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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Sep 2023   #31
accident of course

Gun accidents in my opinion are avoidable,They happen cuz the handler is careless.I was surprised at a gun range in Poland how they handle the firearms.The instructors never told the shooters to remove the fingers from the trigger when not using them in the booth and while handing the firearms they pointed the weapon at the other party(Even if it was unloaded).Most instructors didnt even wear eyeglasses for eye protection and I also saw ear muffs were not of NRR ratings lol of course was made in china.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
27 Sep 2023   #32
Gun accidents in my opinion are avoidable,They happen cuz the handler is careless.

Or if a gun has no manual safety and is chambered.

Cops get hurt this way because they carry Glocks - the most unsafe and the ugliest gun ever made.

Maybe they like Glocks because they act like revolvers and can be fired using just one hand if chambered...I would never own one.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 Sep 2023   #33

The sheer number of gun accidents is yet another reason that people in developed societies don't want gun proliferation.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
27 Sep 2023   #34
You can call me motherfu*cker and a moron in every post but never say that I imply.


But can we at least, hypothetically, say that you make thinly veiled insinuations by way of poetic metaphors?
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
27 Sep 2023   #35
Only if your objective is to make me throw up...
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
27 Sep 2023   #36
On average, up until 2020, there were 10 school shootings per year in the US.
Then in 2021 and 2022 , that number skyrocketed to 40. I will let you guess what caused it.
BTW, the median shooter age is 16.
Alien  26 | 6543
27 Sep 2023   #37
I will let you guess what caused it.

jon357  72 | 23654
27 Sep 2023   #38

Gun culture.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
27 Sep 2023   #39
That would be my guess. Add to this the total breakdown of society, giving the green light to urban criminals as well as foreign "migrant' invasion and you have a climate where everything goes and nothing is against the law.

Plus the fame after they nail the pimply kid who just shot a dozen of his classmates. The loner was too stupid and too girlie to be popular in a good way so now, at least in his own mind, he is a hero for one news cycle. And that manifesto nobody read until now.

Today, everybody wants to be an influencer. Did I say I hate stupid women with botoxed lips?
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Sep 2023   #40
A man shooting in Europe now. In the Netherlands.

We don't want these here and that is a big reason for not wanting more guns.
Korvinus  3 | 631
29 Sep 2023   #41
We don't want these here and that is a big reason for not wanting more guns.

Talk for yourself. I'd like to buy myself some magnum 44 revolver. To go along with my ridiculously long bowie knife. To make myself feel like Dirty Harry and Rambo combined into one.

But it is not a political statement. Neither do I expect to need one of these. But it would be fun to own such a thing.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
29 Sep 2023   #42
An unarmed man is like a car without wheels. Or a dog without teeth..

Or a woman without breasts...Useless but every woman wants a pair...Here, the bigger, the better. When they come home after the surgery, they ask their husbands why they need another and bigger gun.
Lyzko  44 | 9725
29 Sep 2023   #43
With what then is your mythical figure "armed", Rich?
With firearms alone.....or with common sense as well?
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Sep 2023   #44
On average, up until 2020, there were 10 school shootings per year in the US

10 too many. Simple.

their husbands why they need another and bigger gun.

Coz they have little dicks and need to compensate for it with guns. Simple.
BTW, how many guns you said you possess?? Three? Not bad.. How big are they??? Do they compensate enough or you are thinking of getting a fourth one????
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Sep 2023   #45
Three? Not bad.. How big are they???

Thats not much,remember the poster here "Sig" between him and his mom they own over 80 firearms in NJ.Legal ones.I have friends who have over 5/10.
Korvinus  3 | 631
29 Sep 2023   #46
An unarmed man is like a car without wheels.

Nah. A man always has his fists. If you feel unarmed just because you don't have some hardware, you are just a pussy.
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Sep 2023   #47
A man always has his fists.

Yes, but a quality machette is also useful so that you don`t get your fists dirty.. :):):):)
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
29 Sep 2023   #48
Nah. A man always has his fists.

You are such a genius...Fists work so very well against two scumbags or when they belong to a woman or to a man confined to a wheelchair.

What great uni did you graduate from?

10 too many. Simple.

...but still half a million fewer than were aborted.

BTW, America is waiting for your advice on how to stop school shootings. I will personally send 10 bucks to the genius with the best idea.

How big are they???

Two are Taurus G3C with 17-round mags. The third one: Ruger PC Charger.

I bought it because it's beautiful, not for self-defense.

  • pcCharger.jpg
29 Sep 2023   #49
remember the poster here "Sig" between him and his mom they own over 80 firearms in NJ.

Paranoia much?
jon357  72 | 23654
29 Sep 2023   #50
Coz they have little dicks and need to compensate for it with guns. Simple.

Pretty well.

how many guns you said you possess?? Three?

He's only got two hands and they hardly work.

Better to have no guns. They've made their own country awash with them causing a shockingly high gun crime rate and some of the fools that post here want to spread that problem to more stable societies.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Sep 2023   #51
stable societies.

With fags.

Paranoia much?

Some people have diff hobbies you dumb fool.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
29 Sep 2023   #52
Some people have diff hobbies you dumb fool.

Good answer. Some collect coins, some collect paintings, and some collect guns.
Guns, like fighter planes, are objects of beauty because the only considerations in the design phase were physics and functionality.
jon357  72 | 23654
29 Sep 2023   #53
With fags.

£14 a packet here now or £4 in my local shop. Everybody vapes now.

Still safer than guns though.

and some collect guns.

Antique on, altered so they can't be fired, is one thing. A home armoury is however sick.
Alien  26 | 6543
30 Sep 2023   #54
and some collect guns

I wonder if your guns will finish you first or my wine will finish me off.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
30 Sep 2023   #55
I wonder if your guns will finish you

My guns are like pacifiers. I sleep better when one of them is next to me.
Alien  26 | 6543
30 Sep 2023   #56
one of them is next to me.

loaded or not loaded?
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
30 Sep 2023   #57
A gun that is not loaded is a paperweight, not a gun. That was from Confucius.
Now me: Why would any sane person have a gun that is not loaded?
jon357  72 | 23654
30 Sep 2023   #58
Why would any sane person have a gun

Corrected it for you.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Sep 2023   #59
That was from Confucius.

Zigong asked about governance. Confucius said: "Enough food, enough weapons, and the trust of the people." Zigong said: "If you had to go without one of these three, which one would you give up?" Confucius replied: "Weapons."
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
30 Sep 2023   #60
Novichok: Hey, C-hole, I can afford all of that and still have plenty of cash left. So STFU...

In fact, because I have plenty, thugs find me attractive. That includes my 2016 Lexus LS460. By Cargo's standards, it's an old car but still good for a line or two when taken to a chop shop...

Confucius replied: "Weapons."

C is a moron. When you have weapons you have food and smartphones. Just ask black thugs in "America".

  • LS460.jpg

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