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Noisy children outside

11 Apr 2023   #1
Hello everyone, I am not sure about the law in Poland regarding noise, especially children's noise. I am a worker student and I work from home. Children always play football in the parking lot right under my room's window and this distracts a lot. They scream, shot, run and keep pounding the ball against the walls for hours starting 11 am till 6 or 7 pm and sometimes straightforward. I cannot speak to their parents as first they dont live in the same building as I do. Second, I speak ZERO polish which makes this so hard. How to solve this?
johnny reb  46 | 7613
11 Apr 2023   #2
Second, I speak ZERO polish which makes this so hard.

Learn to say and ask them, "Idź pobawić się na własnym podwórku !"
Sounds like their parents can't stand their noise either so they send them over to your place so they don't have to listen to them.

Then go tell their parents the old Polish saying, "Dzieci powinny być widoczne, ale nie słyszane."
If that doesn't work call the police and tell them that you have some orphans hanging around your residence.
Lenka  5 | 3484
11 Apr 2023   #3
How to solve this?

During the day you can only ask them. Kids can play in communal areas. Most apartament blocks have even playgrounds.
cms neuf  1 | 1754
11 Apr 2023   #4
Your area is probably zoned for residential use, not for business, so the kids have every right to play there - certainly the authorities will not intervene.

My advice - talk politely to their parents in English but get some noise cancelling headphones. If it was my kids I would be happy they were out in the fresh air getting exercise and meeting other kids.
Cargo pants  3 | 1443
15 Apr 2023   #5
My advice -

Freaking MOVE,get a house then complaining about someones kids playing.Some stupid people want to live in a flat and want the comfort of living in a quiet place/house.
Novichok  4 | 7809
16 Apr 2023   #6
For the record, I love kids and the noises they make. It sure beats seniors' grunts.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
16 Apr 2023   #7
Freaking MOVE,get a house

Blimey Deepak, We agree for once!
Yeah, stop whinging and move out of that annoying flat and buy a house!
What is wrong with these people?
johnny reb  46 | 7613
17 Apr 2023   #8
someones kids playing.

There is a difference between playing and being annoying to other peoples space.
Bobko  27 | 2167
17 Apr 2023   #9
Not to most kids, there's not.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
17 Apr 2023   #10
That's because they are too young to understand the need for privately owned property. When the hormones kick in, they will prefer seclusion to a much larger degree
Cargo pants  3 | 1443
17 Apr 2023   #11
Blimey Deepak, We agree for once!

LOL we mostly do....just like my feelings for your wife:)))))

difference between playing and being annoying to other peoples space.

Honestly I will tolerate them till they are not using a loud speaker or a boombox,let them live out there childhood to the max.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
17 Apr 2023   #12
Not to most kids, there's not.

Poor parenting

they are too young to understand the need for privately owned property

Baloney ! Poor parenting
It's just a bltch teaching your kids Respect, Accountability, Manners, Responsibility, starting at three years old with a good swat on the butt.
But that takes EFFORT and Consistency on the parents part.
"Spare the rod, spoil the child."
Kashub1410  6 | 580
17 Apr 2023   #13
@johnny reb
Well that's opposite of what is taught in my family. Pat on the but until three years of age, none after being three years old if possible. Then it's other disciplinary measures
Cargo pants  3 | 1443
17 Apr 2023   #14
Spare the rod, spoil the child."

I agree lol watch this video

(esp after 2.35 minutes)
johnny reb  46 | 7613
17 Apr 2023   #15
OMG ! You nailed it buddy !
P P. Parenting
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
17 Apr 2023   #16
@Cargo pants

Russell Peters is hilarious!
I had tears of laughter running down my cheeks!
Great video Deepak!

OMG ! You nailed it buddy !

He did!
Novichok  4 | 7809
18 Apr 2023   #17
Great video Deepak!

In addition to being super funny, this video is a perfect representation of where we are now.
The sad reality in the US is that you never see fathers when raising kids is discussed. They are the one-a-week garbage people. For all the rest, women call other men and are the only parents.
asadsw  1 | 5
18 Apr 2023   #18
Just get a house, right? On your $10k-20k before tax polish salary.

Let them eat cake!
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
18 Apr 2023   #19
In addition to being super funny, this video is a perfect representation of where we are

True in the UK too.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
20 Apr 2023   #20
Corporal punishment needs to be reimplemented.
It worked great for generations to teach morals, manners, respect, responsibility and accountability.
All those things have been lost in todays society and just look at what a mess it is now.
The only thing corporal punishment hurts is a kids ego and feelings to remind them about authority.
Or as my Polish Dad use to say, "you want your ass blistered Buster, keep it up."
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
20 Apr 2023   #21
@johnny reb

Sadly, I have to agree.
I say sadly,because It is not the route my heart wants to take.
But my brain says it is common sense.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
21 Apr 2023   #22
It's Biblical, "Spare the rod, spoil the child."
pawian  219 | 24792
22 Apr 2023   #23
"Spare the rod, spoil the child."

BS. Kids suffer emotionally and acquire life-long traumas when punished physically. It is obvious you didn`t acquaint yourself with latest finding on the issue.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
22 Apr 2023   #24
B.S. just look at the mess society is in today because of you limp wristed liberal pussies with your, "Time out" B.S.
A good crack on the ass fixed ADHA real quick.
pawian  219 | 24792
22 Apr 2023   #25
just look at the mess

Yes, just look at the mess you are creating here. You advocate corporal punishment which you were treated with in your younger days quite senselessly coz we can see its disastrous effects on your psyche today.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
23 Apr 2023   #26
just look at the mess you are creating

Yes as a teacher you are really messing up the kids psyche when they don't know what a woman is, which bathroom to use, have no manners, what gender they are, no responsibility, not having to put effort into anything demanding immediate gratifications.......need I go on ?

You morons are doing a fine job teaching our kids how to be irresponsible and unaccountable with your Marxist agenda and just look at the mess you have created.

Anytime you want to compare "psyches", just let me know
pawian  219 | 24792
23 Apr 2023   #27
have no manners, what gender they are, no responsibility,

Darling, don`t be silly. You are talking about upbringing which depends on parents, not teachers. Ha! Education starts at home, not school. If parents don`t teach their kids basic things, it is natural they will be lost in life.

You morons are doing a fine job teaching our kids how to be irresponsible

Exactly, that`s what rightist rulers do in Poland. In another thread I already mentioned that a teacher mustn`t give students an F for not doing homework. Who introduced this regulation? Teachers??? No, PiS Ministry of Education.
Cargo pants  3 | 1443
23 Apr 2023   #28
I never touched/hit my kids just raised my eyebrows when they were little and /or neglected them on the dinner table,did the job very well and it still works when they are adults.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
23 Apr 2023   #29
a teacher mustn`t give students an F for not doing homework.

Of course not, how else would a kid learn responsibility.
Besides, you wouldn't want to damage his self esteem.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
24 Apr 2023   #30
you really need to read posts more carefully

Yes you do as the point was that children are not being taught accountability today.
And that is where Pawains blame game started.
He blames the parents and the government but forgot to blame the teachers for not giving their students an 'F' for failure.
Do yourself a favor and ignore anyone who tells you to be yourself.
Bad idea in your case.

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