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Polish slang phrases - most popular.

nyka  3 | 15
23 Mar 2007   #1
I would like to know some polish slang phrases. The most popular. Can anybody help me?
23 Mar 2007   #2
Kumam czaczę - understood very well
krysia  23 | 3058
23 Mar 2007   #3
fiksum-dyrdum - insanity, crazy
czeski-niebieski - not knowlegeable at somthing
ćpun - a narcotics addict
ćpać - take drugs
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
23 Mar 2007   #4
ziom, kolo - dude :)
dziadek  3 | 64
23 Mar 2007   #5
strugać wariata- to act like an idiot (lit. to whittle the idiot)

Wypas- "cool/ nice"
ale zwała- used when you make fun of sth/sb
mieć przypał- to have a problem

Lately in polish slang switching syllables it the words is trendy (i also use it).
For instance: "pałprzy" instead of "przypał"; or "brzedo" instead of "dobrze"- a simple "ok"
23 Mar 2007   #6
kapitalny; świetny (o ludziach) --best; top-rated (of people) /ace
zamieniać się w słuch -- to listen carefully /all ears
skonany; wykończony - very tired; exhausted; pooped /all in
dupek -- *******
lizus-- sb who always tells you nice things so as to get some benefits, profits / ass-licker
confident ( in polish mean) - informer; sb who squeals :) :)
donosiciel; kapuś ---informer; sb who squeals
kapitalny; super; genialny; rewelacyjny - fantastic; great; terrific; excellent / awesome
OP nyka  3 | 15
24 Mar 2007   #7
And what means exactly 'nie ma sprawy'? No problem?
dziadek  3 | 64
24 Mar 2007   #8
yep it does
Aga76  - | 34
25 Mar 2007   #9

ale pizdzi-it's cold in here

jarac fajki-to smoke ciggies
25 Mar 2007   #10
jarac szlugi - smoke ciggarettes
Aga76  - | 34
25 Mar 2007   #11
obalac browara-drink beer
Bartolome  2 | 1083
25 Mar 2007   #12
pet, fajka, szlug - fag (a cigarette)
laska, lasencja - chick (a girl)
fajna dupa - a nice piece of ass (offensive of course)
cycki - tits
cycuszki - boobies
dziadek  3 | 64
28 Mar 2007   #13
balony, zderzaki, bufory, melony- boobs
wacek, ptak, mały- d*ck
gówno prawda- bullsh*t
pies, gliniarz, glina- a police officer
w pudle , w budzie, za kratkami, w ciupie- in the prison
maryśka- marihuana
koka- cocaine
hera- heroine
bełt, szlug, skręt - a cigarrete or a drug consumed by smoking

gliniarz, glina- a police officer

In communism times in Poland police was wearing badges made of pine wood. The pine tree naturally grows on a clay (glina in polish). This is how the word gliniarz was born.

police was wearing badges made of pine wood

corection... badges were in a shape of a pine tree
TripTic  3 | 95
11 Apr 2007   #14
ok. about all those polish letters. In polish keybord layout (in WIndows i.e):
L+Alt (together) = £
S+Alt= Ś

..and so on... :)

zbufać się - to get stoned
pała - policeman or penis (only if it's big)
trąbka - a trumpet but it means a beer in a small 0.33 ml bottle
pół basa - a pint of vodka
krata browaru - a 24 pack of beer

:) :) :)

there's some more:

łycha - it means a large spoon but also a bottle of whiskey
trzepak, pocieracz - prn movie
puknąć - to knock, but it also means to masturbate
spawarka - a welding machine but also a lighter
kwadrat - a square but also a house, home

enjoy :)

P.S. I'm a bit too old to say that kind of words(33), so i'm not using it anymore - just remember them silly teenage time :)
Bartolome  2 | 1083
11 Apr 2007   #15
Małpka - 0,25 l bottle of wódka
Pieprzyć się, ruchać się, dupczyć się, rżnąć się - to have sex (offensive)
Dmuchać - about a man having sex with a woman (offensive)

łycha - it means a large spoon but also a bottle of whiskey

Damn, I didn't even know that I've got a łycha in the cupboard :)

puknąć - to knock, but it also means to masturbate

puknąć means also have sex with sb (usually about from a male point of wiev :) )
12 Apr 2007   #16
Jak Se Poscielisz Tak Sie Wyspisz
what does this mean?
witek  1 | 587
12 Apr 2007   #17
As you make your bed, so you must lie on it :)
Moonika01  - | 9
1 May 2007   #18
Dżojnty - cigarettes
paka - prison
ubzdryngolić się - to get (be) drunk
ziomek - dude
fagas - dude
nadawać - speak a lot
morda w kubeł - shut up
płyta ci się zacięła - repeat something all the time
sparing - fighting

czaić bazę - to understand
Eastender  - | 45
2 May 2007   #19
Hi Guys,

How do i say:

"hello babe, you look wonderful" ?

krysia  23 | 3058
2 May 2007   #20
Here's a couple versions:
"cześć piękna, bardzo ładnie wyglądasz"
"cześć ślicznotka, pięknie wyglądasz"
Eastender  - | 45
2 May 2007   #21
many thanks for your quick response :)
Goonie  8 | 242
3 May 2007   #22
i find all of the slang terms funny... i stopped learning polish at 9 :)
Eastender  - | 45
3 May 2007   #23
again pls, how do i send a text saying :

"good morning babe, sleep well?"
TripTic  3 | 95
3 May 2007   #24
It will be:
"Dzien dobry dziecinko, spalas dobrze?"
glowa  1 | 291
3 May 2007   #26
ale pizdzi-it's cold in here

depend where, it alo means 'it's so bloody windy'
5 May 2007   #27
Dear Vince- if you want to make impression on Polish woman- do not use slang. \slang is not for....a real woman;)
5 May 2007   #28
and more obscene words (don't use in everyday-language):

pierodlić - to have sex
wypierdolić / wyjebać - to throw away
napierodlić / najebać - to get drunk
podpierdolić / podjebać - to steal something
wpierdolić / wjebać - hit someone
spierdolić / zjebać - to broke something
upierdolić / ujebać - to crumble something
rozpierodlić / rozjebać - to destroy somehing
przepierdolić / przejebać - to hit somebody / (the car hit lamp) in incident
opierdolić / ojebać- shouting at somebody / drink whole bottle of something

sorry fot that words but that's part of my language - i can't renounce it.
Eastender  - | 45
6 May 2007   #29
again pls, how do i send a text saying

"thanks for coming yesterday and thanks for the Vodka"
6 May 2007   #30
"Dzięki, że byłeś wczoraj i dzięki za wódkę" (man to man)
"Dzięki, że byłaś wczoraj..." (to woman)

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