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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #481
1 in over 2,000,000 lawful, defense gun uses that occur annually in the US. The US has more lawful, DGUs than any other nation. Guns are used in the US to stop a crime or save a life far more than in the UK.

Memo to Euros: Don't ever tell me how I can hurt myself or gun statistics.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Apr 2024   #482
Heart-stopping moment hero grandma, 45, shoots intruder who burst into her home

In Poland the police would have protected her so they don't need guns there.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #483
In Poland, there would be three cops - one for Grandma, one for the girl, and one for the first two cops. Plus a social worker...
Feniks  2 | 857
28 Apr 2024   #484
Over a million other Americans had their homes invaded last year.

At gunpoint? Please provide sources.

1 in 5 Americans have had a family member killed by a gun. That's not an insignificant number and shows that family are more likely to be killed than saved by guns.

If, as you say, you've lived for decades in the US and somehow managed to avoid a home invasion, then it's extremely unlikely that it's going to happen to you. Having 3 guns in your house no less than 15ft away from you suggests to me that you are paranoid rather than rational. Especially considering that you say you live in a very safe area.

Still no comment about this weeks family shooting? No worries, I'm sure there'll be another one shortly for me to link to.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 939
28 Apr 2024   #485
Oh please stop with that myth that "America saved Europe from itself",

If not for the US, Europe would still be marching in jack boots. Stop the bull$hit. Russia couldnt have saved itself and parts of Europe without the lend lease act from the US. Europe would have saved itself when? When they were getting destroyed on every battlefield? This is the unthankful bull$hit that Americans are tired of. Polish army is going to show Russia what? Their a$$es when running away because they are outnumbered 20 to 1?

Every Pole should know how to use a weapon. Every house should receive at least on long gun per adult if it begins to look like war is going to come. Reacting to an invasion will lead to a lot more deaths than being prepared to fight against one. And the same goes for protecting your property. Know why there is so little crime in Switzerland? Because everyone has a gun in the house and everyone makes a lot of money. The same cannot be said in Europe, and in Poland specifically.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Apr 2024   #486
Every house should receive at least on long gun per adult

Why only one? Make it 3, according to US standards set by Novi. Ha!!!
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #487
Still no comment about this weeks family shooting?

It wasn't my family so I don't give a damn.

Did you ever call 911?
Alien  26 | 6527
28 Apr 2024   #488
this weeks family shooting?

Weekly family shooting, how many victims?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #489
Did you ever call 911?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #490
I am getting too good in this game...One question and it's checkmate...

I need a lobotomy.

Let's try this...

Hey, gun-hating morons, do you own cars?
Lenka  5 | 3548
28 Apr 2024   #491
Hey, gun-hating morons, do you own cars?

Hey, erection-for-guns moron, what do you use gun for besides a lethal weapon?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #492
besides a lethal weapon?

I will answer your question after you answer the questions I already asked.

1. Do you own a car?
2. Did you ever call 911?
Lenka  5 | 3548
28 Apr 2024   #493
Yes to both
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #494
Cars are lethal. You should immediately give up yours.

what do you use gun for besides a lethal weapon?

To stop the threat. Cops have guns precisely for the same reason.

Why did you call 911, not a local library or a priest?
Lenka  5 | 3548
28 Apr 2024   #495
Can be, true. But they are also immensely useful in everyday use. Guns are not.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #496
Can be, true. But they are also immensely useful

Not "can be". They are when used irresponsibly. Following your logic, the state should have a monopoly on transporting people just as it has a monopoly of protecting them.

Therefore, cars should be driven only by well-trained and licensed government car operators. Private ownership should be banned. Need to go shopping? Call 1-800-123-TAXI.

Why did you call 911, not a local library or a priest?
Lenka  5 | 3548
28 Apr 2024   #497
Following your logic

Again, cars are useful on daily basis. Guns are not.
And yes, we do license who can use them, same with guns.

not a local library or a priest?

Because I needed different services. But no, I didn't need police for their guns.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #498
Again, cars are useful on a daily basis. Guns are not.

If guns were not useful on a daily basis, cops would not be carrying them daily. Only on parades.

The probability of being useful is another matter.

