hey ironside,
Am afraid pawian is right. Poland's plants I mean pretty much all mfg was not up to the world's standards. There was a piece in The Economist was back saying it would make more sense to get rid of those smoke stacks cuz 1) they were very ineffective and 2) pollutants (the Southern Poland, e.g., Katowice has had one of the highest lung cancer cases and TB was rampant). There was very little industrial export, except agricultural goods, cuz of the quality of products made in those plants. Fiats (Fix it again Tony, as we call here) were exported only to Libya. Even the shipyards were not that efficient to compete w/ the Koreans, the Brazilians or even the Japanese (who were bumped off by the Koreans later, who now are screaming about the Chinese). To be honest, not putting Poland down, but she couldn't under the commies make any decent products to compete against the West. Thats why lotta factories havbeen sitting as no one wants to buy them, again, cuz it would be more cost efficient to just demolish them and then build something else. You gotta understand that the market forces are very brutal, just look at Yorkshire, which used to be a mighty mfg place, but now it's a pretty much rundown city.
Am afraid pawian is right. Poland's plants I mean pretty much all mfg was not up to the world's standards. There was a piece in The Economist was back saying it would make more sense to get rid of those smoke stacks cuz 1) they were very ineffective and 2) pollutants (the Southern Poland, e.g., Katowice has had one of the highest lung cancer cases and TB was rampant). There was very little industrial export, except agricultural goods, cuz of the quality of products made in those plants. Fiats (Fix it again Tony, as we call here) were exported only to Libya. Even the shipyards were not that efficient to compete w/ the Koreans, the Brazilians or even the Japanese (who were bumped off by the Koreans later, who now are screaming about the Chinese). To be honest, not putting Poland down, but she couldn't under the commies make any decent products to compete against the West. Thats why lotta factories havbeen sitting as no one wants to buy them, again, cuz it would be more cost efficient to just demolish them and then build something else. You gotta understand that the market forces are very brutal, just look at Yorkshire, which used to be a mighty mfg place, but now it's a pretty much rundown city.