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Polish people: did you struggle learning English - differences between both languages

eng  1 | 16
19 Apr 2010   #1
It was a lot harder than your native language?
SeanBM  34 | 5781
19 Apr 2010   #2

You do realise the difference right?
OP eng  1 | 16
20 Apr 2010   #3
your alphabet is in Latin like most European languages which makes it easy
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Apr 2010   #4
Correct and what alphabet does Polish use? (augmented by the use of diacritical marks)
Sasha  2 | 1083
20 Apr 2010   #5
alphabet... you might wanna try Finnish then... or Hungarian... they use Latin too. :)
OP eng  1 | 16
20 Apr 2010   #6
you're wrong, 95% of Finnish language is slang language + English is a lot harder than polish -coming from an English national
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Apr 2010   #7
english is a lot harder than polish -coming from an english national

That doesn't make any sense, how could English be harder than Polish for an English national?

you're wrong, 95% of finnish language is slang language

The Finnish alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet, and especially its Swedish extension. Officially it comprises 28 letters:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, X, Y, Z, Å, Ä, Ö

Eng, see the letters above the box you type in to, they are the 'other' letters used in the Polish alphabet. ĄĆĘ£ŃÓŚ-Ż.

I think you are thinking of Cyrillic which Polish never used.

Sasha, I could google it but while we are on the subject, why is it that Russia uses Cyrillic and Poland doesn't?
I'd guess that it has something to do with the Roman empire?
OP eng  1 | 16
20 Apr 2010   #8
Eng, see the letters above the box you type in to, they are the 'other' letters used in the Polish alphabet. ĄĆĘ£ŃÓŚ-Ż.

They are just Latin letters in capitols, Polish does not have it's own special alphabet like English, it's 100% Latin
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Apr 2010   #9
Polish does not have it's own special alphabet like English,

You are not making much sense.
English and Polish use the Roman alphabet or the Latin one, same thing I think.
TIT  5 | 208
20 Apr 2010   #10
Polish does not have it's own special alphabet like English

and you have English letters just like Germans have 'ß' yes?
you're a moron

The modern English alphabet is a Latin-based alphabet consisting of 26 letters[1] - the same letters that are found in the Basic modern Latin alphabet
from wiki
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Apr 2010   #11
Here is an example of the Polish alhabet:

Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła,
Kiedy my żyjemy.
Co nam obca przemoc wzięła,
Szablą odbierzemy.

Marsz, marsz Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski.
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.

As you can see the alphabet is the same.
OP eng  1 | 16
20 Apr 2010   #12
English and Polish use the Roman alphabet or the Latin one, same thing I think.

but your trying to imply that polish has it's own alphabet yet you said it's Latin, which it is..
English is a lot harder believe me, it's my native language
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Apr 2010   #13
but your trying to imply that polish has it's own alphabet yet you said it's latin, which it is..

Polish does not have it's own alphabet, Polish uses the Latin alphabet, it does however have diacritical marks that are not used in English. Those little squiggles that I was trying to show you on the letters gives a different pronunciation ĄĆĘ£ŃÓŚ-Ż

english is a lot harder believe me, it's my native language

How do you know if it is harder, you don't speak Polish.
And I find it impossible to believe you find Polish, as a foreign language, easier than English, if it is your native one.

Also language is not just about alphabet, there is grammar, pronunciation etc...


Eeeeeemmmm wrong forum...
TIT  5 | 208
20 Apr 2010   #14
do you understand Sean why people can't stand simple ordinary folks? because they are ignorant and stupid
plk123  8 | 4119
20 Apr 2010   #15
English is a lot harder than Polish

what are you on bud? English is easy in comparison to Polish
OP eng  1 | 16
20 Apr 2010   #16
Also language is not just about alphabet, there is grammar, pronunciation etc...

not with Polish, Polish writing has no commas/full stops (English only has that), it's a lot like spanish in that respect - it looks simple.. and I would also like to point out, the language sounds feminine
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Apr 2010   #17
do you understand Sean why people can't stand simple ordinary people? because they are ignorant and stupid

I don't believe that.
To be ignorant you have to know something and ignore it and this young man clearly doesn't know and is finding out and after finding out he will know and be neither stupid nor ignorant.

For we are all stupid with some things, the clever ones try to find out.

English is easy in comparison to Polish

And you are Polish, which says something.

But come on, our native language, the one we grew up with, is easier than one we learn especially later on in life.

not with Polish, polish writing has no commas/full stops (English only has that), it's a lot like Spanish in that respect

Ok now your taking the mickey.

Can you see any fullstops and commas in this example?

Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła,
Kiedy my żyjemy.
Co nam obca przemoc wzięła,
Szablą odbierzemy.

Marsz, marsz Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski.
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.

