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Buying from with Money Protection?

7 Feb 2023   #1
does anyone know, if there is a way to buy from a seller on with buyer protection? I tried to set up Allegro Pay but it requires a polish cell phone number (which I do not have).

I want to buy a 50.000 PLN (10.000 EUR) product, but without any protection I do not want to transfer all the money to the seller.
pawian  226 | 27587
7 Feb 2023   #2
Allegro Pay

Allegro Pay estimates your credit history first before they allocate funds to your credit account. If your history is good, you can hope for a bigger credit. If you are a novice member, I doubt they will allow you to buy stuff for 50.000 PLN.
OP querys
8 Feb 2023   #3
I agree. But do I have the possibility to withdrawl money to allegro and forward it to the seller. Allegro is a bit more truthworthy as a seller I do not know besides some emails.
pawian  226 | 27587
8 Feb 2023   #4
Allegro is a bit more truthworthy as a seller

Yes, and there is Allegro Protect which will reimburse you if sth goes wrong but only up to 20.000.
8 Feb 2023   #5
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I did not figure out how to sign up for Allegro Protect without a polish cellphone.
I guess there's not way to sent money safely to a seller.
pawian  226 | 27587
8 Feb 2023   #6
how to sign up for Allegro Protect without a polish cellphone.

You don`t need to provide your phone number to register. Allegro Protect covers all registered users up to 20.000 PLN.
OP querys
9 Feb 2023   #7

could you show me the way how to register? Because during the registration process, I have to provide a polish phone number. Otherwise I cannot proceed.

This is how it looks like during registration.
pawian  226 | 27587
9 Feb 2023   #8
I have to provide a polish phone number.

To register it is enough to provide an email. That`s what I see in FAQs.
You need to provide your phone number later on while arranging the settings of your account.

This is how it looks like during registration.

Sorry, I don`t open links from unknown people.

This way or another, it seems nobody here can help you.

Why don`t you send your enquiry to Allegro directly????
OP querys
10 Feb 2023   #9
Good point, I will ask at allegro directly. But I assume, they do not have any interest in foreign buyers.

I hoped someone has a solution for my issue, because I do not understand any polish and maybe there is a way, I didn't recognize.
pawian  226 | 27587
10 Feb 2023   #10
But I assume, they do not have any interest in foreign buyers.

They do and buying from abroad is fully possible. However, a buyer needs to pay in advance with a card or bank transfer. While you want to choose Allegro Pay credit option and are surprised they expect you to provide a phone number. Tell me now, what are they going to do if you are a fraud who uses their loan and later vanishes into the thin air??? Look for their money in a foreign country, e.g,, Belarus??? How???

Try to be realistic. :):):)

Home / Law / Buying from with Money Protection?

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