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"Putschke" - Please help me figure out a nickname my grandfather called me

anemone  1 | -
10 Mar 2011   #1
My grandfather passed away when I was very young. Before he passed, he gave me some gifts personalized with the nickname "Putschke." He spoke Polish, Yiddish, German (Austrian), and English. Could "Putschke" be a Polish word, or a misspelled Polish word? I've been trying to figure out the meaning of this word for years. I was the only grandchild my grampa lived to see, so it must have had some special significance for him. If it helps, I am female.

Thank you for any help you can provide!
pgtx  29 | 3094
10 Mar 2011   #2

maybe 'pucki'? fat cheeks...
10 Mar 2011   #3

Maybe it was "pućka" (in Polish that would sound similar to "putschke.") That would make
sense if you were a chubby child; "pućkowata" is parentese for "chubby", and "pućka" is
simply an affectionate diminutive of it (it can also refer to a person who is not necessarily
chubby but has a round face and full cheeks.)
RealPolish  - | 11
11 Mar 2011   #4
It could be Yiddish word Pushke - פושקע \PUSH-ke\ means little can, jar, or box. In Polish it means "puszka".
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
11 Mar 2011   #5
"Putschke" doesn't sound's a german surname.
RealPolish  - | 11
11 Mar 2011   #6
Really?! check this out:
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
11 Mar 2011   #7

Just look here:

Lotsa german Putschkes ;)

check this out:

This is about "Pushke"...
11 Mar 2011   #8
"Putschke" doesn't sound's a german surname.

Yes, the best way to show your granddaughter how much you love her, is to call her a random
German surname. *rolls eyes*

Come on, BB, get a grip of yourself - the man called her "Pućka" (perfect Polish parentese.)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
11 Mar 2011   #9
the man called her "Pućka"

personalized with the nickname "Putschke."

So there...;)
11 Mar 2011   #10
Nickname not surname. "Putschke" sounds like "Pućka" - obviously the man was
Polish-Jewish, loved her granddaughter very much and affectionately spoke to her
in beautiful Polish parentese (the best language to express love to your children and

Why are you arguing with me, damn it? First Copernicus, then Dyl Sowizdrzał (Till Eulenspiegel),
and now you want to steal Pućka from us! :-/
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
11 Mar 2011   #11

*slinks dejectedly out of thread*
24 Apr 2013   #12
I was told that it was an endearment for a child meaning "bedbug".
Aludite  - | 1
20 May 2018   #13
My whole family still uses it to this day - deeply relaxed nature, dawdling, no pressure to make a solution. Sometimes it is positive ie. "i am going to putschke around in the garage." Or negative, "stop putschking around - we'll be late." it came from the Ukrainian side of the family I believe.
mafketis  38 | 11275
20 May 2018   #14
"i am going to putschke around

I assumed this was from Yiddish and the (now) General American 'putz around'. "I was just putzing around the house when she called."
9 May 2019   #15
This was my nickname as well! My grandpa called me 'pućka' (no idea if this is the correct spelling) and i assumed it meant fat or chubby baby. Haven't been able to find the origins and this is the first I've heard anyone else being referred to as 'pućka'. Was it pronounced 'pooch-ka'?
pawian  226 | 27817
9 May 2019   #16
Pućka comes from pucołowaty which means chubby. The sound ch in it is softer than English ch.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
9 May 2019   #17
Sounds like he was calling you a fat arse......but in an affectionate way.....
pawian  226 | 27817
11 May 2019   #18
I wondered for a long time why you wrote about ass and realised it when I found out chubby also means plump.

So, there is a misunderstanding on your part because pucołowaty doesn`t refer to the whole body being plump but only to cheeks.

Pucołowaty - chubby cheeked. Hence pućka - a female with chubby cheeks.

maybe 'pucki'? fat cheeks...

I tried to image- google pućka and all images show pets like cats, dogs or even owls. It has stopped bearing that human connotation in Polish.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 734
13 May 2019   #19
Sounds like he was calling you a fat arse.

I think it was puszek/ka, dawn little feather
Killer Kowalski
27 Dec 2021   #20
My father called me this also , and I always wonder the meaning . Coming from him it could ONLY have been Polish . I remember asking him what it meant . He said it was just a name for me .And It was said with much affection & love ❤
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
27 Dec 2021   #21
Found something similiar...."patshke"


v. "1. To fuss or "mess around" inefficiently and inexpertly. 2. To dawdle, to waste time."

Example Sentences

"This recipe involves a lot of patshke."

"She's been patshkeying around with that model airplane all day."

"The project is almost due; I can't potchkey with it any more."

Sounds that like something your father would call you?

PS: Patschke (and Putschke) are german surnames too....
Alien  26 | 6550
28 Dec 2021   #22
Puszek okruszek-little down feather
23 Apr 2022   #23
My Polish mother would refer to my children as "paskudna(sp) pushka" and then spit. She told me it meant ugly cheeks and spitting would reverse the meaning. I am now calling my grandson just pushka because it sounds appropriate to the cute kid that he is.
Alien  26 | 6550
23 Apr 2022   #24
It will be better pushek/puszek for a grandson.
krysia  23 | 3058
23 Apr 2022   #25
He called you Pączek. In America people pronounce it poonchka. Pączek is similar to a donut without a hole and very often children are called a pączek, because they are round and sweet.
4 Dec 2022   #27
Just named our new pup Putchie. My father called me that when I was a toddler. His mother was from Poland. I was a skinny petite girl without fat cheeks.

It always sounded very loving and positive to me. "How s my Putchkie today"?
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
4 Dec 2022   #28

I suspect that you are American
Polish Americans are a different breed to the rest of the Polish Diaspora and tended to play by different rules.
They made up words,some of them very English sounding.
And the fact that your dad was American and only your Grandfather was Polish, enforces that.
The bottom line is, I don't think that term has any connection to Poland at all.
Sorry, but you are just not very Polish.
23 Dec 2023   #29
I also was called "putchkee" growing up. Mom would say, " my little putchkee".
She was pure Polish and we lived with Grandpa from Poland. I am unsure of the correct spelling.
Alien  26 | 6550
24 Dec 2023   #30

There is no such word in Polish. But maybe it was puszek/fluff or down.

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