To estimate guns' usefulness you multiply the probability of being absolutely critical by the value of what they protect when that moment comes.

If this concept is over your head, I will be happy to elaborate further.

Because I needed different services.

You are lying. Nobody calls 911 unless it's an emergency. When you do, they ask if you want the police or EMTs or both. For information, every police department had a different number.

So what was the reason why you called their emergency number?
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Apr 2024   #499
If guns were not useful on a daily basis, cops would not be carrying them daily.

Using your logic, English language books are useful on a daily basis, too and as such you should have one on you at all times. Do you, from September to June at least??? hahahaha
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #500
And yes, we do license who can use them, same with guns.

You skipped over the issue of government monopoly. If the gov can demand a monopoly on the use of guns it should have a monopoly on the use of cars.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #501
In Poland, in 2020:

Deadly car accidents - 2500 per year
Homicides - 500 per year

Ban private cars, give the government a monopoly on transporting goods and people, and save 2400 lives.

Unreasonable? Fine...Pass a law that suspends DL for life after being caught with more alcohol than in a baby's formula.
Lenka  5 | 3548
28 Apr 2024   #502
Nobody calls 911 unless it's an emergency.

You are correct but it doesn't mean you need someone with a gun. Again, Polish police uses guns very sporadically. It's for years less then 200 times a year.

You skipped over the issue of government monopoly

Government doesn't have a monopoly. People can get a permit. It's just much more complex than USA. And Poles like it that way
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #503
People can get a permit.

To have guns at home, loaded and ready for self-defense?

Why did you call 911?
Lenka  5 | 3548
28 Apr 2024   #504
To have guns at home, loaded and ready for self-defense?

Yes but it has to be kept in a safe
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Apr 2024   #505
to be kept in a safe

Which can prove useless, in fact. I remember a case when burglars tore the safe with a hunting gun off the wall and took out the whole thing. I saw that hole in the wall later on.
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Apr 2024   #506
tore the safe with a hunting gun off the wall and took out the whole thing


Some of the posters from one particular country think that if more people had guns then they could stop violent crime.

Yet in that country they have 120 guns per 100 people and it doesn't stop violent crime at all; in fact they very obviously have none of the highest rates of gun crime in the world.

The bad guys are better at using them and have the element of surprise.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #507
Yes but it has to be kept in a safe

Then it's useless.

It also means that Poles have no right to self-defense and that defense against violent attacks is a state monopoly.

Yet in that country they have 120 guns per 100 people and it doesn't stop violent crime at all

You are a damn liar.

The white US with its 400,000,000 guns has a murder rate that is lower than in Finland, Austria, France, and Canada.

See Post 2646. If your data is different, post it or GFY.

Is every Euro a brainless moron?
Lenka  5 | 3548
28 Apr 2024   #508
It also means that Poles have no right to self-defense

No, it means we treat seriously the possibility of accidental shooting and chance of the gun being stolen.

But FFS it's none of your business. Go hug your guns and leave Poland and Europe alone
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Apr 2024   #509
white US

As countries go, it's very much not 'white' though is it.

Finland, Austria, France, and Canada

That's not a high bar.

Nor is it a genuine statistic since there's no such thing as "white America".
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Apr 2024   #510
No, it means we treat seriously the possibility of accidental shooting and chance of the gun being stolen.

You are not entitled to switch subjects while responding to a claim.

Poles have no right to self-defense

My claim sands alone. You either agree with it or not.

Your quoted sentence deals with policies and rules. You can collectively decide to give up your right to self-defense for a variety of reasons.

But that is separate from the fact that today you have no right to self-defense. We do and will never give it up. Ask any American here.

Any BS about how guns are statistically dangerous to "society" is pure demagoguery because when MY LIFE is threatened statistics don't matter.

The only thing that matters is who will be still standing in the next 10 seconds.

Nor is it a genuine statistic since there's no such thing as "white America".

Yes, there is such a thing as white America - the America where nig*ers don't live in numbers sufficient to sway the crime rates. See Vermont, Montana...

Locally, Northbrook, Illinois. Haven't seen black face yet...

Why do you think houses are so expensive there...

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