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Wulkan  - | 3136
18 Apr 2016   #61
Maybe when he was a puppy he liked playing with potatos? That's how the dog's names are being born sometimes.
Atch  22 | 4299
18 Apr 2016   #62
That's a good theory. Back then I hardly had a word of Polish and was nervous about talking to people but now I'd ask her - although of course there's no guarantee I'd understand the answer! Usually people understand more than they speak but with me it's a case of 'mowię ale nie rozumiem'!
johnny reb  49 | 8058
18 Apr 2016   #63
I named my dog "WEGO"......Tutaj idziemy !
Wulkan  - | 3136
18 Apr 2016   #64
I named my dog "WEGO"

sounds cool
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
18 Apr 2016   #65
Named my dog after a Royal...

A neighbour named his dog Ugrysz.......

One of these names is clearly dumb:)
porky pok  2 | 127
18 Apr 2016   #66
I dont have a dog but suggested by neighbour to name his pup after a PF member as an honour:D
Wulkan  - | 3136
18 Apr 2016   #67
A neighbour named his dog Ugrysz

Just to let you know that this name has no meaning in Polish language before you start suggesting it's dumb...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
19 Apr 2016   #68

Maybe that's Dougpol's misspelling of Ugryź (imperative of to bite). Some may remember that in the Polish sitcom "Czterdziestolatek" the father-in-law had a dog named Bierzgo (Sic 'im).
30 Jun 2017   #69
My Family all grew up in Poland and my uncle had two labradors buba and beza
25 May 2018   #70
Juma? No? Not a common Polish name for a dog?
Well that's my dog's name. Very unique then.
31 May 2018   #71
Oszkurwajapierdole there's unique name
8 Jul 2020   #72
Growing up my Polish grandfather had a white Shepard we called troumba (sp?) He said it meant Sh*thead. Is anyone familiar with this word??
gumishu  15 | 6228
8 Jul 2020   #73

trąba simply - the main meaning is trumpet - in a figurative meaning it can mean shithead
pawian  226 | 27539
8 Jul 2020   #74
I wouldn`t translate it as shithead, it sounds too strong. Trąba is a mild word, sth like a fool, goof.
8 Jul 2020   #75
Do you have Żasmina, Żaneta in Poland?
pawian  226 | 27539
8 Jul 2020   #76
Yes, but never heard them used for dogs.

BoldItalic [quote]
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