Maybe when he was a puppy he liked playing with potatos? That's how the dog's names are being born sometimes.
That's a good theory. Back then I hardly had a word of Polish and was nervous about talking to people but now I'd ask her - although of course there's no guarantee I'd understand the answer! Usually people understand more than they speak but with me it's a case of 'mowię ale nie rozumiem'!
johnny reb 49 | 8058
18 Apr 2016 #63
I named my dog "WEGO"......Tutaj idziemy !
I named my dog "WEGO"
sounds cool
Named my dog after a Royal...
A neighbour named his dog Ugrysz.......
One of these names is clearly dumb:)
A neighbour named his dog Ugrysz.......
One of these names is clearly dumb:)
I dont have a dog but suggested by neighbour to name his pup after a PF member as an honour:D
A neighbour named his dog Ugrysz
Just to let you know that this name has no meaning in Polish language before you start suggesting it's dumb...
Maybe that's Dougpol's misspelling of Ugryź (imperative of to bite). Some may remember that in the Polish sitcom "Czterdziestolatek" the father-in-law had a dog named Bierzgo (Sic 'im).
30 Jun 2017 #69
My Family all grew up in Poland and my uncle had two labradors buba and beza
25 May 2018 #70
Juma? No? Not a common Polish name for a dog?
Well that's my dog's name. Very unique then.
Well that's my dog's name. Very unique then.
31 May 2018 #71
Oszkurwajapierdole there's unique name
8 Jul 2020 #72
Growing up my Polish grandfather had a white Shepard we called troumba (sp?) He said it meant Sh*thead. Is anyone familiar with this word??
trąba simply - the main meaning is trumpet - in a figurative meaning it can mean shithead
I wouldn`t translate it as shithead, it sounds too strong. Trąba is a mild word, sth like a fool, goof.
8 Jul 2020 #75
Do you have Żasmina, Żaneta in Poland?
Yes, but never heard them used for dogs.