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Landlord forces me to pay internet+TV

3 Apr 2020   #1
my landlord was paying internet for 1 year. (Said its free for me)

Now she wants me to cover this. But I want to have my own provider(much cheaper)
She say its not possible because has an UPC agreement..

This is the article from contract:
"6. W przypadku korzystania z radia, telewizji Najemcy zobowiązują się do opłat z tym związanych (abonament
RTV) za Internet i telewizję kablową w przypadku zawarcia umowy."
pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #2
If you don`t reach some kind of agreement, I am afraid only a court will be able to settle this matter.
3 Apr 2020   #3
"W przypadku korzystania" If you don't want to use it, you don't need to pay for it.
pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #4
Yes, the problem is he/she does want to use it. That is why I consider it a cleft-stick situation if both try to push their way.

PS. Possible solution if I were that landlord - wait till the former net contract expires and then let the tenant have his/her own choice. But the installation costs will be covered by the tenant.
3 Apr 2020   #5
He/she wants to sign a contract with another operator.
@skllmyh, get yourself a mobile Internet package with a router, you can find them for 40-50 zl with 100GB limit and no binding term
pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #6
He/she wants to sign a contract with another operator.

Yes, but the landlord has his own contract with the internet provider of his choice. And expects the tenant to pay for it if he/she uses the Net.

It is written in the rent contract cited by the OP:

w przypadku zawarcia umowy."

In case the contract is signed. What kind of contract? Landlord`s with the provider, I presume. If it`s UPC, their contracts are valid for a year or even two. I have a two year contract.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
3 Apr 2020   #7
Tell her you don't want her cable TV. You will still have to pay the TV licence, but then you may bring in your own operator.
3 Apr 2020   #8
It doesn't say anywhere that tenant needs to pay for landlord's contract with UPC. Perhaps that is what landlord wanted with this clause, but the clause doesn't say that. All it says is that if the tenant wants to use Internet/TV, he/she needs to pay for the cost (in other words, those services are not included in the rent), nothing more.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
3 Apr 2020   #9
All it says is that if the tenant wants to use Internet/TV, he/she needs to pay for the cost

That's true. There are two independent things: (1) TV licence and (2) cable services provider costs. And yes, the TV licence is paid by the person to whom the TV set is registered, so it is most probably the owner. But the contract, as you quoted it, transfers this cost onto you. In my view, this should simply be included in the rent rather than paid separately. Please, re-write the clause one again here, paying attention to commas etc.
pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #10
Perhaps that is what landlord wanted with this clause, but the clause doesn't say that.

Yes, as usual here, the clause is so vague it may be interpreted in different ways. I would even say the wording in it sounds strange in Polish, as if there was sth missing:

telewizji Najemcy zobowiązują się do opłat z tym związanych (abonament RTV) za Internet i telewizję kablową w przypadku zawarcia umowy."

In result, the landlord sticks to his interpretation, the tenant to his/hers.
Court will decide about it.
Paulwiz  1 | 55
5 Apr 2020   #11

TV licence is paid by the person to whom the TV set is registered

Reading between the lines: If you buy a TV in Poland you have to register it and pay a license fee? Who gets the license fee money and keeps track of registration?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Apr 2020   #12
If you buy a TV in Poland you have to register it and pay a license fee?

Tell me it's a joke. Do you have to register books, too?
cms neuf  1 | 1846
5 Apr 2020   #13
No you don't have to register books. Unlike in Russia where having the wrong books on their shelves sent many people to a cold death in Siberia.
Crow  154 | 9463
5 Apr 2020   #14
Landlord forces me to pay internet+TV

Of course. Its normal.

my landlord was paying internet for 1 year.

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
5 Apr 2020   #15
Who gets the license fee money and keeps track of registration?

You register it at a Post Office and the Polish Post keep track. The Post receives the money to their accounts, and next it is re-distributed, possibly by KRRiTV, to public TV and to public radio stations.
Paulwiz  1 | 55
5 Apr 2020   #16
Thanks. While I was doing genealogy I saw a question on the US 1930 Census asking whether the family had a TV. I thought it was just a curious question. But I'm guessing now that the US was thinking about that sort of thing as well and decided against it.
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Apr 2020   #17
US 1930 Census asking whether the family had a TV.

Still experimental there until 1941. Very few sets and only in a few cities. Poland had TV from 1937 to 1939, as far as I know just in Warsaw.

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