   #726
@Novichok, but Poland, Denmark, Ireland, Australia, the UK and Germany don't have death penalty and yet they have lower murder rate than your precious states of Iowa and Utah :)))

So, the question is:

So why is UK murder rate 10 times that of Singapore? Ten times more guns?

So why is Iowa and Utah murder rate higher than in Poland, Denmark, Ireland, Australia, the UK and Germany? Because they have more guns? :)))

Maybe the proximity to RuSSia works like this

No joke lol - check this out - a fragment from "Irish Examiner" about murder rates in 26 EU countries (no data for Cyprus) along with the UK, Norway and Switzerland - this data comes from Global Study on Homicide 2023 compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC):

"Highest rates are in Latvia (3.62 per 100,000) and Lithuania (2.44), followed by Estonia (1.96), Romania (1.26), and Finland (1.21)"

Poland belongs to the group of countries with the lowest murder rate in the EU, together with three other Slavic countries (Croatia, Slovakia and Slovenia). Other countries in this group are Spain, Norway, Italy, Switzerland and Malta:

  • IMG_20250104_002024_.jpg
Paulina  19 | 4558
3 Jan 2025   #727
Tell us why the US murder rate is 5 times higher than Singapore`s.

I think there's something wrong with your maths... In 2022 the murder rate in Singapore was 0.12 and 7.5 in the US... That's WAY more than 5 times higher :)
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
4 Jan 2025   #728
The safest places on earth are where everybody has a gun. See gun stores and police stations. Duh!
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2025   #729
The safest places gun stores

Bs. You didn`t watch Rambo First Blood episode. Your Am culture sucks, darling. Why are you so uncultured???? :):):)

Paulina  19 | 4558
4 Jan 2025   #730
The safest places on earth are where everybody has a gun.

This clearly is bullsh1t of epic proportions considering the statistics.

See gun stores and police stations. Duh!

People don't live in gun stores and police stations, you moron lol It's the outside of the gun stores and police stations that ordinary people have to worry about. Duh! 🤦

Novichok, so where's the answer to my question?:

So why is Iowa and Utah murder rate higher than in Poland, Denmark, Ireland, Australia, the UK and Germany? Because they have more guns? :)))
Ironside  51 | 13087
4 Jan 2025   #731
into accepting gun ownership.

What do you mean? Gun ownership is a good thing, does not need to be solved in the American way.
You are a mental nationalist incel who hates women that is why you are taking out on them in this forum coz in real life you have no contact with them, living in your basement stinking of rotten potatoes and beetroots.

Wow, what a great argument. I don't really like beetroot though it doesn't matter if they are rotten or not.
Do you have anything more to share? lol!
what a nigaud. LOL
You were born and raised in the sewer.

Which sewer? There were no sewers, I was born and raised in the wild. REaming free fields, woods and hold of the countryside. tsk tsk!
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2025   #732
I don't really like beetroot

Who said you like them??? They can be stored in that basement against your will.

There were no sewers,

So, in the hole under the outhouse. hahahaha
Ironside  51 | 13087
4 Jan 2025   #733
in the hole under the outhouse

that better. sewer is your world.
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2025   #734

Exactly!!! Just like it was for Warsaw insurgents who used city sewers to move between districts.

While you sinking in the outhouse hole reminds us of leutnant Nogay, hated by his soldiers for his oppressive methods and placed in shyt hole in retaliation.
Feniks  2 | 858
6 Jan 2025   #735
Novichok, so where's the answer to my question?:

Probably the same place as the answers to all my questions.

I've asked him a couple of times now how many kids dead from gunshot wounds are too many and he's never given me an answer. I'm suddenly 'invisible'. Yet he wants exact numbers for his black and white questions such as these:

How many times did I ask for the definition of a woman? Or how many dead Ukrainians are too many?

I wonder why he won't answer such simple questions...........
Ironside  51 | 13087
6 Jan 2025   #736
Warsaw insurgents

Come on, what a brazen fool comparing himself with Warsaw insurgents, you swimming in the gutters has nothing to do with them. Hutzpah!
you sinking in the outhouse hole reminds

Your sick underdeveloped dirty imagination is your problem and your shrink. However insulting my home is crossing the line, you are a low-gutter-dwelling baboon.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2025   #737
However insulting my home

That outhouse isn`t home, it is just a sh-sh - shyty shelter. hahahaha
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
6 Jan 2025   #738
I've asked him a couple of times now how many kids dead from gunshot wounds are too many and he's never given me an answer.

