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Which books do native Polish people in Poland use to learn Polish?

pawian  219 | 24792
31 Jan 2023   #61
describing yourself?

Of course not.
I am talking about Mr Buggy.

He`s :
intelligent coz he is able to solve various riddles and mysteries
knowledgeable coz he studied history and art and is a full time worker of a Historic Department in the Ministry of Culture.
caring coz he cares about his friends and helpers and protects them from rogues.
brave coz he faces danger without hesitation whenever necessary
reliable coz he doesn`t cheat, lie, manipulate. .
determined - coz he doesn`t rest until he finds the hidden lost treasures.
adventurous and crazy - it is easy to do when you possess such a curious gadget as his car.

Shyt! This means he is perfect.

I have always liked such heroes. True role models for young readers. HA!
pawian  219 | 24792
31 Jan 2023   #62
when you possess such a curious gadget as his car.

Somewhere in the middle of the series, the author introduces the second gadget, living, for a change - namely an amazing specimen of a Great Dane. The dog initially tries to dominate Mr Buggy and he worries about his position in the house but with passage of time they become good friends and cooperate nicely to catch artifact thieves.

This cover version of the book I borrowed from my school library seems the most attractive

Mr Buggy and the Mother of all Mysteries.

pawian  219 | 24792
26 Dec 2023   #63
Pan Kleks is a a wizard and educator. He runs an academy for boys whose first names start with A - they learn unusual subjects and experience amazing adventures in real and magical world.

They have just released a film based on the story but with massive changes. E.g, the main boy protagonist, Adam, was turned into a girl - Ada. Amasing!!!! :):):)

The film has attracted mostly positive opinions so far.

Compare main characters in two adaptations: 1983 with Adam and 2023 with Ada:

mowiciel prawdy
23 Jan 2024   #64
can someone recommend a good 'comprehensive' Grammar book of Polish, preferably written in Polish?

I am looking for something the size of a good brick at the very least (e.g. the German equivalent that I have at home is ca. 3000 pages long), preferably also something devised to serve as a reference for native linguists and language professionals.
Alien  23 | 5539
23 Jan 2024   #65
Adam, was turned into a girl - Ada.

He started wearing dresses or something else.
pawian  219 | 24792
5 Oct 2024   #66
I must admit that books for kids in my childhood were neutral on communist ideology which means they never mentioned the communist party and its leaders, Soviet Russia and other satellite states, let alone praising or encouraging readers to support them.

There was one common thing in those books, though - they promoted noble behaviours among youngsters.

In 1970s I read a book: The Brave Go Out at Night. It is a collection of short stories by Marian Orłoń. The first story which gave the title to the book is about 3 boy scouts who leave their camp at night to explore a deserted ruined house in the middle of the forest. While breaking through the vegetation, they discover a roe deer trapped in poacher`s wires. They let it free but the animal has a broken leg and can`t walk. After a heated exchange, two boys decide to come back to the camp with the injured animal even though they know they might be expelled by the chief for insubordination coz they left the camp illegally. The leader of the group continues his march to their destination. He says: I prefer to spend my vacation at a boring scouting camp with a strict chief rather than be bored in a dull block in the city.

Extremely inspiring story for me as a boy.

pawian  219 | 24792
5 Oct 2024   #67
Now a riddle: how does the story end???
Novichok  4 | 7809
5 Oct 2024   #68
I need a book that would help me to unlearn Polish.

Aftter 50+ years in "America", I still catch myself counting to ten in Polish when I am in the gym.
pawian  219 | 24792
5 Oct 2024   #69
I need a book that would help me

You should choose Mein Kampf. You will like it a lot and read a few times, I guarantee. It is about your fave Nazi Germans who saved you from mad Polish insurgents in 1944. hahahaha buhahahaha Ale witz!!!

Or go for the Introduction to Psychopathy. Reading it, you will understand yourself better. hahahaha buhahaha hohohoho I can`t..........
Drugi witz! To mój rekord. :)P):P):
Alien  23 | 5539
9 Oct 2024   #70
You should choose Mein Kampf

Forbidden except for scientific purposes.
pawian  219 | 24792
9 Oct 2024   #71

Tell it to Novi. When he hears it, he will buy ten copies at once. :):):)
pawian  219 | 24792
9 Oct 2024   #72
Now a riddle: how does the story end???

The two decent boys return to the scout camp. Although scared shytless, they wake up the camp commander. He is unpleasantly surprised and visibly pissed off but seeing the injured roe deer, he softens his attitude and takes care of the animal. The boys can hear a metal clank nearby - when they check it out, they find the poaching trap in the grass, brought by the leader of their group who gave up the expedition and came back, too.

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