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Can dependent Visa holders take up employment in Poland?

18 Oct 2017   #31
@alamkhan2000 hi it's been 6 months since your last comment. Have you found out if it's possible to work on a dependent national visa? Do let me know if there is any other procedure that's required to enable that.
DominicB  - | 2706
18 Oct 2017   #32
Can a person with a dependent visa work in Poland legally ?

Only if they can find an employer willing to go through the process of getting a work permit for them.

Again, no one is asking whether they have the ability to get a job.

Which is their big mistake. That should be the very first question. No point in discussing legal fine points with someone who does not have a snowball's chance of ever getting a job in Poland anyway. That's a total waste of time and energy.

If you want help and advice, then make sure up front that there is a good reason to ask it.
18 Oct 2017   #33
Dependent visa doesn't give you any benefits wrt to the access to the labor market. As Dominic wrote, you need to find an employer who will apply for your work permit. The fact that your husband works in Poland and that you hold a dependent visa play no role. You need to go through the exact same procedure as your husband did when he took the job in Warsaw.
DominicB  - | 2706
18 Oct 2017   #34
Ok. I didn't get that Pavithra is interested in working herself.

That's not going to happen unless you can find a employer that needs you so much that they are willing to go through the process of getting a work permit to hire you. And that's not going to happen unless you have qualifications, skills and experience that are in demand in Poland. Specifically, related to IT or to the quantitative aspects of banking, finance or accounting. You are not going to get hired as a shop assistant or a waitress, or anything else unskilled.

Having a dependent visa has no significance in this matter, nor does the fact that your husband is working in Poland. The process would be the same if you were applying for a job all on your own from back in India.

Also, you can't apply for a work permit. Your future employer has to do that. The work permit is permission from the government to the employer to hire you. It is not permission from the government to you to work.
cxc123  - | 1
25 Jan 2018   #35

Work for Spouse on dependent visa

My wife will be joining me in wroclaw with temprorary residence and dependent visa Type D. what are chances she will get work? She is buisness analyst and did finance MBA from reputed Indian institute. What are chances for her compare to directly applying from india rather staying in poland and having visa + residence card?
DominicB  - | 2706
25 Jan 2018   #36
what are chances she will get work?

Practically zero unless she get hired before she comes to Poland. She would stand a much higher chance of applying directly from India.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Jan 2018   #37
She is buisness analyst and did finance MBA from reputed Indian institute.

Should be easy enough to find something in a corporation then. Wrocław is full of them, so it should be no problem at all.
manikandan0505  - | 3
24 May 2018   #38

Can dependent Visa holders take up employment in Poland?

Am from India working in singapore in IT,

I have a question suppose if i have a work permit to work in poland,If i bring my wife to poland
She is also a IT employee, she can work with dependent visa in poland or have to get a work permit seperately.

Anther doubt ,holding work permit or dependent visa -> Is it difficult to find a IT job in poland ?

24 May 2018   #39
She is also a IT employee, she can work with dependent visa in poland or have to get a work permit seperately.

Maybe. Not all dependent visas are the same. Dependent visas can be issued based on different articles of the Law on Foreigners. Some articles exempt the dependent visa holder from the obligation to obtain a separate work permit. To qualify for those, YOU need to meet certain conditions. For example, if you would qualify for and obtain a work&residence permit based on high qualifications (so-called Blue Card), then your wife would be able to get a dependent visa based on an article that exempts her from such obligation. It is a complicated matter, you need to talk to the company lawyer who is handling your application to make sure that he requests the type of permit that if most favorable for you and your wife. Don't assume that he will do this by default.
Nimisha shah
9 Sep 2018   #40
My husband is going Poland to study for masters.Can I and my 2 year ols daughter can join him as dependent? And if this is possible can I work there?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Sep 2018   #41
why don't you ask the embassy that is issuing your visa?
or do you live under a bridge waiting for billy goats to come along?
10 Dec 2018   #42
@richy poland
Hi Richy, Did you get a valid answer to your question?
3 Feb 2019   #43
Hi ,

Who all can be dependants for an dependant visa in Poland. My friend is working in Poland so can I be his dependant or what is the the possible way for me to get job there? I am an MBA grad working in finance domain of an reputed company in India.

4 Feb 2019   #44
spouse and children
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Feb 2019   #45
I am an MBA grad working in finance domain of an reputed company in India.

Just apply for jobs here like anyone else would. We welcome you!
15 May 2019   #46
Hi, My husband is working in Krakow, i have a dependent national visa. I am now working in india as software developer and QA. My company can raise a work permit for me. But it will take upto 6 months. And i am flying to poland end of this month.

Can i join work in poland for that project and still keep getting indian salary paying indian taxes untill i get work permit ? Is that possible.?
24 Jun 2020   #47
Hi all, I will be travelling to Poland on a WP with my wife on a dependent visa. Wanted to check if she can pursue any higher education in Poland with a dependent visa?

If so, please help me with the process.
Thanks in advance!

I am from India
Crow  155 | 9732
24 Jun 2020   #48
Kshatriya or Brahmin caste or something?
devil_storage  4 | 26
21 Nov 2020   #49
My wife has a dependent blue card which gives her access to labor market, does she still need a work permit to do Job? Please note she is getting many offers , but her blue card is a week's away from coming
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
21 Nov 2020   #50
Guys you seriously seek advice on forums and trust them?Why dont you guys go to a legal attorney and get the real deal if you consider immigration is a serious matter?Some here who might advice are with failed consultancy businesses and now in English teaching,shoe shinning and car washing jobs to make ends meet for there families.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Nov 2020   #51
My wife has a dependent blue card which gives her access to labor market, does she still need a work permit to do Job?

Depends on what her decision says. You need to read the decision to see if it specifically gives access, as some Blue Cards are issued without such rights.

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