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Translation of the word "małpka" into English

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
6 Feb 2020   #1
Can anyone tell me if there is an English equivalent to the Polish term "małpka" denoting a small bottle of vodka, typically of 200 ml, volume that women can easily hide in their handbag after purchase and men can easily hide in their jacket? Are bottles of that size containing vodka sold in Western Europe or the US? If so, is there a special popular name for them like "małpka" in Polish? Such little bottles have become widely popular in Poland in recent years and thus make alcohol consumption increase because alcohol is consumed more often his way.
mafketis  38 | 11277
6 Feb 2020   #2
I don't know of any equivalent in US English (but no longer live there and don't know what's going on at ground level).

The term 'shot bottle' somehow came to mind but I think that more applies to the minature bottles (50 ml) they have on some airlines al;so called mini-bottles.

Generally harder alcohol isn't sold in such small bottles (again I might be out of touch). One of the traditional sizes in the US was a fifth.. (about 750 ml)
Lyzko  44 | 9730
6 Feb 2020   #3
If I'm not mistaken, "malpa" is a monkey.
'Course, many everyday words also have common slang usages.
mafketis  38 | 11277
6 Feb 2020   #4
Just found this, but it seems Irish which means that moral, upstanding people don't know it...... (yes, that's Atch bait)
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Feb 2020   #5
If I'm not mistaken, "malpa" is a monkey.

Yes, but remember that małpa means both monkey and ape.

Can anyone tell me if there is an English equivalent to the Polish term "małpka" denoting a small bottle of vodka,


nips, minis, shooters, shots
mafketis  38 | 11277
7 Feb 2020   #6
nips, minis, shooters, shots

No those are those mini 50 mg or less bottles that airlines used to have....

shooters and shots are more kieliszki (in terms of amount).
OP Ziemowit  14 | 3936
7 Feb 2020   #7
Thanks very much, Maf and Pawian, for you input. I'm going to do a bit of googling in the net concerning the sales of those bottles in countries other than Poland.

If I'm not mistaken, "malpa" is a monkey

Yes, but you call these botles (100 or 200 ml) "małpka" specifically. The word "małpa" is actually never applied in this context.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2020   #8
No those are those mini 50 mg or less bottles that airlines used to have..

Hmm, so you suggest that a mini bottle can`t be called a nip? :):)
mafketis  38 | 11277
7 Feb 2020   #9
I would not do so.... a nip is a single swallow.... I would be afraid of anyone who could nip a małpka....

(hip) flask might work but that's more about the shape than the amount...
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2020   #10
a nip is a single swallow....

Well, some guys can swallow such a 100 ml bottle in one nip. :):)

(hip) flask

Not bad, but they are mostly made of metal.

Home / Language / Translation of the word "małpka" into English
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