I could never be a teacher, I would be grand the first 5 minutes but then....
TIT  5 | 208
20 Apr 2010   #18
not with Polish, Polish writing has no commas/full stops (English only has that),

you have a prime example here Sean
OP eng  1 | 16
20 Apr 2010   #19
English is easy in comparison to Polish

English has more words, words that have multiple definitions, Polish doesn't have that, it has already been proven English is the 2nd hardest language to learn
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Apr 2010   #20
english has more words

That is probably true.

words that have multiple definitions, polish doesnt have that, it has already been proven english is the 2nd hardest language to learn

But the rest there is definitely false.
All languages have words with multiple definitions.
English is one of the easiest languages to learn as a second language, although I wouldn't know it's ranking.

How old are you eng?

you have a prime example here Sean

A come on, eng is hardly an adult...I think he is just a pee taker at this stage.
OP eng  1 | 16
20 Apr 2010   #21
I'm here to promote English as Polish is a dying language, plus you make a lot of grammar mistakes. I know my native language better than you so don't tell me otherwise
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Apr 2010   #22
I'm here to promote English

By saying English is harder than Polish?
You might want to revise your tact.

Polish is a dying language

I think it is catching on very well, many people in your country speak it ;)

plus you make a lot of grammar mistakes.

In which language?
Point out a few :)

I know my native language better than you so don't tell me otherwise

Sure, I didn't mean to offend you by saying you are young and are taking the pee because you are and that's OK too.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
20 Apr 2010   #23
Polish is a dying language

can you provide me information about it? or did you just made it up?
and no- i couldn't agree with statement, that 'English has more words'. Word creating in Polish is really nice, you can add 'od-' 'do-' 'na-' and other suffixes, that change the meaning of word (and no, Latin suffixes aren't as 'creative')
convex  20 | 3928
20 Apr 2010   #24
can you provide me information about it? or did you just made it up?

The number of Poles is on the decline, and Polish isn't exactly a popular language to learn.
OP eng  1 | 16
20 Apr 2010   #25
and no- i couldn't agree with statement, that 'English has more words'. Word creating in Polish is really nice, you can add 'od-' 'do-' 'na-' and other suffixes, that change the meaning of word (and no, Latin suffixes aren't as 'creative')

those Polish words you create are illegal/unofficial, unlike the English words which are regulated and approved

By saying English is harder than Polish?
You might want to revise your tact.

It's a lot harder as it's got more words/a bigger alphabet, etc...

I think it is catching on very well, many people in your country speak it ;)

It's a pity
pjlandowski  1 | 7
20 Apr 2010   #26
Just want to say to my brothers of Poland that I was shocked by the death of your President and his wife. That ALL the talented people who were of the government there, or associated in some way, were killed. It is an incedent that is is distant from me, but still touches the nerves that my hertitage gave me. God bless Poland. I know that you WILL go on despite another shot of devistation in your history.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
20 Apr 2010   #27
those Polish words you create are illegal/unofficial, unlike the English words which are regulated and approved

(..)As there is no regulatory body for the English language, there is some disagreement about correct usage, though there is enough agreement that the written form of English is relatively transcendent of dialectal variation. In addition to being used in written media such as books and newspapers, it is also the basis of Signed English.(..)

2. what means 'illegal word'?
3. language isn't a possession of some arbitrary chosen Committees, its a live thing. if i create word that can be understood by others- than this word is 'OK'.

It's a lot harder as it's got more words/a bigger alphabet, etc...

ekhm, English has a bigger alphabet? it's just a nonsense
Arg_  1 | 27
20 Apr 2010   #28
I'm argentinian, and English is a lot easier than Polish motherf*cker !
Sycamore  - | 3
20 Apr 2010   #29
Alright, lets all take a chill pill here. To all those who haven't realized yet, 'eng' is either making fun of everyone here or he's just completely uneducated.

First of all Polish and English use the same alphabet. This is pretty obvious. We do have some letters that are absent in English, but that has already been stated.

When it comes to native languages there is no difference in acquiring them. All children develop their language systems effortlessly and they never fail (apart form rare examples of mental disorders). It doesn't matter if it's Polish, English, Chinese or Swahili. All children learn them. The writing systems migh cause some problems here, since learning all the sings from the Chinese alphabet takes a lot more time, but thats a different case.

When ti comes to learning a foreign language English is undoubtedly easier. It's grammar is much simpler. Polish has much more rules, an enormous number of exeptions and things that English does not have, like declension. Of course Polish migh be easier than english for people speaking other slavic languages, but I don't have the necessary data here:)

Of course I'm not saying that Polish is the most dofficult language there is. It is a difficult one, though.

Isn't all this a bit off topic?
BevK  11 | 248
20 Apr 2010   #30
I'm here to Promote English as Polish is a dying language, plus you make a lot of grammar mistakes. I know my native language better than you so don't tell me otherwise

Is it, perchance, "April Fool's Day 2 - Rewind"?

I'm amazed to see such a thought expressed so eloquently and with such perfect execution. Kudos! However, unless you live on the Falklands could you explain how English is your native language if you are Argentinian?

@Sean naw the real challenge when teaching is getting the kind of people who never think about anything to have something to TALK about. Thankfully there's not that many of them who actually want to learn another language.

Home / Language / Polish people: did you struggle learning English - differences between both languages

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