The tolerable number of kids dying from gunshots is the same as from car accidents, drownings, and abortions combined.

Now tell me why I should be made defenseless just because some moron can't control his gun, kid, or both.

Or because leftist azholes aka teachers oppose implementing the Israeli ways of protecting schools.

  • Teacher1.jpg
Feniks  2 | 858
6 Jan 2025   #739
The tolerable number of kids dying from gunshots

There is no 'tolerable' number. However, you need to give exact figures. After all, it's nothing less than you demand from PF members for your ridiculous questions.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Jan 2025   #740
There is no 'tolerable' number.

Everything in life that's bad and preventable has a tolerable number. Murders, rapes, abortions, war casualties, drunk driver deaths, kids blowing their heads off...

Now tell me why I should be made defenseless just because some moron can't control his gun, kid, or both.

FYI, when my wife's or my life is on the line in the event of a home invasion - we have about a million of those here - nothing else matters. Nothing. Not your kids, your worldview, your politics. Nothing. I will do everything in my power to keep her and me safe. And I will never beg for her or mine life.

So I don't give a fvck how many kids out there die from gunshots. It's their parents' problem, not mine.

When I bought by first gun in 1984, I showed it to my daughters - then 11 and 7 - and said this: Never touch it. It can kill you. Yes, Dad. They never did.

Would I do the same with sons? Not even close. Boys are suicidal imbeciles. I know because I was one.
jon357  72 | 23654
7 Jan 2025   #741
There is no 'tolerable' number


They don't realise that people don't want mass gun ownership in Europe.

It's as if they want to export their own problems.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Jan 2025   #742
It's as if they want to export their own problems.

Europe doesn't like guns unless those are imported along with the guys carrying them from the US, damn weasels...

You did it three times: In WW1, WW2, and WW3.

I am still waiting for why I should be made defenseless just because some moron can't control his gun, kid, or both.
jon357  72 | 23654
7 Jan 2025   #743
Europe doesn't like guns

Nobody does.

And you know perfectly well that we're talking about civilian gun ownership.

Now get lost.
Ironside  51 | 13087
7 Jan 2025   #744
That outhouse isn`t home, it is just a sh-sh

Are you stupid? Well, it is kind of a rhetorical question. First you claim I live in the outhouse and when I defend my place of residence you are losing your sh't and claim it is not my place of residence i.e. home.
Are you mental? Again a rhetorical question, of course, you are a lunatic with mood swings. Hence insane nonsense you produce.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Jan 2025   #745
civilian gun ownership.

Civilans who hate guns make lousy soldiers, husbands, and fathers.

In case two drugged up azholes decide to invade my home, I have a plan. Other than jumping out the window, calling 911, or begging for your life, what is yours?

If your wife gets raped and you killed, does it make any difference to you that rapes and murders are rare? It means shilt to me...
jon357  72 | 23654
7 Jan 2025   #746
Civilans who hate

Once again you pretend to misunderstand a comment you reply to.

People in Europe do not want increased civilian gun ownership. Nor do we want the problems that guns have caused over in America where people don't know the difference between a school and a shooting range.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Jan 2025   #747
People in Europe do not want increased civilian gun ownership.

Poeple in North America do not want to go to Europe for another war. Start training your kids early.

Once again you pretend to misunderstand a comment you reply to.

I pretend nothing. If you are too chicken to defend your family, you are too chicken to defend your country.

Nobody has a home-war switch. Israelis learned this truth from the Warsaw Ghetto Jews and said no fvcking way are we going through this shlt again.

For this, Euros like you call them Nazis.

Hence, women being drafted, Gaza, and this...

That woman has more balls than you ever did.

  • Teacher1.jpg
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Jan 2025   #748
A simple question for gun haters:

Given a complete immunity, could you shoot and kill a man who poses an immediate threat to your wife or child?

I mean a clean shot with no risk to anyone other than the perp so don't wiggle...
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Jan 2025   #749
could you shoot and kill a man

Of course not. I detest guns. Awful stuff.
Instead, I would first use my Russian bayonette on him. Next, my machette and finally a big axe. Simple.
OP Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Jan 2025   #750

A moron.

Home / Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

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