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Polish Citzenship application - Hexon Poland - any experience with this company?

Caroline9  2 | 4
4 Dec 2024   #1
Good afternoon, I have started the process in applying for Polish Citizenship by descent using Hexon Poland as looking to move to Poland in furture and have polish family. Does anyone have any experience with this company? - Online reviews are are fine, initially they were always responsive, then paid 50% deposit as requested, completed all forms and sent off my ID and family documents but have heard nothing since (about 8 weeks and few e-mails sent). I am hoping its just poor customer service and not a scam? I know the process is long so not expecting to hear back with results for at least 6 months or more but I would have thought I get some sort of acknowledgement and update on process? Should I be panicking or is Polish customer service just a bit poor?
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Dec 2024   #2
They've been around years so I don't think they're scammers. But yes, Polish customer service is generally not great and mostly they're not good at communicating via email. If you email Polish companies it's not unusual to be ignored. Why don't you give them a call?
4 Dec 2024   #3
Yes, calling is the way to go. Maybe your email lands in their spam folder.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Dec 2024   #4
Maybe your email lands in their spam folder.

Not really. They see it on the main page but ignore it for a very simple reason - they don`t hire enough staff to handle thousands of mails coz they economise on costs like everybody today.
Alien  26 | 6527
21 Dec 2024   #5
email. If you email Polish companies it's not unusual to be ignored

Apparently they receive so many emails that they don't know how to answer them.
22 Dec 2024   #6
Caroline, I've just applied with them but haven't paid my 50% deposit yet. Sounds like we're in a similar situation. Could you reach out to me on email? It may be useful to see if we can sync up
smousk  - | 1
27 Jan 2025   #7
I applied July 2022 and after I'd paid half the fee I rarely hear anything. My emails are never answered. It doesn't take long to send an update and I wonder if after 30 months has anything actually been done. Very unprofessional and I'm now beginning to panic.
mafketis  38 | 11260
27 Jan 2025   #8
emails are never answered

email is a terrible way to try to get things done in Poland (except with entities that already know you, and even then....).

phoning is better (find a Polish speaker to do so on your behalf chances of them having phone staff that can deal with other languages are.... not great).

in person is better, when I had questions about renewing my residence permit the website was not very helpful, I knew better than to try email or phone so I went to the relevant office and within 10 minutes found out the answers to my questions....

depending on finances and plane flights, it might be easier to book a few day vacation to Poland and camp out in their office until you have answers (again... having a Polish speaker with you who'll know when to be nice and when to get tough will help immeasurably).

Home / Law / Polish Citzenship application - Hexon Poland - any experience with this company?
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